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عبدالله عبدالهادي عبدالله - Abdullah Abdulhadi Abdullah
PhD - assistant professor
College of pharmacy , Department of clinical laboratory sciences
[email protected]

Dr. Abdullah holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics, a Master's degree in Atmospheric Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Physics. With over 20 years of teaching experience, has lectured in a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics, Medical Statistics, Medical Physics, and Computing at the College of Pharmacy. In addition to extensive teaching, I have contributed to several research projects within the field of Atmospheric Sciences. Dr. Abdullah is also the author of several academic books, including titles on Medical Physics, Medical Statistics, and two books on Atmospheric Sciences, covering the fundamentals of meteorology and weather phenomena. I’m passion for education and research is reflected in a robust publication record and a commitment to advancing knowledge in both the physical sciences and atmospheric studies.


 B.Sc. Physics (1989), College of Science, University of Mustansyriah  M.Sc. Atmospheric science (2000), College of Science, University of Mustansyriah  Ph.D. Physics (2003), College of Science, University of Mustansyriah.


  Manger of computer science Laboratory
 Manger of Medical physics Laboratory
 Member of Examine committee in pharmacy college.  Member of scientific committee in laboratory science department.  Head of Examine committee in pharmacy college. statistical evaluator for MSc thesis.

Awards and Memberships

 Member, Iraqi Parapsychology association.  Member, Iraqi Statistical association.  Member, Iraqi Physics association.  Member, Iraqi Hunting club.

Research Interests

Dr. Abdullah research interests span a variety of fields within Physics and Atmospheric Sciences. Key areas of focus include:

  • Atmospheric Sciences: Specializing in weather dynamics, climate change, and meteorological phenomena. has conducted research on the impact of atmospheric conditions on environmental systems.

  • Medical Physics: Focusing on the application of physics to the medical field, with an emphasis on imaging techniques, radiation therapy, and the development of medical devices.

  • Medical Statistics: Investigating statistical methods and their application in the medical field, particularly in the analysis of clinical data and the interpretation of biomedical research.

  • Computational Physics: Using computational methods to solve complex problems in physics, including simulations of atmospheric and environmental models. is passionate about interdisciplinary research that bridges the gap between theoretical physics, practical applications, and the environmental

  • sciences.

Academic Area
  • Computational Physics: Using computational methods to solve complex problems in physics, including simulations of atmospheric and environmental models. Medical Physics: Focusing on the application of physics to the medical field, with an emphasis on imaging techniques, radiation therapy, and the development of medical devices.
  • Medical Statistics: Investigating statistical methods and their application in the medical field, particularly in the analysis of clinical data and the interpretation of biomedical research.
Teaching materials
Math biostatistics
كلية الصيدلة
العلوم المختبرية السريرية
Stage 1
medical physics
كلية الصيدلة
العلوم المختبرية السريرية
Stage 1

Mathematic and biostatistics.  Computer sciences 1  Computer sciences 2  Medical physics  Biostatistics for MSC & High diploma.


supervisor for:

  1. immune evasion by african trypanosoma.
  2. Ascorbic acid : its role in immune system and cronic inflammation diseases,
  3. Diabetes mellitus and gut microbiota.
  4. Knowlegede,attitude and practice of breast cancer among medical school students
Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Atmospheric Emissions Effects and Mechanism
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Humanity's relationship with the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world's population has grown at an exponential rate, and this has a major environmental effect. Deforestation, pollution, and global climate change are just a few of the negative consequences of population and technological growth. Particulates, Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary pollutants that harm our health. These contaminants may be directly emitted into the atmosphere (primary pollutants) or formed in the atmosphere from primary pollutants reacting (secondary pollutants. Tropospheric ozone is created When water reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the presen

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Global Effects of Atmospheric Emissions
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The element carbon Carbon dioxide emissions are increasing primarily as a result of people's use of fossil fuels for electricity. Coal and oil are fossil fuels that contain carbon that plants removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis over millions of years; and in just a few hundred years we've returned carbon to the atmosphere. The element carbon Carbon dioxide concentrations rise primarily as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and Freon for electricity. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas produce carbon plants that were photosynthesized from the atmosphere over many years, since in just two centuries, carbon was returned to the atmosphere. Climate alter could be a noteworthy time variety in weather designs happening ov

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
دار الكتب والوثائق العراقيه
Introduction to Medical and Biological Statistics for Pharmacy Students and Medical Groups (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) -
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Introduction to Medical and Biological Statistics for Pharmacy Students and Medical Groups (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) -

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
دار الكتب والوثائق العراقيه
Introduction to Medical Physics for Pharmacy Students and Medical Groups -
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Introduction to Medical Physics for Pharmacy Students and Medical Groups -

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
دار الكتب والوثائق العراقيه
Essentilas of Atmospheric Sciences -
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Essentilas of Atmospheric Sciences -

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
دار الكتب والوثائق العراقيه
Fundamentals Concept in Metorology an Introductory Survey -
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Fundamentals Concept in Metorology an Introductory Survey -

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Environment Asia 14(1) 2021 13-22
Synoptic analysis of dust storm in Iraq
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In this study, the synoptic analysis of dust storm for spring and summertime in Iraq were investigated. The images for dust provided by NASA are used to emphasize the dust storm days, while the composite maps of wind vector and geopotential 850hPa are mapped to investigate the pressure and wind direction patterns appearing with the dust condition in the same days. Spring has more dust frequency than summertime, especially in May. The frontal type of dust storm is dominant on spring, the cold air pushes the warm air that picking up the sand to the air through the vertical wind, but the southwestern high-speed wind and drought condition were controlled on the dust in summer. The northwestern wind is the main factor that carries the dust for l

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2025
Journal Name
Academic Science Journal
Estimation Monthly Mean, Temperature using Correlation Formula in different provinces in Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2015
Journal Name
Al Mustansyriah Journal Of Science
Comparison between (ARIMA) and (ANNs) models for estimating the relative humidity for Baghdad city
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The aim of the research is to study the comparison between (ARIMA) Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average and(ANNs) Artificial Neural Networks models and to select the best one for prediction the monthly relative humidity values depending upon the standard errors between estimated and observe values . It has been noted that both can be used for estimation and the best on among is (ANNs) as the values (MAE,RMSE, R2) is )0.036816,0.0466,0.91) respectively for the best formula for model (ARIMA) (6,0,2)(6,0,1) whereas the values of estimates relative to model (ANNs) for the best formula (5,5,1) is (0.0109, 0.0139 ,0.991) respectively. so that model (ANNs) is superior than (ARIMA) in a such evaluation.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Alfateh
Study of the current of the MHD generator with modified Bohm diffusion
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generator the metal conductor is replaced by conducting gas plasma.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2019
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Scince
Study influence of thickness and electrode mater on some electrical properties for ZnSe thin films prepared by thermal evaporation in vacuum
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Thin films of Zinc Selenide ZnSe have been prepared by using thermal evaporation in vacuum technique (10-5Torr) with thickness (1000, 2700, 4000) A0 and change electrode material and deposited on glass substrates with temperature (373K) and study some electrical properties at this temperature . The graphs shows linear relation between current and voltage and the results have shown increases in the value of current and electrical conductivity with increase thickness and change electrode material from Aluminum to Copper

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Applied Physics (iosr-jap)
Influence of concentration on the structural, optical and electrical properties of TiO 2 : CuO thin film Fabricate by PLD
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In this work, Titanium oxide thin films doped with different concentration of CuO (0,5,10, 15,20) %wt were prepared by pulse laser deposition(PLD) technique on glass substrates at room temperature with constant deposition parameter such as : pulse (Nd:YAG), laser with λ=1064 nm, constant energy 800 mJ , repetition rate 6 Hz and No. of pulse (500). The structure , optical and electrical properties were studied . The results of X-ray diffraction( XRD) confirmed that the film grown by this technique have good crystalline tetragonal mixed anatase and rutile phase structure, The preferred orientation was along (110) direction for Rutile phase. The optical properties of the films were studied by UV-VIS spectrum in the range of (360-1100)

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
UV Photovoltaic detector based on Bi doped TiO2 Fabricated by Pulse Laser Deposition
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Pure and doped TiO 2 with Bi films are obtained by pulse laser deposition technique at RT under vacume 10-3 mbar, and the influence of Bi content on the photocvoltaic properties of TiO 2 hetrojunctions is studied. All the films display photovoltaic in the near visible region. A broad double peaks are observed around λ= 300nm for pure TiO 2 at RT in the spectral response of the photocurrent, which corresponds approximately to the absorption edge and this peak shift to higher wavelength (600 nm) when Bi content increase by 7% then decrease by 9%. The result is confirmed with the decreasing of the energy gap in optical properties. Also, the increasing is due to an increase in the amount of Bi content, and shifted to 400nm when annealed at 523

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Diala Journal For Application Research
Study and calculation of the effects of excessive stress temperatures on the buoyant convection of clouds.
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Recent developments in two main phases of cumulus cloud studies are discussed; first the relations between the clouds and their energy sources in the subcloud layer and second, the interaction between the clouds and their environment in the cloud layer. Under the first heading, the various originating impulses for cumulus formation are mentionitd. and how the character of this impulse affects the spacing, scale and temperature structure of the clouds. The possible origins of trade cumuli are considered.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Applied Research
دراسة وحساب تاثيرات الفرط في درجات الحرارة الجهدية على الحمل الطافي للغيوم.
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Deep convective clouds tend to exert large but compensating effects in the shortwave and longwave that largely cancel, leading to a muted effect on net cloud radiative effect. Multi-layered cloud systems, ubiquitous in both hemispheres, exert strong cooling influence on Earth of around 6.1 W m-2.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
The International Scientific Conference For Nanotechnology And Advance Research’s
Effect of the annealing and compositional on the Morphological and electrical
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Nanocrystalline TiO 2 and CuO doped TiO 2 thin films were successfully deposited on suitably cleaned glass substrate at constant room temperature and different concentrations of CuO (0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2) wt% using pulse laser deposition(PLD) technique at a constant deposition parameter such as : (pulse Nd:YAG laser with λ=1064 nm, constant energy 800 mJ, with repetition rate 6 Hz and No. of pulse (500). The films were annealed at different annealing temperatures 423K and 523 K. The effect of annealing on the morphological and electrical properties was studied. Surface morphology of the thin films has been studied by using atomic force microscopes which showed that the films have good crystalline and homogeneous surface. The Root M

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