Background: Intestinal parasites are endemic in many developing areas (WHO report 1998), and they considered as one of the most common tropical disease in developing countries ranges between 30-60 % .
Patients and Methods: The present study is a survey to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in out and in patients of Al-karama hospital during the period from Jan 1999 to Nov. 2000. Stool samples examination was the test in establishing the results of the present study by direct microscopic examination. Q –square statistic test were used for evaluation the results.
Results: Results of the present study reveled that the most affected group of patients’ with intestinal parasites, those with
BACKGROUND-to explor the infections associated with acute appendicitis in surgically removed appendices in Diyala.
Materials and Methods: this study include 160 surgically removed appendices with acute appendicitis . the patients were 66 fenales and 94 males. the age range was 5-53years with mean age 22.9±7.2 years.the surgically removed appendicitis were submitted for gross inspection and microscopic examination including direct mount, sedimentation and flotation techniques. Additionally specimens from 25 appendices were processed and examined histopathologically.
Results: The rate of parasitic infection in surgically removed appendices was 26.2%. the rate of single parastic infection was 23.1%, while the rate of two pa
... Show MoreBackground: Human Cytomegalovirus ( HCMV ), lies dormant in the glial cells , and can be reactivated under conditions of inflammation and immunosuppression. In vitro, the virus can
transform cells and dysregulate many cellular pathways involved in oncogenesis. This study was conducted to detect HCMV matrix-protein mRNA using In Situ Hybridization technique in glial brain tumor tissues compared to normal brain tissues and the presence of cytomegalic inclusion bodies in brain tumor tissues.
Patients and Method: Thirty eight of glial tumor specimens were obtained in paraffin blocks compared to eight normal brain autopsy specimens which were age and sex matched with the
study group as a control group. ISH wa
Background: The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disorders caused by cellular and humoral immune dysfunction from infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV 1 and HIV 2).
Patients and Methods: The study was carried out in Kirkuk governorate on 5090 secondary school students from different localities of the city, for the period from the beginning of October 2005 to the end of March 2006. A special questionnaire was applied for each student containing age, sex, class, parent’s education, mode of transmission & methods of prevention.
Results: There was no significant difference between male and female regarding the etiology of AIDS.The knowledge of secondary school students was
Background: Aluminium (Al) intoxication was recognised as a causal agent in p a t i ent s undergoing haemodialysis and then was linked to Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, environmental pollution with Al is mainly v i a drinking water, particularly when acidic rain falls on Al containing soil and bedrock. In addition, aluminium utens i l s are widely used for cooking. Therefore, an increasing concern is emerging for the role of pH in the absorption of aluminium from ingested food.
Materials and methods: The objective of this study was to establish the effect of acidification with1 ml/dL of concentrated acetic acid on the absorption of aluminium from a 5 mM a l u mi n i u m sulphate\ solution taken orally
Vascular injury is still common in countries such as Iraq where both military and urban violence are endemic.
This is a report of a thirty eight year old civilian patient who had been inflicted with shrapnel injury during the 3rd. Gulf war, which had caused two different types of vascular injury with minimal evidence of vascular injury with evidence of only two small wounds in the neck and upper chest at the time of injury but presented few months later with a pulsatile neck mass and palpable thrill across the right supraclavicular area and upper chest.
Preoperative investigations were done including Doppler study and angiography which confirmed the presence of right common carotid artery aneurysm and
Background: Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process, being present in one vascular bed predicts its presence in the others. Ankle –brachial pressure index (ABI) is a non invasive test proved to be sensitive and specific in detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Patients and Methods: One hundred fifty patients (150) were enrolled in this study, from January - June 2007; all were referred to the Iraqi Centre for Heart Diseases (I.C.H.D.) for further evaluation, with request for further assessment of CAD or lower extremity peripheral arterial disease. Clinical data and physical examination were performed; ABI was calculated by measurement of systolic pressure on both ankl
Background: Gliomas are brain tumours of supporting tissue of the brain. The management of low grade glioma is still a great debate ranges from just follow up to extensive surgery followed by DXT, with or without chemothery.
Patients and Methods: 282 patients taken from neuro-surgical hospital between 1980-1990, divided to 3 groups with different modality of management & follow up for 15 years.
Results: the five years survival and symptomatic improvement was higher in the group managed by extensive surgery and DXT with or without cytoxic drugs followed by group managed by biopsy and DXT with or without cytoxic.
Conclusion: management of low grade glioma symptoms & out come (survival) is best by extensive surgery & DX
Background: Shunt operations are performed for different reasons mainly hydrocephalus congenital or acquired. It’s associated with certain morbidity and mortality.
Patients and method: A prospective study from Jan 2004 to Jan 2006, 226 patients under went shunt operation in the specialized surgical hospital in Baghdad. The patients were divided into two groups according to the way of applying the upper end catheter. In group A49 patients where posterior parietal approach was used, and group (B) 174 where parietal or temproprietal approach was used.
Results and discussions: different complications were recorded, but the most frequent was upper end obstruction by choroids plexus or by debris. In group
Background: the incidencies of clinically palpable thyroide nodules are 4% to 7%
Background: Bone disease of hyperthyroidism is a type of high-turnover osteoporosis. In many patients
with hyperthyroidism, there is excessive bone resorption, occasionally marked in degree and far
exceeding that in the usual patient with osteoporosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone
mineral density (BMD) in hyperthyroid patients in a controlled study.
Patients and Methods. The study group consists of 48 patients with hyperthyroidism who were seen at
Specialized Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes, and at Rheumatology Clinic and Osteoporosis Clinic
in Baghdad Teaching Hospital. In all patients, measurement of BMD at the lumbar spine (L1-L4) using
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) machine was
Background: since the occurrence of transient bacteraemia is fatal following different dental procedures in patients at-risk of bacterial endocarditis, the purpose of this research was to estimate the percentage and nature of bacteraemia following four orthodontic treatment procedures which were: an upper alginate impression, separator placement, band fitting or placement, and arch wire adjustment on a fixed appliance.Materials and methods: the study group consisted of 40 patients (25 females and 15 males) ranging from 17-25 years of age attending Orthodontic Department in the College of Dentistry/Baghdad University, and out patients department from private clinic. The 40 patients were divided into four groups (10 patients each). A cannu
... Show MoreBackground: Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is a lymphoproliferative disease caused primarily by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The initial viral infection by EBV occurs in B lymphocytes and is followed by an extensive proliferation of T lymphocytes. Previous studies on immunity to EBV (including IM) have mainly focused on activation of peripheral blood T cells, which are responsible for the lymphocytosis in blood during acute IM.
Patients and Methods: Indirect immunofluorescence technique analysis was performed to detect the percentage of CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, and CD56 positive lymphocytes.
Results: Our results on the phenotype of T cells in samples from patients with infectious mononucleosis sh
Background: Enterobius vermicularis causes infection in different age groups , but specially in small ages . It is well known that parasitic infection in most middle eastern countries is common among them is Entrobius vermicularis , in which 11% is in school- children & 14% in pre-school children . In Iraq several studies on the prevalence of Enterobiasis in different age groups & from different areas were reported.
Aim of study: This study was conducted to look for the therapeutic efficacy of garlic powder against Enterobiasis and the recurrence of this infection in many individuals to be compared with the drugs of choice that is a single dose, 100 mg of mebendazole tablets.
Patients <6 Methods: One hundred
Background: This study was conducted to isolate and identify the bacterial isolates of neonatal septicemia in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unite in the Baghdad teaching hospital and the resistance of these locally isolates to different antibiotics. Suspected cases of neonatal sepsis which were not treated with any antibiotics were enrolled.
Methods: One to two milliliter of blood specimens were collected from these neonates aged from 3-7 days and cultured in Brain heart infusion broth.
Results: Out of 90 neonates, 15 ( 15.5%) were positive on blood cultures. Results showed that nine isolates have been obtained belonging to Klebsiella spp. comprising (60%) out of the total isolates followed by Staphylococcus aureus (27.7%)
Background: life threating fungel disease is now a frequent substantial of the immunocomprimised host population . Candida infection has raised throughout the era of antibiotics & immunosuppressive chemotherapy.
Aim of study : to highlight the need for alternative immunprophlactic tool .Therefore the need to develop prophylactic or therapeutic immunolglobulin against candidacies Materials & Methods: 12.5 mg/ml. of Candida albicans proteinase enzyme was injected S/C into a group of five rabbits weighing 3 Kg. with complete Freund's adjuvant. Antisera was collected from the animals after 28 days . 0.2 ml of this antisera given l/V into two group of rabbits ; followed by 0.1 ml of the antiserum one of thses groups as
Background: The role of humoral immunity in the pathogenesis of PET is well known so that an altered immune response could be the cause of this disease . Objectives: to evaluate the rule ofplacenta _ bound IgG in the pathogenesis of PET. Methods: 31 pregnant women were included in this study delivered by cesarean section at Baghdad Teaching Hospital , 16 of them were diagnosed and treated for PET. while the rest 15 cases were of normal women of using direct immunoflorescnt test, the level of IgG was detected.
Result: Tthe study showed a significant higher level of IgG in the placental biopsy of PET cases than those of control group using ttest, (P<0.025),
Conclusion: Trophoblastic bound IgG plays an important role in
BACKGROUND: Iraq had more than twenty-four millions inhabitants of populations. This nation is one of the most populated countries in the world. It is difficult to define Iraqi populations genetically (HLA polymorphism) because they are structured of a mixture of many groups. HLA phenotype frequencies that encoded by many closely linked genes that are responsible for a variety of cell surface alloantigen proteins that are responsible for differences in different ethnic groups. Arab Christians in Iraq, accounting for more than three millions inhabitant mostly the northwest and other parts of Iraq. This raised the need for a preliminary study of the HLA trend in this population. Aim of study:
1- Estimating the gene frequency of HLA clas
OBJECTIVE Many associations have been found between specific HLA antigens and increased susceptibility to various diseases . So we tried to associate class I and class II antigens with acute lymphoblastic leukemia . We also demonstrate the presence of antibodies in serum of acute lymphoblastic leukemic patients against HLA class I.
DESIGN: Prospective study.
SETTING: Tissue typing and histocompatibility center at Al- Karamah Teaching Hospital. PATIENTS AND METHOD: 70 acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients from pediatric hospitals. HLA ( human leukocyte antigens) typing done for them by serological method and cross matching and blood grouping were also done for them.
RESULTS: there was significant difference between pa
Background: The acute lymphocytic leukemias (All) make up about 76% of children leukemias . lymphoid leukemias occur more often than expected in patients with immunodeficiency , chromosomal abnormalities & ataxia telangiectasia . A number of chnges occur in preneoplastic & neoplastic cells as the progress towards a greater degree of malignancy . Nuclear DNA may be used as an aid in diagnosis , to predict prognosis & to determent of certain neoplasia.
Aim of the work: is to purify DNA from whole blood of predict & normal children & to characterize it by spectral studies.
Patients & Methods: Fifteen EDTA-treated blood samples of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and the same number f
Background: Nitre I la sativa Linn is a well known herb that is used by different societies, as food additive and as a medicinal herb: it used as a galactagouge for lactating women, and has long been described as an abortifacient-emmenagouge.
Aim of the work: is to investigate the effect of crude black seeds on the endometrium and the pattern of it’s mucins, during the different phases of the Estrus cycle, making use of some special stains for the histochemical demonstration of mucins.
Materials <6 Methods.'Crude Nieella sativa Linn, seeds were administrated for ten days, by an orogastric tube, on single regular daily dosage to properly selected mature Norway albino female rats. Animats were subdivided into subgrou
Background: Aqueous extracts of black tea exhibited antimicrobial activity against wide range of bacteria.
Aim of study: In this investigation the antimicrobial ly active components of this extract were identified and characterized. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each one was determined.
Subject & Methods: the active components of the aqueous extract were identified and characterized. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each was determined. Tannic acid, theophylline, caffeine and theobromine were isolated by thin layer chromatograhy (TLC) and purified by silica gel column. MIC was assessed by using agar dilution method.
Results: Broad spectrum activity of three components excluding theobromine agai
Background: It is well known that the early removal of corpus luteum (CL) in pregnant women results in abortion . Defects in the function of CL lead to deficiency in the secretion of progesterone which adversely affect human embryo implantation .
Aim of the work: l)to determine progesterone concentration in the luteal phase defect (LPD) patients complaining from infertility and 2) to evaluate the clinical value of ovulation induction, sperm intrauterine insemination SIUT and luteal support therapy in the treatment of LPD patients.
Patients & Methods: One hundred and twelve LPD patients were involved in this study. The progesterone concentrations were performed by radioimmunoassay method on cycle day 21. Patients wer
Malignant renal neoplasm: Because benign tumors of kidney are rare, so it is a good rule that all neoplasm of kidney which are recognized clinically should be treated as malignant. They are uncommon between the ages of 7&40(l).Rcna! cell carcinoma is the most common tumor of the kidney in adult. It arises from renal tubular cells.. It is rare in children &is more frequent in men than women. It is an adenocarcinoma &is the most common neoplasm(75%) of kidney. The tumor may invade loca!Iy& metastasize by way of blood stream &the lymphatics. Regional lymph nodes are involved in approximately 30% of patients, unfortunately sign &symptoms are usually meager until the disease is advanced. Gross haematuria is the most fr
... Show MoreSummary:
Background: the immune system differentiates between the endogenous and exogenous bodies that inter the body. The break-down of blood-testis barrier results in the production of antisperm antibodies. This may occur in the case of an infection to the prostate, seminal vesicle and epididymes. Antisperm antibodies (ASA) cause sperm agglutination and affect sperm motility, viability and sperm migration in the female reproductive tract. ASA also impair fertilization process. The objective of the present work was to study the effect of prednisolone on sperm motility index (SMI), viability and sperm penetration assay (SPA) in immunologically infertile men.
Materials and methods: The semen and serum samples of 140 infertile men we
(2000) Summary:
(2001) Background: infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after one year of a regular unprotected intercourse with the same partner. Many factors seem to play a role in male infertility.
(2002) Aim: to evaluate the role of some seminal plasma biochemical components in male infertility.
(2003) Methods: seminal plasma of 100 infertile men & 25 fertile men were chosen as a subject of this study.
(2004) Different biochemical parameters that are related to oxidative stress were measured. These included Glutathione Peroxidase (GSHPX),superoxide dismutase (SOD),cerulopasmin (CP) scavenging activity, albumin & total sulfhydral (T-SH) & its individual parts (protein & non protei
Background: Alcohol is the most important causes of liver cirrhosis. Many of the factors underlying the development of alcoholic liver diseases remain unknown. Recently, some epidemiological studies showed beneficial effects of coffee against the occurrence of alcoholic liver cirrhosis and upon serum liver enzymes level. These observations have been examined in this work.
Patients and Methods: The relation of coffee drinking to serum GGT, AST and ALT activities were examined in 59 alcoholic male patients with or without habit of coffee consumption. 35 (59.3%) out of 59 patients were alcoholic drinkers without coffee consumption habit, and 24(40.7%) were alcohol drinkers with coffee consumption. In addition to 24 healthy pe