Silver sulfide and the thin films Ag2Se0.8Te0.2 and Ag2Se0.8S0.2 created by the thermal evaporation process on glass with a thickness of 350 nm were examined for their structural and optical properties. These films were made at a temperature of 300 K. According to the X-ray diffraction investigation, the films are polycrystalline and have an initial orthorhombic phase. Using X-ray diffraction research, the crystallization orientations of Ag2Se and Ag2Se0.8Te0.2 & Ag2Se0.8S0.2 (23.304, 49.91) were discovered (XRD). As (Ag2Se and Ag2Se0.8Te0.2 & Ag2Se0.8S0.2) absorption coefficient fell from (470-774) nm, the optical band gap increased (2.15 & 2 & 2.25eV). For instance, the characteristics of thin films made of Ag2Se0.8Te0.2 and Ag2Se0.8S0.2
... Show MoreSilver selenide telluride Semiconducting (Ag2Se0.8Te0.2) thin films were by thermal evaporation at RT with thickness350 nm at annealing temperatures (300, 348, 398, and 448) °K for 1 hour on glass substrates .using X-ray diffraction, the structural characteristics were calculated as a function of annealing temperatures with no preferential orientation along any plane. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray techniques are used to analyze the Ag2SeTe thin films' physical makeup and properties. AFM techniques were used to analyze the surface morphology of the Ag2SeTe films, and the results showed that the values for average diameter, surface roughness, and grain size mutation increased with annealing temperature (116.36-171.02) nm The transm
... Show MoreThe structural, optical and photoelectrical properties of fabricated diffusion heterojunction (HJ) solar cell, from n-type c-Si wafer of [400] direction with Boron, has been studied. AgAl alloys was used because of its properties that affect as a good connection materials. TiO2 has been used as a reflecting layer to increase the absorption radiation. The HJ has direct allowed energy gap equal to 3.1 eV. The c-Si/B HJ solar cell yielded has an active area conversion efficiency of 16.4% with an open circuit voltage of (Voc) 0.592V, short circuit current (Isc) of 2.042mA, fill factor (F.F) of 0.682 and % =10.54.
The Ge0.4Te0.6 alloy has been prepared. Thin films of Ge0.4Te0.6 has been prepared via a thermal evaporation method with 4000A thickness, and rate of deposition (4.2) A/sec at pressure 2x10-6 Torr. The A.C electrical conductivity of a-Ge0.4Te0.6 thin films has been studied as a function of frequency for annealing temperature within the range (423-623) K, the deduced exponent s values, was found to decrease with increasing of annealing temperature through the frequency of the range (102-106) Hz. It was found that, the correlated barrier hopping (CBH) is the dominant conduction mechanism. Values of dielectric constant ε1 and dielectric loss ε2 were found to decrease with frequency and increase with temperature. The activation energies have
... Show MoreGenerally the a.c. conductivity shows a power law in frequency s () where the exponent s ≤ 1. As the frequency goes to zero the conductivity become frequency independent. The a.c. conductivity was studied for the Ge1-xSex thin films to see how the selenium contents affect the permittivity and the permeability for the Ge1-x Sex. The thin films prepared by thermal evaporation at room temperature and under vacuum (~2 x10-5toor) using Edward coating unit model 306A. From the relation between ln conductivity and ln w, the effect of selenium contents in Ge1-x Sex thin films on the exponent value, the relaxation time and the maximum barrier height. An algebric fitting method for circles and circular arcs was used to find the permit
... Show MoreThe structural, optical properties of cupper indium gallium selenite (CuIn1-xGaxSe) have been studied. CuIn1-xGaxSe thin films for x=0.6 have been prepared by thermal evaporation technique, of 2000±20 nm thickness, with rate of deposition 2±0.1 nm/sec, on glass substrate at room temperature. Heat treatment has been carried out in the range (373-773) K for 1 hour. It demonstrated from the XRD method that all the as-deposited and annealed films have polycrystalline structure of multiphase. The optical measurement of the CIGS thin films conformed that they have, direct allowed energy gap equal to 1.7 eV. The values of some important optical parameters of the studied films such as (absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coeffici
... Show MoreThe pure and Sb doped GeSe thin films have been prepared by thermal flash evaporation technique. Both the structural and optical measurement were carried out for as deposited and annealed films at different annealing temperatures.XRD spectra revealed that the all films have one significant broad amorphous peak except for pure GeSe thin film which annealed at 573 K, it has sharp peak belong to orthorhombic structure nearly at 2θ=33o. The results of the optical studies showed that the optical transition is direct and indirect allowed. The energy gap in general increased with increasing annealing temperature and decreased with increase the ratio of Sb dopant. The optical parameters such as refractive index, extinction coefficient and real and
... Show MoreThe structural, optical properties of copper oxide thin films ( CuO) thin films which have been prepared by thermal oxidation with exist air once and oxygen another have been studied. Structural analysis results of Cu thin films demonstrate that the single phase of Cu with high a crystalline structure with a preferred orientation (111). X-ray diffraction results confirm the formation of pure (CuO) phase in both methods of preparation. The optical constant are investigated and calculated such as absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and the dielectric constants for the wavelengths in the range (300-1100) nm.
The n-type Au thin films of 500nm thickness was evaporated by thermal evaporation method on p-type silicon wafer of [111] direction to formed Au/Si heterojunction solar cell. The AC conductivity, C-V and I-V characteristics of fabricated c-Au/Si diffusion heterojunction-(HJ) solar cell, has been studied. The first methods demonstrated that the AC conductivity due to with diffusiontunneling mechanism, while the second show that, the heterojunction profile is abrupt, the heterojunction parameters have been played out, such as the depletion width, built-in voltage, and concentration. And finally the third one show that the c-Au/Si HJ has rectification properties, and the solar cell yielded an open circuit voltage of (Vic) 0.4V, short circuit c
... Show MoreThe effect of different doping ratio (0.3, 0.5, and 0.7) with thickness in the range 300nmand annealed at different temp.(Ta=RT, 473, 573, 673) K on the electrical conductivity and hall effect measurements of AgInTe2thin film have and been investigated AgAlxIn(1-x) Te2 (AAIT) at RT, using thermal evaporation technique all the films were prepared on glass substrates from the alloy of the compound. Electrical conductivity (σ), the activation energies (Ea1, Ea2), Hall mobility and the carrier concentration are investigated as a function of doping. All films consist of two types of transport mechanisms for free carriers. The activation energy (Ea) decreased whereas electrical conductivity increases with increased doping. Results of Hall Effect
... Show MoreThe influence of different thickness (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000) nm on the electrical conductivity and Hall effect measurements have been investigated on the films of copper indium gallium selenide CuIn1-xGaxSe2 (CIGS) for x= 0.6.The films were produced using thermal evaporation technique on glass substrates at R.T from (CIGS) alloy. The electrical conductivity (σ), the activation energies (Ea1, Ea2), Hall mobility and the carrier concentration are investigated and calculated as function of thickness. All films contain two types of transport mechanisms of free carriers, and increases films thickness was fond to increase the electrical cAnductivity whereas the activation energy (Ea) would vary with films thickness. Hall Effect analysis resu
... Show More(Cu1-x,Agx)2ZnSnSe4 alloys have been fabricated with different Ag content(x=0, 0.1, and 0.2) successfully from their elements. Thin films of these alloys have been deposited on coring glass substrate at room temperature by thermal evaporation technique under vacuum of 10-5Torr with thickness of 800nm and deposition rate of 0.53 nm/sec. Later, films have been annealed in vacuum at (373, and 473)K, for one hour. The crystal structure of fabricated alloys and as deposited thin films had been examined by XRD analysis, which confirms the formation of tetragonal phase in [112] direction, and no secondary phases are founded. The shifting of main polycrystalline peak (112) to lower Bragg’s angle as compared to Cu2ZnSnSe4 angle refers to incorpora
... Show MoreCuInSe2 (CIS)thin films have been prepared by use vacuum thermal evaporation technique, of 750 nm thickness, with rate of deposition 1.8±0.1 nm/sec on glass substrate at room temperature and pressure (10-5) mbar. Heat treatment has been carried out in the range (400-600) K for all samples. The optical properties of the CIS thin films are been studied such as (absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary dielectric constant)by determined using Measurement absorption and transmission spectra. Results showed that through the optical constants we can made to control it is wide applications as an optoelectronic devices and photovoltaic applications.
Pure Cu (CZTSe) and Ag dopant CZTSe (CAZTSe) thin films with Ag content of 0.1 and 0.2 were fabricated on coring glass substrate at R.T with thickness of 800nm by thermal evaporation method. Comparison between the optical characteristics of pure Cu and Ag alloying thin films was done by measuring and analyzing the absorbance and transmittance spectra in the range of (400-1100)nm. Also, the effect of annealing temperature at 373K and 473K on these characteristics was studied. The results indicated that all films had high absorbance and low transmittance in visible region, and the direct bang gap of films decreases with increasing Ag content and annealing temperature. Optical parameters like extinction coefficientrefractive index, and
... Show MoreThe influence of different thickness (500,750, and 1000) nm on the structure properties electrical conductivity and hall effect measurements have been investigated on the films of copper indium selenide CuInSe2 (CIS) the films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrates at RT from compound alloy. The XRD pattern show that the film have poly crystalline structure a, the grain size increasing with as a function the thickness. Electrical conductivity (σ), the activation energies (Ea1,Ea2), hall mobility and the carrier concentration are investigated as function of thickness. All films contain two types of transport mechanisms of free carriers increase films thickness. The electrical conductivity increase with thickness
... Show MoreThis survey investigates the thermal evaporation of Ag2Se on glass substrates at various thermal annealing temperatures (300, 348, 398, and 448) °K. To ascertain the effect of annealing temperature on the structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of Ag2Se films, investigations and research were carried out. The crystal structure of the film was described by Xray diffraction and other methods.The physical structure and characteristics of the Ag2Se thin films were examined using X-ray and atomic force microscopy (AFM) based techniques. The Ag2Se films surface morphology was examined by AFM techniques; the investigation gave average diameter, surface roughness, and grain size mutation values with increasing annealing temperature
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... Show MoreThe structural properties of ternary chalcopyrite AgAlSe2 compound alloys and thin films that prepared by the thermal evaporation method at room temperature on glass substrate with a deposition rate (5±0.1) nm s-1 for different values of thickness (250,500 and 750±20) nm, have been studied, using X-ray diffraction technology. As well as, the optical properties of the prepared films have been investigated. The structural investigated shows that the alloy has polycrystalline structure of tetragonal type with preferential orientation (112), while the films have amorphous structure. Optical measurement shows that AgAlSe2 films have high absorption in the range of wavelength (350-700 nm). The optical energy gap for allowed direct transition we
... Show MoreThe enhancement of ZnSe/Si Heterojunction by adding some elements (V, In and Cu) as impurities is the main goal because they contribute to the manufacturing of renewable energy equipment, such as solar cells. This paper describes the preparation of thin films ZnSe with V, In and Cu doped using thermal evaporation method with a vacuum of 10–5 Torr. The thin film was obtained from this work could be applied in heterojunction solar cell because of several advantages including high absorption coefficient value and direct band gap. The samples prepared on a glass and n-type Si wafer substrate. These films have been annealed for 1 h in 450 K. X-ray diffraction XRD results indicated that ZnSe thin film possesses poly-crystalline structure after
... Show Moreالخلاصة ر ة التبخي رة بطريق ة المحض الرقيق ZnSe درس تأثير التلدين الحراري في بعض الخواص التركيبية والبصرية لأغشية ود ة حي لال تقني ن خ اعتين م دة س 373,473 ) م )K راوح رارة تت درجات ح ة ب 550±20 ) والملدن ) nm مك راري بس الح ة الاشعة السينية درست الخواص التركيبية واظھرت بأن الاغشية تمتلك طبيعة بلورية (تركيب مكعب). وبعد اجراء المعامل واص ا ا
... Show MoreAbstract. In this work, Bi2O3 was deposited as a thin film of different thickness (400, 500, and 600 ±20 nm) by using thermal oxidation at 573 K with ambient oxygen of evaporated bismuth (Bi) thin films in a vacuum on glass substrate and on Si wafer to produce n-Bi2O3/p-Si heterojunction. The effect of thickness on the structural, electrical, surface and optical properties of Bi2O3 thin films was studied. XRD analysis reveals that all the as deposited Bi2O3 films show polycrystalline tetragonal structure, with preferential orientation in the (201) direction, without any change in structure due to increase of film thickness. AFM and SEM images are used to investigate the influences of film thickness on surface properties. The optical measur
... Show MoreAbstract. Silver, Indium Selenium thin film with a thickness (5001±30) nm, deposited by thermal evaporation methods at RT and annealing3temperature (Ta=400, 500 and 600) K on a substrate of glass to study structural and optical properties of thin films and on p-Si wafer to fabricate the AgInSe2/p-Si heterojunction solar cell. XRD analysis shows that the AgInSe2 (AIS) deposited film at RT and annealing3temperature (Ta=400, 500 and 600) K have polycrystalline structure. The average grain size has been estimated from AFM images. The energy gap was estimated from the optical transmittance using a spectrometer type (UV.-Visible 1800 spectra photometer). From I-V characterization , the photovoltaic parameters such as, open-circuit voltage, short
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