Future hydraulic thermal substances made of hybrid nanofluids have a lot of potentials to fulfill the strict applied thermal energy management specifications of cutting-edge heat flux tricks. Due to synergistic thermal effects and general hydrothermal characteristics, it is necessary to examine the enhanced heat-transfer properties of nanofluids based on hybrid nanomaterials in various advances for the thermal management of machines with advanced heat flux. In a variety of corrugated casings filled with water and a hybrid nanofluid, the effects of a horizontal magnetic field on natural convection heat transfer have been studied. Finite element techniques (FEM) have been employed to solve the generated dimensionless partial differential
... Show MoreThe purpose of this study is to present a new concepts on a module M over a ring, these concepts is called R*-small sub module, R*-hollow module which present generalizations of the small submodule and hollow module, respectively. Key characteristics of these concepts such as the image and direct sum of R*-small sub module, R*-hollow module are R*-small submodule, R*-hollow submodule, respectively.
The current study aimed to study the effects of feeding olive leaves (OL) on milk yield, milk composition, body weight, and blood parameters of lactating Awassi ewes. Thirty-six newly lambed ewes and their single lambs were distributed at random and assigned to one of three diets: 0% OL (CON), 15% OL (OL15), and 30% OL (OL30) to replace the forage source in sheep's diets. The first seven days of the 56-day experiment were dedicated to adaptation, with the remaining 49 days dedicated to the collection of data. Dry matter (DM) intake was greater (p = 0.014) in the OL15 and OL30 groups compared with the CON group. Crude protein and ether extract intake was also the highest in the OL30 group (p=0.0172) followed by the OL15 group and
... Show MoreThis research was conducted to evaluate the effect of the combination of Leucaena and Indigofera in swamp grass-based rations on the quality or quantity of feed produced. The research was carried out based on a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of four treatments and four replications. The types of forage used include termite Bento grass (Leersia hexandra) from swamp land; legumes Leucaena and Indigofera. The treatments consisted of A = swamp grass and concentrate (70%:30%), B = swamp grass, Leucaena and concentrate (40%:30%:30%), C = swamp grass, Indigofera and concentrate (40%:30%:30%), D = swamp grass, Leucaena, Indigofera and concentrate (40%:15%:15%:30%). The observed variables consisted of dry matter di
... Show MoreThe objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different feeding levels (0%, 25%, and 50%) of alfalfa pellet ration (APR) (47% alfalfa) on the main carcass cuts Physico-chemical traits of Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). A total of 270 one-day-old ducklings were used. The birds at seven-day-old were assigned to 9 indoor pens of (2.2×1m) with outdoor and swimming pool (9.8×1m). Each pen represented an indoor replicate with 30 ducklings. The feeding program for Pekin Duck group treatments with (APR) (47% alfalfa) was used as a replacement to the basal diet at different percentages (0%, 25%, and 50%) for control (T0), first (T1) and
... Show Moreفي الجيل الخامس (5G) وأنظمة الاتصالات اللاسلكية المستقبلية، يعد التفاعل بين المدخلات والمخرجات المتعددة (MIMO) والموجات المليمترية (mmWaves) أمرًا مهمًا. يتيح عرض النطاق الترددي الموسع لنطاقات mmWave نشر هوائيات متعددة ، مثل تلك الموجودة في الهواتف الذكية أو الخلايا الصغيرة، مما يتيح أنظمة MIMO بترددات أعلى. يعد الجمع بين <
... Show Moreيتسبب المشي في حدوث الصدمات للاقدام البشرية وعليه ستتولد قوى متسارعة وذات قيم عالية نتيجة لتكرار هذا التصادم والتي يتركز تاثيرها بالدرجة الاساس على الكاحل .ان تغيير الزخم بين الكتلة المكافئة للطرف لدى ارتطامه بالارض سيولد اقصى قيم للتصادم وكذلك الحال عند توقف اجزاءه المتحركة عن الحركة .ينتج الزخم على القدم من جراء تاثير تبادل الزخم بين مكونات الطرف ومن جساءة او مرونة كعب الحذا
... Show Moreعلى مدى العقود القليلة الماضية، أدى ارتفاع الطلب العالمي على الطاقة إلى نشوء نمو هائل في قطاع الطاقة، وما ترتب على ذلك من عواقب وخيمة على البيئة. ونتيجة لذلك، بدأ الكوكب بأكمله في التحول إلى توليد الطاقة الخضراء، والتي ليس لها أي آثار سلبية على العالم الطبيعي. تتمتع الكهرباء الشمسية بأعلى كفاءة مقارنة بأشكال الطاقة المتجددة الأخرى. تتناول هذه الدراسة أداء الشبكة الشهرية لمنشأة طاقة شمسية افتراضية بقدرة 100 م
... Show MoreThe research aims to enhance farmers' access to agricultural credit by identifying the most important economic and social characteristics affecting the demand for agricultural loans. Farmers need agricultural credit as a source of financing due to their weak financial capabilities، and that farmers’ lack of access to credit may negatively affect the achievement of the level of production that maximizes profit or allow farmers to apply and use modern technologies or develop existing agricultural projects. Cross-sectional data were collected for a random sample of (275) farmers in Baghdad governorate. The Logit model was used to determine the most important factors affecting agricultural loans، which include gender، age، educ
... Show MoreThis study was aimed to obtain morphometric parameters of Duhok watershed evaluated through three aspects. The area was located at Duhok governorate with covers 394.87Km2. Depending on stream orders, ten of sub-watersheds were extracted from the main watershed. Furthermore, Duhok watershed stream orders ranged from 1 to 6, as well as the total number of segmented stream reported for the total number of orders was (4175). The results of the current study indicate the Duhok watershed has a high relief ratio (0.026 m/km) and relative relief (0.95) which refers to steep slopes and excessive runoff. The ruggedness value is (4.09) indicates the study region is rugged w
... Show MoreClimate is an important factor in the development of plant diseases. to be able to avoid yield loss due to disease explosion, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of climatic factors as a direct and indirect influence. one that can be done is weather data-based forecasting. This method can determine and estimate the likelihood of disease outbreaks in a certain period. In addition, disease forecasting can act as prevention due to pathogen attacks so as to avoid damage and yield loss and maintain the ecosystem of antagonistic fungi in the coffee ecosystem. Agro ecosystem management can encourage the development of antagonistic fungi as pathogen biological agents. Akanthomyces sp. species are widely reported a
... Show MoreThe current study focused on producing gelatin from ostrich bone and analyzing its chemical composition. It also studied the physical, chemical, and functional properties. The results indicated that gelatin contained protein, ash, and moisture in percentages of 82.13%, 3.32%, and 14.54%, respectively. Additionally, the gelatin had a high concentration of amino acids, as determined by amino acid analysis. The functional properties of the gelatin were identified using FTIR spectroscopy. The gelatin exhibited a gel strength of 259 g, which falls within the higher gel strength range of 200-300g. Furthermore, gelatin displayed positive values for dl (lighter/darker), da (redder/greener), and db (yellower/bluer). This indicated it had
... Show MoreThis study was aimed to evaluate the effect of aqueous Aloe vera on susceptibility to root fracture resistance (RFR) in human teeth subjected to endodontic preparation, and compare it with chemical irrigants (sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and SmearOFF). A total of 40 human maxillary first molars that were extracted and had a straight palatal root. These roots were distributed randomly based on the irrigation regimes (n=8): G1: Distilled water; G2: 3% NaOCl; G3: 3% NaOCl + 17% EDTA; G4: Smearoff; and G5: 90% Aloe vera, and then endodontically prepared using the ProTaper Next rotary system
... Show MoreThis study investigated supplementing dried rosemary leaves to the diet of some semen, as well as blood biochemical traits in Holstein bulls. The eight bulls were divided equally into two groups (4bull/group). Bulls' in the first group were fed a diet without additives (control group). The bulls in the second group were fed a diet supplemented with 250mg rosemary per bull daily for 12 weeks, preceded by a two-week preliminary period. We detected some of the rosemary's active components. The semen was collected and evaluated weekly for 12 weeks. The serum concentrations of glucose, urea, aspartate, and alanine transaminase were determined. The active components analysis of rosemary revealed it contains phenolics (Gallic acid), fla
... Show MoreThis study was aimed to determine the effect of mixed herbs and humic acid supplementation on the physiological status, haematological, and biochemical values of local goats in Indonesia. Twenty-four local goats 7-8 months old, were divided into four groups of six goats each. T0: herbs without humic acid, T1: herbs with 2-gram humic acid/goat T2: herbs and 4-gram humic acid/goat; T3: herbs and 6-gram humic acid/goat. The goats were fed grass and fermented oil palm. The result found that Orthogonal contrasts detect (P< 0.001) a significant influence of humic acid addition on respiration and heart rate, as well as HTC, with the amount of addition varying considerably during the 12.00 observation. There are no alterations in eryt
... Show MoreA comparative study was conducted to detect blood metabolic biomarkers of show and racehorse stallions in Iraq. Five stallions were selected for each, and blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture twice a time, fourteen days apart. Amino, fatty, carboxylic, and non-esterified fatty acids were investigated. Some hematological and biochemical attributes were also studied for show and racing stallions. All essential amino acids (except for threonine), non-essential amino acids (except for glutamine, glycine, and isoleucine), white blood cell (WBCs) count, granulosa (GR) percentage, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were higher (P≤0.05) in racing compared to the show stallions. On the other hand, more significant
... Show MoreA field experiment was carried out at the experimental field in the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq from beginning of October 2020 to the end of August 2021. The main objective was to find out the effect of Molybdenum (Mo) concentrations (0, 20, 40 and 60 mg L-1 ) and three stages of foliar application (vegetative growth, flowers buds appearance and 25 % blooming ) on seed yield and it’s component of alfalfa local variety. layout of the experiment was R. C. B. D. arranged in split-plot, with three replicates. Spraying stages were used as main-plots. while Mol
... Show MoreThe sudden thermal warming phenomenon in the stratosphere (SSW) occurred during wintertime, an important thing affecting communication throughout the ionosphere region. This study looks at how the SSW through the stratosphere temperature peak affects the three ionosphere parameters: the total electron content (TEC), the critical frequency foE, and the foF2 of two layers, E and F2. It uses the IRI-20 model over Basrah city, which is in the south of Iraq and lies at 30.4°N 47.7°E. This study spans 2014 and 2019, during the 24th solar cycle. In the same years, 10 hPa pressure heights are taken for hourly stratosphere temperature. It was found that there are (7) SSW events during the period selected, three in 2014 and four in 2019. The rel
... Show MoreAn electrospinning approach was used to synthesize composite nanofibers of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) doped with different concentrations (2.5, 5, and 10 wt%) of Yttrium Oxide (Y2O3). The XRD diffraction pattern revealed a cubic structure of the prepared nanocomposite. The optical characteristics of pure PVA films and PVA/Y2O3 at different ratios were studied, where the energy gap decreases with the increase of Y2O3 concentration. The morphology and the functional group of the prepared samples were characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometry, respectively. Field emission scanning electron micr
... Show MoreThis study explores the preparation, structural, and spectroscopic characterization of activated carbon derived from date pits using calcium chloride as an activating agent. Date pits, an abundant agricultural by-product, were processed into activated carbon through chemical activation with varying ratios of calcium chloride. The resulting activated carbon samples were thoroughly analyzed using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX). XRD analysis confirmed the presence of crystalline and amorphous carbon phases, with diffraction peaks corresponding to the 101, 110, and 20 planes, indicating successful ca
... Show MoreThis article proposes a new technique for determining the rate of contamination. First, a generative adversarial neural network (ANN) parallel processing technique is constructed and trained using real and secret images. Then, after the model is stabilized, the real image is passed to the generator. Finally, the generator creates an image that is visually similar to the secret image, thus achieving the same effect as the secret image transmission. Experimental results show that this technique has a good effect on the security of secret information transmission and increases the capacity of information hiding. The metric signal of noise, a structural similarity index measure, was used to determine the success of colour image-hiding techni
... Show MoreZnO/SnO2 nanocomposite thin films are prepared on glass substrates by spin coating and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) techniques, utilizing various ZnO/SnO2 ratios. The fabricated thin films are exposed to annealing at 300°C to improve their crystallinity. The surface morphology, crystalline structure, and optical properties of the produced ZnO/SnO2 nanocomposite thin films are examined. The FESEM pictures of ZnO and ZnO/SnO2 nanocomposite thin films fabricated via the spin coating process demonstrated an increase in particle size from 11 to 18 nm when the ZnO ratio increased from 50% to 90%. The minimum particle size for samples generated via PLD was 6.5 nm, achieved with a ZnO:SnO2 ratio of
... Show MoreThe research target explores how the bursting current and sodium sulfate (Na2S) concentration affect the structural and morphological properties of lead sulfide (PbS) nanoparticles. Three currents of 50, 60, and 70 A were run via a 0.5 mm-diameter lead wire. By dissolving 1, 0.75, 0.5 g of the sodium sulfate in 100 ml of water, 3 concentrations of sodium sulfate salt 10, 7.5, and 5 mg/cm3 were obtained. The sulfur ions react with lead ions when the wire explodes, producing PbS nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) of the particle structure revealed a face centered cube arrangement (fcc). The nanoparticles' size and form were detected utilizing a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
... Show MoreGraphene nanoplatelets have received extensive attention from the scientific community in the 21st century because of their two-dimensional planar structure, high surface area, functionalization abilities, and remarkable electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. In this work, the fabrications of graphene platelets/epoxy nanocomposites, with weight ratios of (0.002, 0.004, 0.006, and 0.008), were synthesized by the combined action of centrifuge and sonication techniques to reduce the aggregation and agglomeration of the graphene. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) verifies the prepared samples by the presence of main, distinguishing peaks associated with vibrational groups. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) shows a goo
... Show MoreIn this study, twenty samples of wheat flour were collected from local markets. Thirteen of these samples were local flour with different commercial names, and seven were imported flour with different commercial names. Three radionuclides (U-238, Th-232, K-40) were detected in all the wheat flour samples with a multichannel buffer (MCB) detector. The value of the specific activity of the local flour for the element U-238 ranged between 4.34 and 11.88 Bq/kg, with an average value of 7.98 Bq/ kg, as for the element Th-232, its specific activity ranged between 3.22 and 4.84 Bq/ kg, with an average value of 3.94 Bq/kg. For the element potassium K-40, the specific activity ranged between 220.45 and 290.65 Bq/kg with an average value of 248.63
... Show MoreHeavy metal pollution is one type of pollution that can affect soil and plants. The research uses spatial analysis techniques to evaluate soil pollution with heavy metals in the areas east and west of the Tigris River in Baghdad. Thirty five soil samples were collected from the study area and analyzed using atomic absorption spectoscopy. When comparing the concentrations of metals (cadmium, lead, nickel, iron, and copper) in the soil samples with the permissible limit, it was found that they were arranged as follows: Cd > Ni > Pb > Cu > Fe. Cd concentrations range was 3.55-5.4 ppm, Pb concentrations range 1.445-8.2 ppm, and Ni concentration 4.7-9.35 ppm. Fe was found in very small proportions compared to the permissible limit
... Show MoreThis paper aimed to test the epoxy and polyester blends as an organic coating on mild steel against the harsh marine environment (NaCl 3.5 wt%) that causes corrosion. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and fitting impedance data by ZsimpWin 3.22 software were used to estimate the barrier of the samples for different exposure times (30, 60, 90, and 120 min). One equivalent electrical circuit was used to fix the physical barrier and get an appropriate fitting. Epoxy and polyester blend coating showed excellent corrosion protection for steel. The blend coating showed better protection and stability against aggressive salt solutions over time. The connection between the coating film's dielectric properties (impedance spectrum)
... Show MoreNuclear medicine makes considerable use of radioisotopes. Enhancing safe practice and promoting radiation protection measures in the radiology department is greatly aided by the analysis of occupational doses received by medical radiation workers, particularly nuclear medicine staff who deal with radioisotopes. The current study sought to establish the most effective dose of F-FDG18 for PET/CT department personnel. An electronic dosimeter measured the whole-body doses received by technologists during 3 months between March 2024 and May 2024 in two PET/CT departments for eight medical staff, three at Al-Andalus Hospital and five at Al-Kawthar Hospital. In the Al-Andalus Hospital (PET/CT) department, the mean whole-body dose for
... Show MoreIn this study, the charge density distribution was calculated using the folding model, which has been applied to study the roles upon the center of mass and Pauli pair association affecting the density relying on the efficient two-body interactions, as a formula for the two-body density applicable to limit nuclei may be derived in terms of the pair correlation function for 20Ne and 24Mg nuclei. The elastic electron scattering form factors F(q) and the root of the mean square charge radii were determined. The inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors associated with the isosceles transitioning T = 0 of the ( ) and ( ) for the 20Ne and 24Mg nuclei were determined. A wave function
... Show MoreThis research investigates the properties and behaviour of magnesium (Mg) and magnesium/carbon (Mg/C) plasmas generated using the electric explosion strips technique, a method noted for producing large quantities of nanomaterials and generating plasma in confined environments. Plasma was created by passing high current densities through a metal stripe immersed in distilled, deionized water, leading to rapid ionization. Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) was employed to analyse the plasma properties, as it preserves the original state of the plasma and allows for detailed characterization based on emitted optical spectra. Key parameters, including electron temperature (Te) and electron density (ne), were determined
... Show More