الخلفية:ان الهليوم- نيون ليزر(632,8 نانومتر) قد يؤدي الى تقليل الاثار الضارة الناتجة من الاشعة المؤذية ربما عن طريق حث بعض اليات الدفاع المضادة للاكسدة او تعجيل اصلاح الضرر.
الهدف: لدراسة خصائص حماية الهليوم- نيون ليزر(632,8 نانومتر) وذلك بتقليل ضرر الاشعة فوق البنفسجية (253,7 نانومتر) على الخلايا اللمفاوية في دم الانسان وكذلك الحمض النووي لنفس الخلايا.
... Show Moreالمقدمة: يعتبر التهاب الكبد الفايروسي المزمن من النوع (ج) من اكثر امراض الكبد شيوعا في الوقت الحاضر, وينتشر هذا المرض في مجاميع المرضى الخاضعين لعملية الديلزة في انحاء مختلفة من العالم. &nbs
... Show Moreالهدف: هو تسجيل حالة دبوس اخترق الفم، اختراق قاعدة الجمجمة والمنطقة العنقية العليا، والتي نادرا ما تذكر في البحوث الطبيه، ومقارنتها مع الدراسات الأخرى التي تقدم تقارير مماثلة.
ويسرد الباحث تفاصيل الحاله السريريه و الشعاعية, و نهج العمليات الجراحية في مثل هذه الحاله.
تم التأكد من التشخيص بالأشعة السينية والتصوير المقطعي العادي مع دراسة العظم. و تم اجر
... Show Moreالخلفية: ان المرضى المصابين بالعجز الكلوي المزمن والخاضعين للديلزة لفترة طويلة لهم استعداد للاصابة بمرض تصلب الشرايين وزيادة خطورة اصابتهم بأمراض قلبية وعائية.
الهدف: ان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هي لمقارنة مؤشر تصلب الشرايين العصيدي للتنبؤ بخطورة الاصابة بأمراض قلبية وعائية في مرضى العجز الكلوي المزمن والخاضعين للديلزة المنظمة وعلاقتهم بأمراض مزمنة اخرى.
المرضى وطرائق العم
... Show Moreالخلفية:تطلب الدلائل الورمية في اغلب الأحيان كجزء من الأعمال التشخيصية وقد اقترح أن تركيزها العالي في المصل يدل على وجود نسيج خبيث في عضو معين ,على أية حال يستند التشخيص القطعي على تقييم تشريحي للنسيج المعين .
الهدف:إن هدف الدراسة الحالية هو تقدير قيم الدلائل الورمية CA15-3و CEA التي يمكن إن تستعمل كأداة تشخيص مبكرة في أمصال مرضى سرطان القولون , الم
... Show Moreالمقدمة:
علاج اعادة التوعي لمرضى الجذع الايسر او الشرايين التاجية الثلاثة بقى مسألة حجة لوقت طويل سواء من قبل التدخل التاجي الجلدي او تطعيم طريق الشريان التاجي سنتاكس صممت لتقيم استراتيجية اعادة التوعي المثالية بين التدخل التاجي الجلدي وتطعيم طريق الشريان التاجي لمرضى الجذع الايسر او مرضى الشرايين التاجية الثلاث.
الطريقة:دراسة اجريت في ال
... Show Moreالمقدمة: دراسة مقارنة عن فاعلية عقاري الهيبارين والاينوكسيبارين في منع تفشي تخثر الاوعية العميقة غير الظاهرة سريريا عند المرضى بعد اجراء عملية تبديل مفصل الركبة الكامل.
ان تخثر الاوردة العميقة هي احدى المضاعفات الشائعة بعد عمليات تبديل مفاصل الورك والركبة , وبات من الاهم الكشف عنها مبكرا لعلاجها قبل ان تتفاقم وتؤدي الى مضاعفات كبرى قد تودي بالحياة.
... Show Moreالخلاصة
التدرن الرئوي الناكس هو عودة الاصابة بالتدرن الرئوي بعد اكمال العلاج وتحسن الحالة المرضية.
الهدف من الدراسة :
لوصف خصائص المرضى المصابين بالتدرن الرئوي الناكس في العراق.
مكان الدراسة :
اجريت هذه الدراسة في مركز الامراض الصدرية والتنفسية التعليمي ( المركز الوطني
... Show Moreالخلفية: ان ظهور المرض في العقد اللمفاوية الابطية هو المؤشر النذير الاكثر اهمية في نتائج المرضى المصابين بسرطان الثدي .ان الموجات فوق الصوتية الموجهة للابرة الدقيقة هو وسيلة سريعة غير مؤذية للكشف عن ظهور المرض في الابط.لقد تم استخدام الموجات فوق الصوتية عالية التردد مع الدوبلر الملون للتمييز بين العقد اللمفاوية الحميدة والعقد اللمفاوية المصابة بالمرض.
أن ثقب جدار القلب بين البطينين الناتج عن أحشاء العضلة القلبية وبالرغم من ندرته ألا أن مضاعفاته مميتة.وتحدث هذه المضاعفات عادة بعد مرور حوالي 2_8 أيام من أحتشاء العضلة القلبية وعادة ماتنتهي بهبوط حاد بالدورة الدموية ولغرض تفادي المضاعفات وحالات الوفاة العالية والمصاحبة لهذه الحاله. يجب أجراء العملية الجراحية بصوره طارئة وعادة يحتاج المرضى بالاضافه الى تصليح جدار القلب لزراعة شرايين القلب التاج
... Show Moreالخلاصه:
ان استهلال وصون الوظائف الإنجابية مرتبطه بوزن الجسمالمثاليفي النساء.
الهدف:دراسة العلاقةبينالسمنة علاماتاحتياطي المبيض فيالنساء في سنمنتصفالإنجابية(21 --35 سنة).
المرضى وطرق العمل:عشرون مشاركه( ذوسمنة),مؤشر كتلةالجسم(BMI) ( 30-35)كغم\م2. والمشاركات20 اخريات ("غيرالبدناء") كان مؤشر كتله الجسم اقل من 30 كغم\م2. كانت متوسط العمرف
... Show Moreالخلفية : ظهور المشيب هي علامة لتقدم السن وجدت انها تقترن بالقصور الشرياني . المتلازمة الايضية هي مايطلق على مجموعة عوامل الخطورة التي غالبا ماتزيد من مخاطر الاصابة بتصلب الشرايين.
الهدف : اختبار الاقتران بين العمر الذي يبدأ به ظهور الشيب والعرضة للاصابة بالمتلازمة الايضية.
الطرق : اربعمائة وواحد وثمانون شخص اشيب الشعر اشتركوا في ال
... Show Moreملخص تقرير الحالة :
مرض كيس الصفراء شائع نسبيا و مضاعفاته تشاهد من حين لاخر. واحد من المضاعفات النادرة هو انفجار كيس الصفراء. في الحالة المقدمة نحن قد واجهنا صورة مشابهة لانفجار كيس الصفراء عند الاستكشاف الجراحي مع دبيلة كيس الصفراء و خراج حول الكيس و وجود حصاة (داخل الخراج) محددة بين كيس الصفراء و سرير الكبد مع عدم وجود انفجار في كيس الصفراء او فتحة ناسور ممكن اكتشافها.
... Show MoreBackground: There is a need for a periodic review of acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) since the pathogens responsible for infection vary with time, geography and patient's age. This study was carried out to describe the epidemiology of different types of meningitis and variables affecting the outcome (improvement, complication and death).
Patients and Methods: All the cases of meningitis diagnosed and treated at Ibn- Al-Khateeb Teaching Hospital for the period Jan. 1993 to Dec. 1998 were included in this study. The collected data were age, sex, occupation, date of admission, date of discharge, type of meningitis and outcome of the disease.
Results: Out of the total cases, 73.3% were ABM. High rate of A
Background: Ministry of Health, since its establishment, adopted the policy of central financing system and free medical services in all health facilities. The sanction and the decline in per capita spending affect the health financing system, thus in 1997 a new financing policy was adopted as pilot in seven specialized hospital called “self–finance” system in which the cost of care was shifted to the patients, i.e. the funds obtained came from user charges at the health facilities. This system was extended (with some modifications) to all hospitals in 1999 and PHC centers in 2001 and implemented until 2003 when it was discontinued.
Materials and Methods: During the second half of 2004, a review of
Background: This study was done to assist bond strength of glass ionomer cement reinforced by different amount of Hydroxyapatite
Materials and methods: In this study a hydroxyapatite materials were added to glass ionomer cement at different ratios; 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight) and the bond strength was detected by construction a cylinders from these mixed materials, constructed on exposed dentine of human extracted premolar teeth and by Zwick’s universal testing machine the bond strength were detected for these mixed materials.
Results: Results showed that the glass ionomer cement reinforced by hydroxyapatite has higher bond strength than conventional glass ionomer cement and the hydroyapat
Back ground: This study was conducted to estimate the relation ship of the incisive papilla to the antero posterior arrangement of the maxillary anterior teeth in a two different groups (Iraqi and Yemenian groups), because incisive papilla is considered as a reliable and relatively stable anatomic land mark.
Materials and Methods: Maxillary and mandibular stone casts were collected from 100 dental students, (50) of Iraqi dental students in Baghdad university and (50) of Yemenian dental students in Ibb university at the 3rd and 4th classes. Age ranged from 21-25 years. Alginate impression, dental stone, stock trays were used. Photographic technique was used to measure anatomic land marks located on de
Background: cerebellar astrocytroma is the commonest paediatric posterior fossa tumor.
Patients and method: 54 patients taken from the neuro-surgical unit in the specialized surgical hospital from Aug 1995 till March 2003, all patients studied thoroughly age, gender, Presentation, Radiological diagnoses, surgery, additive therapy & final outcome including 5 years survival &
conclusion is reached.
Results and discussion: the results show that more than half of the patients were at age 5-7 years with very slight male predominance, most cases diagnosed by CT, some with MRI or MRI
alone.Surgery was done for all cases & 16 patients' preceeded by VP shunt. The final out come is compared with other si
Background: Molecular DNA hybridization has confirmed more than 120 different human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes. A small group of them have high- risk oncogenic potential. Many studies have described an association of such high risk-HPV genotypes with a variety of esophageal benign tumors as well as malignant squamous cell carcinomas.
Patients and Methods: A total number of 90 tissue specimens were collected from 50 patients with esophageal squamous cell (SCC), adenocarcinoma (AC) and carcinoma in situ (CIS); 20 patients with squamous acanthosis (SA); and 20 individuals with apparently-healthy esophageal tissues (AHET). The molecular detection methods for HPV detection and genotyping were performed by in s
Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common cause of anovulation during reproductive life.Resistin can increase ovarian androgen production by directly stimulating ovarian theca cell or indirectly by augmenting pancreatic – B cell production of insulin.
Patients and Methods: Sixty patients with PCOS who were non diabetic and not taking any medicine for the last three months were involved in the study .Thirty normal fertile female serves as control group. Fasting blood samples were aspirated from all individuals from 3rd - 6th day of the menstrual cycle to measure resistin, insulin, glucose, LH, FSH, TT3, TT4, Prolactin , Total Testosterone and lipid profile, by ELISA and rou
Background: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is heterogenous syndrome. Because the diversity of disease processes and formation of complex lymphoid microstructures that indicate the multiple T cell activation pathways are involved .affected patients have major abnormalities in the T cell pool with clonally expanded CD4 + T cell that lose expression of the CD28null molecule and lack the ability for profiliration. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an indicator of the proliferation and differenation of lymphocyte, in particularly the T cell subcells.
Patients and Methods: Total ADA levels were measured in the sera of RA patients and healthy group according to Giusti (1981).
Results: The mean value of ADA was lo
Background: Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the most common human pathogens and considered as one of the causative agents of STDs. This organism cause acute and recurrent pelvic infections and infertility.
Patients and Methods: Two hundred and seventy three females were included in the present study, attending infertility department, AL-Elwiya hospital, AL-Jarah private hospital, central public health laboratory and STDs clinic to whom IFAT, ELAF and immunoglobulins concentration were done.
Results: Females were divided into three age groups <20; 20-39 and ≥40 years. Single and repeated abortions were 44.9%, 55.1% respectively. Primary and secondary infertility were 55.6% and 44.4%. Higher abortio
Background: CA19-9 is among a group of mucin glycoprotein sialosyl lewis antigen (SLA) having come to be recognized as a circulating cancer associated antigen for gastrointestinal cancer. Basic research into cancer causation will be a powerful determinant of intervention in the transformation process reinforcing the need for developing effective molecular tumor biomarkers for early detection of malignant evolution in tissues of organs i.e. stomach, colon and rectum. In this study, we make a comparsion between the levels of CA19-9 in sera and tissues of patients with these diseases to see if their levels are proportional and if it is a tumor marker that affect with malignant cells in tissues of these org
... Show MoreBackground: A quick and easy method was developed for extraction of DNA of eukaryotes from different samples, which are bone marrow and sperms in white mice Mus musculus strain (Balb/c).
Patients and Methods: this method using high salt buffer, Ethylene diemine tetracetec acid (EDTA), Trypsine,Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS), and urea without using Proteinase-K digestion or ultracentrifugation.
Results: This method was successful in extracting DNA from different samples in eukaryotic and this DNA is suitable for Hind III digestion.
Conclusion: Without further clean-up, the extracted DNA can be used for restriction endonuclease digestion or for numerous applications.
Background: Deficiency in beta cell mass is the hallmark of most forms of diabetes, it is worthwhile understanding pancreatic regeneration in the context of this disease.Of crucial importance in the development of diabetes, both type I and type II, is the insufficient beta cell replication after the onset of disease.This is why we are always in search of new sources of beta cells to be generated by neogenesis to induce beta cells. In this regard, pancreatic stem or progenitor cells may offer a promising therapeutic approach for diabetes.
Methods and Materials: A total of 60 adults swiss albino rats were divided into two groups. Group I, control group (30 animals) were injected with normal saline into the
Background: Estimation of the in situ expression of Fas and Fas ligand (FasL) in aborted women compared with normal human pregnancy .
Patients and Methods: A technique utilizing in situ hybridization(ISH) was performed to detect and determine the in situ expression of Fas and Fas ligand (FasL) mRNA using paraffin embedded sections of curettage samples obtained from 42 women, who were divided into two groups: 30 women with first trimester abortion and 12 women with induced abortion as control.
Results: The levels of the in situ expression of both Fas and Fas ligand (FasL) mRNA were found to be highly significant increased in group 1 as compared with group 2
(p<0.01), with a significant positive correla
Background: Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) is a well established non invasive test for the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with coronary artery disease. Aim of the study was to conduct a pilot study in order to establish the basis for the future routine practice of DSE in our center (Ibn Al- Bitar Hospital for Cardiac Surgery).
Patients and Methods: Fifty consecutive patients who were referred from the outpatient of our center, from August 2007 to July 2008, were included. The age range was 39 – 70 years with an average of 57.18 years. Fifty-eight percent were males. Patients were enrolled in the study in accordance with the American Heart Association/ American College of Cardiol
Background: Adenoidal hypertrophy is generally considered a common condition of childhood .When obstructive symptoms or recurrent otitis media (suppurative or non suppurative) occurs, adenoidectomy is generally indicated.A wide range of bacteria could be isolated from the surface and core tissue of the removed adenoid tissue.
Patients and Methods: A prospective study carried out in the ENT Department of AL-DIWANIYAH Teaching Hospital between October 2007 and September 2008.Involved 73 patients between 3 and 7 years, they were 31 male and 42 female .All patients underwent adenoidectomy .Surface and core swabs was taken from all specimens and submitted to bacteriological study.
Results: Pathogens were de
Background: management modalities for liver metastasis from primary breast cancer are evolving steadily but systemic chemotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment.
Patients and methods: 30 patients with breast carcinoma and liver metastasis managed at (Baghdad teaching hospital) during the period from Jan. 2005 to Jan. 2007.
Results: 16 patients showed response to chemotherapy. 20% complete response was found and 33% showed partial response 57% went into progressive disease. The duration of response lasted for less than six months in 4 patients and more than six months in two patients.
Conclusion: chemotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment of liver metastasis but new modalities of treatment add much
Background: The removal of an impacted foreign body in the esophagus is still a common practice in the Thoracic Department of the Medical City Hospital .The objective of this study is to cast a light on this rather a common phenomenon in our country , its risks and its management.
Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 120 patients with foreign bodies in the esophagus managed successfully in our department during five years period 1998 – 2002 inclusive .The study included 65 males and 55 females . Their ages range between I year and 75 years. The most common age group was less than 10 years , which constitutes about 30% of our patients .Varieties of foreign bodies were encountered ,their