I'm a Professor at the University of Baghdad\College of Science for Women\Department of Mathematics.
My Specialize is Commutative Algebra\Module Theory I'm interested in the categories groups and rings.
2018 until now: Professor in the College of Science for Women\ University of Baghdad 2002-2006: PhD, Pure Mathematics/ College of Science\University of Baghdad (Iraq) 1992-1994: M.Sc., Pure Mathematics\University of Baghdad (Iraq) 1983-1987: B.Sc., Mathematics / University of Baghdad (Iraq)
Module Theory
Pure Mathematics
Group Theory Ring Theory Module Theory Foundation of Mathematics
- St-closed Submodules and Semi-extending Modules
- P-rational Submodules and Certain Types of Polyform Modules
The main goal of this paper is to give a new generalizations for two important classes in the category of modules, namely the class of small submodules and the class of hollow modules. They are purely small submodules and purely hollow modules respectively. Various properties of these classes of modules are investigated. The relationship between purely small submodules and P-small submodules which is introduced by Hadi and Ibrahim, is studied. Moreover, another characterization of purely hollow modules is considered.
The main goal of this paper is to introduce a new class in the category of modules. It is called quasi-invertibility monoform (briefly QI-monoform) modules. This class of modules is a generalization of monoform modules. Various properties and another characterization of QI-monoform modules are investigated. So, we prove that an R-module M is QI-monoform if and only if for each non-zero homomorphism f:M E(M), the kernel of this homomorphism is not quasi-invertible submodule of M. Moreover, the cases under which the QI-monoform module can be monoform are discussed. The relationships between QI-monoform and other related concepts such as semisimple, injective and multiplication modules are studied. We also show that they are proper subclass
... Show MoreThe main goal of this paper is introducing and studying a new concept, which is named H-essential submodules, and we use it to construct another concept called Homessential modules. Several fundamental properties of these concepts are investigated, and other characterizations for each one of them is given. Moreover, many relationships of Homessential modules with other related concepts are studied such as Quasi-Dedekind, Uniform, Prime and Extending modules.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce dual notions of two known concepts which are semi-essential submodules and semi-uniform modules. We call these concepts; cosemi-essential submodules and cosemi-uniform modules respectively. Also, we verify that these concepts form generalizations of two well-known classes; coessential submodules and couniform modules respectively. Some conditions are considered to obtain the equivalence between cosemi-uniform and couniform. Furthermore, the relationships of cosemi-uniform module with other related concepts are studied, and some conditional characterizations of cosemi-uniform modules are investigated.
Fuchs introduced purely extending modules as a generalization of extending modules. Ahmed and Abbas gave another generalization for extending modules named semi-extending modules. In this paper, two generalizations of the extending modules are combined to give another generalization. This generalization is said to be almost semi-extending. In fact, the purely extending modules lies between the extending and almost semi-extending modules. We also show that an almost semi-extending module is a proper generalization of purely extending. In addition, various examples and important properties of this class of modules are given and considered. Another characterization of almost semi-extending modules is established. Moreover, the re
... Show MoreThe concept of St-Polyform modules, was introduced and studied by Ahmed in [1], where a module M is called St-polyform, if for every submodule N of M and for any homomorphism ð‘“:N M; kerð‘“ is St-closed submodule in N. The novelty of this paper is to dualize this class of modules, the authors call it CSt-polyform modules, and according to this dualizations, some results which appeared in [1] are dualized for example we prove that in the class of hollow modules, every CSt-polyform module is coquasi-Dedekind. In addition, several important properties of CSt-polyform module are established, and other characterization of CSt-polyform is given. Moreover, many relationships of CSt-polyform modules with other related concepts are
... Show MoreIn this paper, we introduce and study a new concept (up to our knowledge) named CL-duo modules, which is bigger than that of duo modules, and smaller than weak duo module which is given by Ozcan and Harmanci. Several properties are investigated. Also we consider some characterizations of CL-duo modules. Moreover, many relationships are given for this class of modules with other related classes of modules such as weak duo modules, P-duo modules.
In this paper, we introduce a new concept named St-polyform modules, and show that the class of St-polyform modules is contained properly in the well-known classes; polyform, strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind and ?-nonsingular modules. Various properties of such modules are obtained. Another characterization of St-polyform module is given. An existence of St-polyform submodules in certain class of modules is considered. The relationships of St-polyform with some related concepts are investigated. Furthermore, we introduce other new classes which are; St-semisimple and ?-non St-singular modules, and we verify that the class of St-polyform modules lies between them.
Throughout this paper R represents commutative ring with identity and M is a unitary left R-module. The purpose of this paper is to investigate some new results (up to our knowledge) on the concept of weak essential submodules which introduced by Muna A. Ahmed, where a submodule N of an R-module M is called weak essential, if N ? P ? (0) for each nonzero semiprime submodule P of M. In this paper we rewrite this definition in another formula. Some new definitions are introduced and various properties of weak essential submodules are considered.
The main goal of this paper is to dualize the two concepts St-closed submodule and semi-extending module which were given by Ahmed and Abbas in 2015. These dualizations are called CSt-closed submodule and cosemi-extending mod- ule. Many important properties of these dualizations are investigated, as well as some others useful results which mentioned by those authors are dualized. Furthermore, the relationships of cosemi-extending and other related modules are considered.
he concept of small monoform module was introduced by Hadi and Marhun, where a module U is called small monoform if for each non-zero submodule V of U and for every non-zero homomorphism f ∈ Hom R (V, U), implies that ker f is small submodule of V. In this paper the author dualizes this concept; she calls it co-small monoform module. Many fundamental properties of co-small monoform module are given. Partial characterization of co-small monoform module is established. Also, the author dualizes the concept of small quasi-Dedekind modules which given by Hadi and Ghawi. She show that co-small monoform is contained properly in the class of the dual of small quasi-Dedekind modules. Furthermore, some subclasses of co-small monoform are investiga
... Show MoreAbstract Throughout this paper R represents commutative ring with identity and M is a unitary left R-module, the purpose of this paper is to study a new concept, (up to our knowledge), named St-closed submodules. It is stronger than the concept of closed submodules, where a submodule N of an R-module M is called St-closed (briefly N ≤Stc M) in M, if it has no proper semi-essential extensions in M, i.e if there exists a submodule K of M such that N is a semi-essential submodule of K then N = K. An ideal I of R is called St-closed if I is an St-closed R-submodule. Various properties of St-closed submodules are considered.
Throughout this paper we introduce the notion of coextending module as a dual of the class of extending modules. Various properties of this class of modules are given, and some relationships between these modules and other related modules are introduced.
Throughout this paper we introduce the concept of quasi closed submodules which is weaker than the concept of closed submodules. By using this concept we define the class of fully extending modules, where an R-module M is called fully extending if every quasi closed submodule of M is a direct summand.This class of modules is stronger than the class of extending modules. Many results about this concept are given, also many relationships with other related concepts are introduced.
A non-zero submodule N of M is called essential if N L for each non-zero submodule L of M. And a non-zero submodule K of M is called semi-essential if K P for each non-zero prime submodule P of M. In this paper we investigate a class of submodules that lies between essential submodules and semi-essential submodules, we call these class of submodules weak essential submodules.
Throughout this paper R represents a commutative ring with identity and all R-modules M are unitary left R-modules. In this work we introduce the notion of S-maximal submodules as a generalization of the class of maximal submodules, where a proper submodule N of an R-module M is called S-maximal, if whenever W is a semi essential submodule of M with N ⊊ W ⊆ M, implies that W = M. Various properties of an S-maximal submodule are considered, and we investigate some relationships between S-maximal submodules and some others related concepts such as almost maximal submodules and semimaximal submodules. Also, we study the behavior of S-maximal submodules in the class of multiplication modules. Farther more we give S-Jacobson radical of rings
... Show MoreIn this paper, we introduce and study a new concept named couniform modules, which is a dual notion of uniform modules, where an R-module M is said to be couniform if every proper submodule N of M is either zero or there exists a proper submodule N1 of N such that is small submodule of Also many relationships are given between this class of modules and other related classes of modules. Finally, we consider the hereditary property between R-module M and R-module R in case M is couniform.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let M be a unitary left R-module. The purpose of this paper is to investigate some new results (up to our knowledge) on the concept of semi-essential submodules which introduced by Ali S. Mijbass and Nada K. Abdullah, and we make simple changes to the definition relate with the zero submodule, so we say that a submodule N of an R-module M is called semi-essential, if whenever N ∩ P = (0), then P = (0) for each prime submodule P of M. Various properties of semi-essential submodules are considered.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity 1 6= 0, and let M be a unitary left module over R. In this paper we introduce the notion of epiform∗ modules. Various properties of this class of modules are given and some relationships between these modules and other related modules are introduced.
Throughout this paper R represents commutative ring with identity, and M is a unitary left R-module. The purpose of this paper is to study a new concept, (up to our knowledge), named a semi-extending modules, as generalization of extending modules, where an Rmodule M is called semi-extending if every sub module of M is a semi-essential in a direct summand of M. Various properties of semi-extending module are considered. Moreover, we investigate the relationships between semi-extending modules and other related concepts, such as CLS-modules and FI- extending modules.
A non-zero module M is called hollow, if every proper submodule of M is small. In this work we introduce a generalization of this type of modules; we call it prime hollow modules. Some main properties of this kind of modules are investigated and the relation between these modules with hollow modules and some other modules are studied, such as semihollow, amply supplemented and lifting modules.
An R-module M is called rationally extending if each submodule of M is rational in a direct summand of M. In this paper we study this class of modules which is contained in the class of extending modules, Also we consider the class of strongly quasi-monoform modules, an R-module M is called strongly quasi-monoform if every nonzero proper submodule of M is quasi-invertible relative to some direct summand of M. Conditions are investigated to identify between these classes. Several properties are considered for such modules
A non-zero submodule N of M is called essential if N L for each non-zero submodule L of M. And a non-zero submodule K of M is called semi-essential if K P for each non-zero prime submodule P of M. In this paper we investigate a class of submodules that lies between essential submodules and semi-essential submodules, we call these class of submodules weak essential submodules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let M be a unitary left R-module. The purpose of this paper is to investigate some new results (up to our knowledge) on the concept of semi-essential submodules which introduced by Ali S. Mijbass and Nada K. Abdullah, and we make simple changes to the definition relate with the zero submodule, so we say that a submodule N of an R-module M is called semi-essential, if whenever N ∩ P = (0), then P = (0) for each prime submodule P of M. Various properties of semi-essential submodules are considered.
The concept of epiform modules is a dual of the notion of monoform modules. In this work we give some properties of this class of modules. Also, we give conditions under which every hollow (copolyform) module is epiform.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unitary left R-module. M is called special selfgenerator or weak multiplication module if for each cyclic submodule Ra of M (equivalently, for each submodule N of M) there exists a family {fi} of endomorphism of M such that Ra = ∑_i▒f_i (M) (equivalently N = ∑_i▒f_i (M)). In this paper we introduce a class of modules properly contained in selfgenerator modules called special selfgenerator modules, and we study some of properties of these modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity. R is said to be P.P ring if every principle ideal of R is projective. Endo proved that R is P.P ring if and only if Rp is an integral domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient ring Rs of R is regular. Also he proved that R is a semi-hereditary ring if and only if Rp is a valuation domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient Rs of R is regular. , and we study some of properties of these modules. In this paper we study analogue of these results in C.F, C.P, F.G.F, F.G.P R-modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unitary left R-module. M is called Z-regular if every cyclic submodule (equivalently every finitely generated) is projective and direct summand. And a module M is F-regular if every submodule of M is pure. In this paper we study a class of modules lies between Z-regular and F-regular module, we call these modules regular modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity 1 ¹ 0, and let M be a unitary left module over R. A submodule N of an R-module M is called essential, if whenever N ⋂ L = (0), then L = (0) for every submodule L of M. In this case, we write N ≤e M. An R-module M is called extending, if every submodule of M is an essential in a direct summand of M. A submodule N of an R-module M is called semi-essential (denoted by N ≤sem M), if N ∩ P ≠ (0) for each nonzero prime submodule P of M. The main purpose of this work is to determine and study two new concepts (up to our knowledge) which are St-closed submodules and semi-extending modules. St-closed submodules is contained properly in the class of closed submodules, where a submodule N of
... Show MoreThe main objective of this thesis is to study new concepts (up to our knowledge) which are P-rational submodules, P-polyform and fully polyform modules. We studied a special type of rational submodule, called the P-rational submodule. A submodule N of an R-module M is called P-rational (Simply, N≤_prM), if N is pure and Hom_R (M/N,E(M))=0 where E(M) is the injective hull of M. Many properties of the P-rational submodules were investigated, and various characteristics were given and discussed that are analogous to the results which are known in the concept of the rational submodule. We used a P-rational submodule to define a P-polyform module which is contained properly in the polyform module. An R-module M is called P-polyform if every es
... Show MoreThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of relative quasi-invertible submodules motivated by rational submodules and quasi-invertible submodules. We introduce several properties and characterizations to relative quasi-invertiblity. We further investigate conditions under which identification consider between rationality, essentiality and relative quasi-invertiblity. Finally, we consider quasiinvertiblity relative to certain classes of submodules
A submodule N is called rational in M if HomR( M N , E(M))=0, where E(M) is the injective hull of M. Rational submodules have been studied and discussed by many authors such as H.H. Storrer, H. Khabazian, E. Ghashghaei, A. Hajikarimi and A.R. Naghipour, M.S. Abbas and M.A. Ahmed. The main objective of this paper is to give a new class of submodules named P-rational submodules. This class is contained properly in the class of rational submodules. Several properties of this concept are introduced. The relationships between this class of submodules and some other related concepts are discussed such as essential and quasi-invertible submodules. Other characterizations of the P-rational submodule analogous to those which is known in the c
... Show MoreA submodule N is called rational in M if ( , E(M))=0, where E(M) is the an injective hull of M. Rational submodules have been studied and discussed by many authors such as H.H. Storrer, H. Khabazian, E. Ghashghaei, A. Hajikarimi, M.S. Abbas and M.S. Nayef. The main objective of this paper is to give a new class of submodules named P-rational submodules. This class is contained properly in the class of rational submodules. Several properties of this concept are introduced. The relationships between this class of submodules and some other related concepts are discussed such as essential and quasi-invertible submodules. Other characterizations of the P-rational submodule analogous to those which is known in the concept of the ratio
... Show MoreAn R-module M is called a polyform module if every essential submodule of M is rational. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a new concept of modules named fully polyform modules. This kind of module is contained in the class of polyform modules. We study in detail fully polyform modules, so several properties of this concept are investigated. Other characterizations and partial characterisations (i.e., satisfied by certain conditions) of the definition of fully polyform module analogous to those known in the concept of a polyform module are given and discussed. For instance, we proved that a module M is a fully polyform module if and only if M)=0 for each P-essential submodule N of M and for each V≤M with
... Show MoreAn R-module M is called polyform if every essential submodule of M is rational. The main goal of this paper is to give a new class of modules named P-polyform modules. This class of modules are contained properly in the class of polyform modules. Several properties of this concept are introduced and compared with those which is known in the concept of polyform modules. Another characterization of the definition of P-polyform modules is given as an analogue to that in the concept of polyform modules. So we proved that a module M is P-polyform if and only if M)= 0, for each essential submodule N of M, which is pure in M, and a submodule K of M, with NÍKÍM. The relationships between this class of modules and some other rela
... Show MoreAn R-module M is called a polyform module if every essential submodule of M is rational. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a new concept of modules named fully polyform modules. This kind of module is contained in the class of polyform modules. We study in detail fully polyform modules, so several properties of this concept are investigated. Other characterizations and partial characterisations (i.e., satisfied by certain conditions) of the definition of fully polyform module analogous to those known in the concept of a polyform module are given and discussed. For instance, we proved that a module M is a fully polyform module if and only if M)=0 for each P-essential submodule N of M and for each V≤M
... Show MoreThe duo module plays an important role in the module theory. Many researchers generalized this concept such as Ozcan AC, Hadi IMA and Ahmed MA. It is known that in a duo module, every submodule is fully invariant. This paper used the class of St-closed submodules to work out a module with the feature that all St-closed submodules are fully invariant. Such a module is called an Stc-duo module. This class of modules contains the duo module properly as well as the CL-duo module which was introduced by Ahmed MA. The behaviour of this new kind of module was considered and studied in detail,for instance, the hereditary property of the St-duo module was investigated, as the result; under certain conditions, every St-cl
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