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Translating Food and Drink-Related Insults in Shakespeare’s (Henry IV) into Arabic
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        This study highlights the problems of translating Shakespeare's food and drink-related insults (henceforth FDRIs) in (Henry IV, Parts I&II) into Arabic. It adopts (Vinay & Darbelnet's:1950s) model, namely (Direct& Oblique) to highlight the applicability of the different methods and procedures made by the two selected translators (Mashati:1990 & Habeeb:1905) .The present study tries to answer the following questions:(i) To what extent the FDRIs in Henry IV might pose a translational problem for the selected translators to find suitable cultural equivalents for them? (ii) Why do the translators, in many cases, resort to a literal procedure which is almost not workable with such expressions. (iii)What is the main reason behind the high percentage of inappropriateness in translating FDRIs from English into Arabic? As for the main conclusions that the study has come up with, we can sum up them in the following points.(i) Most of the FDRIs are culturally bound expressions with cultural peculiarities making them very hard to be deciphered and translated even by experienced translators.(ii) Most of the FDRIs used by Shakespeare in his tragedy Henry IV, are very old and were his own inventions, a fact that makes them very difficult not only for the non-native speakers of English as the case with our translators (Mashati &Habeeb) but also for the native speakers. (iii) Finally, one can say that all the wrong and funny renditions were due to the wrong adopted procedures by (Mashati &Habeeb) , while the other successful renderings were as a result of their well-selected procedures  that consider the cultural difference between the two languages.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تناول البحث تطورات بنية الانفاق الحكومي للمدة (1990-2014) اذ تشمل هذه المدة مدتين مختلفتين من حيث الظروف اذ اتسمت المدة الاولى (1990-2002) بفرض العقوبات الاقتصادية وحرمان الاقتصاد العراقي من المورد النفطي ,في حين اتسمت المدة الثانية (2003-2014) بوفرة ال
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  The research explain the developments in the structure of government Expenditure for the period (1990-2014), this period include tow different periods in terms of the conditions, the first period (1990-2002)characterized by imposing the economic sanctions and deny the Iraqi economy from the oil revenues, while the second period (2003-2014) marked by abundance resource rents as a result of lifting the ban on oil exports, (autoregressive Distributed lag Model) has been used to measure the impact of government Expenditure in both side current and investment in the oil-GDP (gross domestic product) and non oil-GDP, the stady found that there is no significant relationship between current Expenditure in non-oil and oil-GDP in bo

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2024
Journal Name
يعتبر الاتصال وسيلة هادفة من الوسائل الرئيسية التي تستخدمها المنظمة الإدارية في تحقيق أهدافها إذ أن جميع العاملين يتعاملون مع بعضهم البعض من خلال وسائل الاتصال المختلفة من أجل ضمان تسيير نشاطاتهم وتحقيق أهدافهم وهذا يدل على أن الاتصال يعتبر الوسيلة الاجتماعية التي يحقق الأفراد من خلالها سبل التفاهم والتفاعل البناء
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