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The Exploitation of Carmen Valero Garces' Theory in the Criticism of Literary Texts: Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic Translation of "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" as a: کاربست نظریه¬ی کارمن والرو گارسس در نقد ترجمه¬ی ادبی (مورد مطالعه: تعریب صالح الجعفری از رباعیات خیام)
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There is a mutual relationship between the form of a text and its meaning so as separating these two or devaluating the role of one of them leads to the absence of the value therein. Thus, a translation is important as to how it relates the details of a text. That is, the text has special features which go beyond form, and these set out its distinctiveness. Here, we tackle Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic translation of  "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" of Naysapour descriptively and analytically by depending on extracts from the original text. This translation is evaluated on the basis of Spanish critic Maria Carmen Valero Garces. Herein, we discuss the effectiveness of this theory in the criticism of literary texts. It has been concluded that al-Jafari's translation involved linguistic, semantic, grammatical, discoursal, and stylistic errors. And, as a further conclusion, Garces' theory should be restricted to the evaluation of translation of prose, not poetry.


    در هر متن ادبی، تعامل پایدار و دو سویه­ای میان صورت و معنی اثر برقرار است، به گونه­ای که جداسازی این دو مؤلفه از یکدیگر و نادیده انگاشتن یکی از آنها، از ارزش و اهمیت متن می­کاهد. به طبع ترجمه این آثار هم ظرافت­ها و دقایق خاصی دارد و به توجه و اهتمام ویژه­ای نیاز است. به عبارت دیگر متن ادبي، صرف نظر از اولويت دادن به شكل، دارایی ويژگي­های ديگری نيز هست كه به آن هويتی خاص می­بخشد. در این پژوهش کتاب رباعیات الخیام که ترجمه صالح الجعفری از رباعیات شاعر بزرگ ایران خیام نیشابوری است، از منظر مطالعات توصیفی فرایند- مدار ترجمه  و با تکیه بر نظریه نقد ترجمه خانم ماریا کارمن والرو گارسس بررسی شده است. این شیوه به فرایند ترجمه یا خود عمل ترجمه می­پردازد. نقد وبررسی این ترجمه نشان داد برای تطبیق کامل این نظریه بر آثار ادبی منظوم و منثور- همان­گونه که از نام این نظریه پیداست- دو راه وجود دارد؛ یا برخی از شاخص­های این نظریه چون ترجمه تحت­اللفظی و حفظ ساختارهای نوعی زبان مقصد باید برای تطبیق بر متون منظوم، تغییر داده شوند و یا عنوان نظریه باید از ارزیابی آثار ادبی به ارزیابی متون منثور ادبی تغییر داده شود تا بتوان گفت تمام معیارهای ارائه شده در این نظریه قابلیت اجرا دارند و تکنیک­های مثبت و منفی و خنثی اعلام شده از سوی نویسنده، درست و بجا هستند.


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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archive
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In Iraqi patients with acromegaly the present investigation included 40 control group and 70 patients with acromegaly divided 35 patients with Diabetic while another 35 patients without Diabetic, with ages between (29-72) years for the identification of GST activity polymorphisms by present and absent GSTM1, GSTT1, and PCR-RFLP, enzymatic digestions were carried out using BsmAI (Biolabs. England, UK) for GSTP1b and AciI (Biolabs, England, UK) for GSTP1c.the association GSTActivity with GST genotype were investigated in a cohort of Iraq acromegaly patients comparing with the healthy control group. The results show a non-significant change in GSTP1b gene in both groups, while show high significantly in GSTP1c in diabetic and non-diabetic acro

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the Impact of Glass Waste in Reactive Powder Concrete on Attenuation Properties for Bremsstrahlung Ray
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Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is one of the most advanced recent high compressive strength concrete. This work explored the effects of using glass waste as a fractional replacement for fine aggregate in reactive powder concrete at levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Linear and mass attenuation coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sample's thickness and bremsstrahlung energy. These coefficients were obtained using energy selective scintillation response to bremsstrahlung having an energy ranging from (0.1-1.1) MeV. In addition, the half-value thickness of the samples prepared has been investigated. It was found that there is a reversal association between the attenuation coefficient and the energy of the bremsstrahlu

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Ameliorative Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Allium porrum (Wild Leek) against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rabbits
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the nephroprotective, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects of Allium porrum (leek) in rabbits with cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Forty adult male New Zealand rabbits were divided randomly into four groups (ten rabbits in each group) as follows: Group I: (negative control) (C) received oral daily dose of distilled water for 15 successive days. Groups II: (Leek) (L) received oral daily dose of aqueous leek extract (500mg/kg/day) for 15 successive days. Group III: (positive control) [cisplatin (CP)] received oral daily dose of distilled water for 15 successive days, and subsequently administered single dose of Cisplatin (3.5mg/kg/day) by intraperitoneal injection from day 10 for five da

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
The Journal Of Asian Finance, Economics And Business (jafeb)
The Effect of Social Marketing on Customer Behavior: An Empirical Study of Tourism Companies in Baghdad, Iraq
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Social marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to social change and aims to influence behaviors that benefit individuals and societies for the social good. The study investigates the type and level of influence of social marketing on customer behavior in tourism companies in Baghdad (Iraq). The sample size of the study is 135 people comprising directors, assistant directors, and marketing staff in tourism companies in Baghdad. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data and information, and was prepared by the researcher after it underwent validity, stability, and arbitration tests. The data was analyzed using the statistical program (SPSS v. 25, AMOS v. 23) and statistical methods have been

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Pertanika Journal Of Science & Technology
Modified Kohonen network algorithm for selection of the initial centres of Gustafson-Kessel algorithm in credit scoring
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Credit risk assessment has become an important topic in financial risk administration. Fuzzy clustering analysis has been applied in credit scoring. Gustafson-Kessel (GK) algorithm has been utilised to cluster creditworthy customers as against non-creditworthy ones. A good clustering analysis implemented by good Initial Centres of clusters should be selected. To overcome this problem of Gustafson-Kessel (GK) algorithm, we proposed a modified version of Kohonen Network (KN) algorithm to select the initial centres. Utilising similar degree between points to get similarity density, and then by means of maximum density points selecting; the modified Kohonen Network method generate clustering initial centres to get more reasonable clustering res

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Chemical Sciences
Evaluation of Oxidative Stress and Liver Function Parameters in the Sera Samples of Kufa Cement Factory Workers
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AbstractThe objective of the present study was measured of several oxidative stresses and liver function parameters in workers occupationally exposed to cement dust in Kufa Cement Factory, in order to test the hypothesis that cement dust exposure may perturb these parameters. Assessment of oxidative stress and liver function parameters were performed in 63 workers occupationally, in different departments of Kufa Cement Factory, exposed to cement dust (range of the exposure time was 5-38 years) and 36 matched unexposed controls. The study results illustrated an increasing in the oxidative stress parameters, moreover; liver function parameters showed abnormal results in the exposed workers compared to the unexposed. An increase in theses para

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2024
Journal Name
Reproductive Health Of Woman
Tumor-promoting roles of IL-4 and TGF-β3, their implications in the progression of breast tumors
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Immunosuppressive cytokines are the main components of the tumor microenvironment and perform a vital function in controlling the immune response to malignant neoplasms.The objective: to study the influence of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3) on the development of breast tumors in women.Materials and methods. The concentration of cytokines IL-4 and TGF-β3 in blood serum was determined in 40 women with benign breast tumors, 40 women with malignant breast tumors, and 40 healthy patients without breast pathology, who were included in the control group.Breast cancer (BC) patients were divided into two groups; the first group included patients with the II stage of BC, who were considered to have a low le

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
Detection of the most frequent sources of dust storms in Iraq during 2020–2023 using space tools
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Dust storms are typical in arid and semi-arid regions such as the Middle East; the frequency and severity of dust storms have grown dramatically in Iraq in recent years. This paper identifies the dust storm sources in Iraq using remotely sensed data from Meteosat-spinning enhanced visible and infrared imager (SEVIRI) bands. Extracted combined satellite images and simulated frontal dust storm trajectories, using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model, are used to identify the most influential sources in the Middle East and Iraq. Out of 132 dust storms in Iraq during 2020–2023, the most frequent occurred in the spring and summer. A dust source frequency percentage map (DSFPM) is generated using ArcGIS so

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Effectiveness of 980nm diode Laser in reduction the diameters of exposed dentinal tubules for hypersensitive tooth
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Background: The oral cavity is a complex environment, both structurally and functionally, the hard and soft tissues are in close a proximity. Oral tissues subjected to wear throughout the life, that threatened the vitality of the pulp or increase the sensitivity of dentinal tubules. One of the common dental problems is loss of enamel or cementum, which stimulate the nerve ending in or near the pulp and manifested as pain sensation. Aim of the study: This study had done to evaluate the effects of 980nm diode Laser in diameters reduction of exposed dentinal tubules analyze the results and morphological changes of irradiated dentine surface by FE-SEM (field emission scann

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Power Versus Conventional Color Doppler Sonographic Diagnosis Of Acute Cholecystitis: Comparison In The Depiction Of Mural Flow
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Background: Gray-scale sonography is generally
considered as a first-line diagnostic tool for patient with
suspected acute cholecystitis. It is suggested by gallstones,
Murphy's sign, thickening of the gallbladder wall and bile
sludging, but the specificity of these sonographic findings
are not as high as their sensitivity. Blood flow of the
gallbladder wall is increased in acute inflammation.
Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of
power Doppler sonography and compared with conventional
color Doppler and gray-scale sonography in diagnosing
patients with acute cholecystitis.
Type of the study: This was a cross sectional study.
Patients and methods: The study was conducted t

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