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Assessment of uric acid in patients of end-stage renal disease with hypertension and diabetic nephropathy and the risk of cardiovascular diseases
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The relationship of hyperuricemia to kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension and the risk of cardiovascular diseases remain controversial. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of uric acid (UA) levels to find the higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with end stage renal disease that have diabetic nephropathy (DN), nephropathy with hypertension (NH) and patients with both diabetic nephropathy with hypertension (DNH). This study deals with 115 patients with end-stage renal disease under hemodialysis sub-grouped into 35 patients with (DN), 40 patients with (NH), and 40 patients with (DNH). Some biochemical parameters were determined in the serum of all participants such as HbA1c, fasting blood glucose (FBG), UA, urea, serum creatinine, total serum protein, calcium, phosphate, albumin, and globin levels. The present study revealed a significant increase (P<0.05) in HbA1c, FBG, urea and creatinine in DN and DNH patients compared to NH group. However, non-significant difference was found in total serum protein, serum albumin, globulin, calcium, and phosphate levels between the groups. A positive correlation was found between UA level with FBG, HbA1c and creatinine in DN and DNH groups in comparison to NH group. Levels of UA can be considered as a reliable marker, which is less expensive and helps clinicians in controlling the progression to microvascular complications. The early detection of any complication and adopting the appropriate treatment to reduce the risk of CVD can reduce morbidity and mortality.

Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Prothrombotic changes in patients with end-stage renal disease and its relation to thrombotic cardiovascular complication
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There is a great risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and vascular thrombosis in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). These patients exhibit numerous abnormalities in coagulation, fibrinolytic, inhibitory protein abnormalities in multiple levels. The study aimed to assess hypercoagulable changes by measuring the levels of antithrombin, plasma fibrinogen and FXII activity in patients with ESRD, and to find their correlation with Hemoglobin (Hb) level, WBC count, reticulocyte percentage and platelet count. This study was conducted at Al-Hayat center, Al Karama Teaching Hospital on 50 ESRD patients aged < 60 years of both genders. In addition, 20 apparently healthy individuals were included as a control group. The mean Hb level, total

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Pathology
Evaluation of transferrin saturation and serum ferritin in assessing body iron status in patients with end stage renal disease
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The study aimed to evaluate the benefits of transferrin saturation percentage (TSAT) and serum ferritin in assessing body iron status, which can influence erythropoietin treatment in patients with ESRD. Forty end-stage renal disease patients on regular hemodialysis participated in this study. Clinical data were obtained. Serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation, ferritin, albumin, creatinine, and C-reactive protein were investigated. Thirty healthy people were enrolled as a control group. ESRD patients had a mean age of 45.1±13.9 years, with 60% being males. They exhibited significantly lower hematocrit (25.3±6.5%), and higher platelet (285.7±148.1x10^9/L) and WBC (9.4±3.1x10^9/L) counts compared to healthy contro

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Molecular assessment of some cardiovascular genetic risk factors among Iraqi patients with ischemic heart diseases
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Abstract Objective: The underlying molecular basis of ischemic heart diseases (IHDs) has not yet been studied among Iraqi people. This study determined the frequency and types of some cardiovascular genetic risk factors among Iraqi patients with IHDs. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study recruiting 56 patients with acute IHD during a 2-month period excluding patients >50 years and patients with documented hyperlipidemia. Their ages ranged between 18 and 50 years; males were 54 and females were only 2. Peripheral blood samples were aspirated from all patients for troponin I and DNA testing. Molecular analysis to detect 12 common cardiovascular genetic risk factors using CVD StripAssay® (ViennaLab Diagnostics GmbH, Austria) was performed

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of the Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) on End Stage Renal Failure Disease (ESRD) Pre-Hemodialysis in Iraqi Patients
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     Chronic renal disease (CRD) is a pathophysiologic process with multiple etiologies, resulting in the inexorable attrition of Nephron number and function and frequently leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In turn, ESRD represents a clinical state or condition in which there has been an irreversible loss of endogenous renal function, of a degree sufficient to render the patient permanently dependent upon renal replacement therapy (dialysis of transplantation) in order to avoid life threatening uremia, reflecting a dysfunction of all organ systems as a result of untreated or under treated acute or chronic renal failure. The current study was involved 80 patients, the age range within 25-70 ye

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Hyperglycemia, and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines as Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Acromegaly Patients
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Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common comorbidities associated with enlarged extremities, occurring in 60 % of patients with acromegaly. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship of growth hormone and insulin such as growth factor-1 with obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10), as risk factors for cardiovascular disorder in acromegaly patients. Eighty subjects were included and categorized into two groups: 40 acromegaly patients and 40 of the control group. The results indicated weight excess, hyperglycemia, hypertension, lipid disorder, and elevated levels of interleukins (2, 6, and 10). The correlation of both GH and IGF-1 with each of weight, BMI, systolic blood p

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Study of some risk factors and C - reactive protein levels among patients with cardiovascular diseases
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Objective : To study the effect of some risk factors like age, smoking and Diabetes mellitus (DM) among patients with
certain cardiovascular diseases (Angina pectoris and Myocardial infarction), in addition to the assessment of the Creactive
protein (CRP) in the sera of those patients.
Methodology: The study was carried out on (100) subjects who were hospitalized in the Iraqi Center of heart Diseases
in Baghdad city and were suffering from Myocardial InfarcƟon (MI) (16) and Angina Pectoris (AP) (79) or from both (5)
over a period from September 2009 to June 2010. The results of paƟents were compared with those of (30) healthy
and age-matched individuals as a control group. Data were obtained from patients who were alr

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Health Education Program upon Knowledge of Patients with End-Stage Renal Failure
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Objective(s): To determine the impact of health education program toward their end-stage renal failure (ESRF)
patients’ knowledge through a follow-up approach each two months post program implementation for six months.
Methodology: "Follow-up" longitudinal design by using time series approach of data analysis and the application of
pre-post tests approach for the study group and the control group. The study is conducted in Al-Shahid Ghazi Hariri
Teaching Hospital for Surgical Specialties/Centre for Disease and Renal Transplant, and Al-Khayal private Hospital for
renal disease and transplantation during the period from August, 29th
, 2010 through February, 28th
, 2011. To achieve
the objectives of the study, purp

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
Frontiers In Cardiovascular Medicine
Association Between Periodontal Disease and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases: Revisited
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Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ACVD) is an inflammatory disease of the coronary arteries associated with atheroma formation, which can cause disability and often death. Periodontitis is ranked as the sixth most prevalent disease affecting humans affecting 740 million people worldwide. In the last few decades, researchers have focused on the effect of periodontal disease (PD) on cardiovascular disease. The aim of this review was to investigate the association between these two diseases. PD is a potential risk factor that may initiate the development, maturation, and instability of atheroma in the arteries. Two mechanisms were proposed to explain such association, either periodontal pathogens directly invade bloodstream or in

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Scopus (92)
Crossref (88)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of IL-35 and hs-CRP in Iraqi Patients with Cardiovascular diseases
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    Interleukin-35 (IL-35) is a novel anti-inflammatory of IL-12 family member cytokine. High sensitive C- reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a marker of inflammation disease. This study was obtained to estimate the concentrations of IL-35 and hs-CRP in cardiovascular diseases Iraqi patients. The study contained 79 subjects divided into two groups, 47 (21 male and 26 female) suffering from cardiovascular diseases and 32 as control group. The concentration of IL-35 and hs-CRP was measured by enzyme- linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). The results revealed that the concentrations of IL-35 and hs-CRP are increased in patients group. IL-35 is strongly expressed in human advanced plaque and hs-CRP. Therefore these two biomarkers cou

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Relationship between Uric Acid Concentration and Some of Plasma Lipids in Patients with C. V. Disease in General Hospital of Al-Nasseriya
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         Cardiovascular disorders  are  refer to the class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins). While the term technically refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system. Cholesterol is classified as a sterol (a contraction of steroid and

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