Ultrasound has been used as a diagnostic modality for many intraocular diseases, due its safety, low cost, real time and wide availability. Unfortunately, ultrasound images suffer from speckle artifact that are tissue dependent. In this work, we will offer a method to reduce speckle noise and improve ultrasound image to raise the human diagnostic performance. This method combined undecimated wavelet transform with a wavelet coefficient mapping function: where UDWT used to eliminate the noise and a wavelet coefficient mapping function used to enhance the contrast of denoised images obtained from the first component. This methods can be used not only as a means for improving visual quality of medical images but also as a preprocessing
... Show Moreفي العقود الملزمة للجانبين اذا لم ينفذ احد المتعاقدين التزامه تنفيذا كليا فانه يجوز للمتعاقد الاخر ان يطلب من المحكمة فسخ العقد فسخا كليا ، الا انه قد يقتصر عدم التنفيذ على جزء من التزامه فعندئذ يثار التساؤل الاتي: هل يمكن فسخ العقد فسخا جزئيا ؟ الملاحظ ان هنالك خلافا فقهيا وقضائيا كبيرا حول جواز الفسخ الجزئي ، فالبعض يجيز الحكم بالفسخ الجزئي ، والبعض الاخر لا يجيز الحكم بالفسخ الجزئي، وقد انتهينا الى القول بع
... Show Moreیعد تغیر المناخ تحدیاً صعباً للعدالة الاجتماعیة, فالأشخاص لیسو متساوین في التأثر بتغیر المناخ سيما الفئات الأكثر ضعفاً في الدول النامیة لأنها الأقل جاهزیة لمواجهة آثار تغیر المناخ, ویستخدم مصطلح العدالة المناخیة للنظر في حقوق الإنسان والمساواة والمسؤولیة التاریخیة فیما یتعلق بتغیر المناخ, ویمكن لمفاهیم العدالة البیئیة بشكل خاص والعدالة الاجتماعیة عموماً أن تحقق العدالة المناخیة من خلال تنفیذ
... Show MoreThe main objective of controlling companies Concentration is to prevent their potential anti-competitive effects on the competitive structure of the relevant market, in order to protect freedom of competition in it. In this context, it is necessary to verify that these operations do not impede effective competition or reduce it significantly by making it less than it was before, it is necessary to Anticipate all the effects In order to achieve the goal of controlling on it and revealing their potential restrictive effects. So there must be Auditing Norms that enable the authorities entrusted with the protection of competition and the prevention of monopolistic practices to evaluate these effects and determine their positive and negative as
... Show MoreThis study aims to reach the right of governorates that are not organized in a region to impose local legislation, including tax legislation, and the extent of the constitutionality of this legislation and its consistency with constitutional texts and legal rules. The imposition of local taxes finds its constitutional and legal basis in the Iraqi constitution for the year 2005 and the law of governorates not organized in a region.The imposition of local taxes corresponds to the principle of tax legality, which is reflected in the necessity of issuing tax laws from a competent authority, whether this authority is federal, regional or local. Rather, it is sufficient that it be competent
أساس انتقال المخاطر في عقود التجارة الدولية
Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) is an important technology for applications that require speedy, high-accuracy processing of a huge volume of hand-filled forms. The aim of this technology is to reduce manual work, human effort, high accuracy in assessment, and minimize time for evaluation answer sheets. This paper proposed OMR by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM), MBAM has two phases (learning and analysis phases), it will learn on the answer sheets that contain the correct answers by giving its own code that represents the number of correct answers, then detection marks from answer sheets by using analysis phase. This proposal will be able to detect no selection or select more than one choice, in addition, using M
... Show MoreBrain Fingerprinting (BF) is one of the modern technologies that rely on artificial intelligence in the field of criminal evidence law. Brain information can be obtained accurately and reliably in criminal procedures without resorting to complex and multiple procedures or questions. It is not embarrassing for a person or even violates his human dignity, as well as gives immediate and accurate results. BF is considered one of the advanced techniques related to neuroscientific evidence that relies heavily on artificial intelligence, through which it is possible to recognize whether the suspect or criminal has information about the crime or not. This is done through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EEG) of the brain and examining
... Show MoreThe university Service employee is considered one of the categories of public employees, However, The academic and administrative tasks duties that undertakes have made him a special importance and a distinguished legal status, Therefore, we find That the Iraqi legislatures assigned this category a special Law, it is the university Service law No (23) of 2008 as amended who dealt with some aspects related to serving this category, such as duties, right, condition for appointment and award of academic titles, and financial allocation, such as university service allocation, academic title allocations, and some other Provisions leaving other matters to the general service laws and employee discipline, among the matters that the legislator negl
... Show Moreنطاق حماية المستهلك في القطاع المصرفي
تمويل المطور العقاري
ضمانات الاستثمار في حقول الغاز
دراسات في قانون التجارة الدولية
يقوم الخطأ المضمر على فكرة مبناها استنتاج الخطأ من وقوع الضرر، منشئاً بذلك قرينة قانونية بسيطة للمدعي (المضرور) تعفيه من اثبات خطأ المدعى عليه (المسؤول)، وهذا الافتراض في الاساس فكرة قضائية وجدت لمساعدة المضرور في الحصول على التعويض في حالة عدم تمكنه من تحديد خطأ المسؤول ، الا انه افتراضٌ قابلٌ لإثبات العكس من خلال نفي اي خطأ صادر عن المدعى عليه ، ويمكن نفيه ايضاً بإثبات انقطاع السببية بين الخطأ المضمر والضرر
... Show Moreالمشروع المشترك صورة من صور التعاون التي ألفها التعامل التجاري الدولي، الذي يرتبط بموجبهِ الأطراف لتحقيق غرض مشترك بينهم يتمثل بما يقوم بهِ المشروع من نشاط موحد، وتقوم فكرة هذا المشروع على أساس المشاركة المباشرة، التي يشترك بها عدد من الأطراف بقصد تنفيذ نشاط اقتصادي يعود بالنفع على الشركاء، ويأخذ المشروع المشترك أحد الصيغتين: الأولى المشروع المشترك التعاقدي: الذي هو عبارة عن عقد يُبرم بين طرفين أو أكثر لتنف
... Show Moreتقويم قواعد إدارة الشركات في ضوء قانون الشركات العراقي رقم 21 لسنة 1997،
يتناول البحث تحديد مفهوم العيب الموجب للضمان وتطور فكرته في القوانين المدنية وقوانين حماية المستهلك واتفاقية الامم المتحدة بشأن عقود البيع الدولي للبضائع لسنة 1980
يتناول البحث الاجابة عن سؤال هل ان العقد بقي ذو صفة ارادية ام تحول الى الصفة التنظيمية نتيجة تدخل المشرع في العديد من جزئياته
The study aims to reach a common point that achieves a balance between two interests, which are generally in conflict with the public interest and the interest of the individual owner of private property, by extrapolating the provisions of the constitutional judiciary that include the protection of private property, and this protection extends to every right of financial value and is not limited to a specific type, but It included everything that can be estimated with money, as ownership is no longer an advantage for the owner, but rather has become a right for him and a social function. The tax is imposed on what is derived from it, but if there is a need to prejudice it, the conditions, limits and restrictions expressly stipulated in the
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