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Translating Acronyms of Media & U.N. Organizations
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: translating acronyms of media and international (& world) organizations helps the researcher to draw the following conclusions:1- Acronyms of world news agencies can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. 2- Acronyms of world satellite TV's can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating the lexical meaning & by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter. 3- Acronyms of world newspapers can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating both the lexical meaning & Arabic transliteration of the English form. 4- Acronyms of U.N. & world organizations can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. Thus, acronyms in the fields, under study, are either letter or syllabic. This verifies hypothesis no. (4). From the above tables of acronyms, the researcher notices that translation & transliteration can be both applied on in dealing with acronyms. This verifies hypothesis no. (5). Other hypotheses can be verified easily by noticing the wide progress, the world of communication & media witnesses.

With the emergence of modern information and communication, scientific progress in all fields of life and knowledge, in our world of today, have led to the appearance of large number of terms that are used to designate various concepts and discoveries, as speed plays a big role in stirring all aspects of life that surround us to the extent to be the main trait of our life. By such progress, the need to reduce full names and terms of concepts, shortening them into smaller ones, emerges to the surface as using such names and terms in full causes trouble, disturbance and waste of time & efforts in speech, writing & printing. To solve this complex situation, using the initial letters of words appears to be one smooth solution. This process is called "Acronymy" and the letters being abbreviated "Acronyms". The usage of acronyms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon as the art of reducing a sequence of words to their initial letters became well created, developed & used increasingly in the 50s & 60s of the 20th century (1). It is a real reflection of the main characteristics of modern era which witnesses a revolution in technical & scientific discoveries. The first acronym was included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1943 despite the fact that the word "initialisms" first appeared in the same dictionary in 1899 (2). It did not come into general use until 1965, well after "acronym" had become common. The current study will take the exploration of the phenomenon of acronyms, abbreviations & initialisms as its main goal, trying to present full discussion about its definitions, formulations, types, orthography and pronunciation. It sheds light on how to translate English acronyms into Arabic, suggesting different methods. It, also, highlights the challenges & difficulties they may pose in front of the translators and how such challenges & difficulties can be solved and surmounted.
Hypotheses: It is hypothesized that:1) Acronyms, in all various forms & styles, reflect the scientific and technological advancement & progress our world witnesses.2) Acronyms are used increasingly in the world of media and international policy circles as they cut off time & efforts being wasted in speech, writing and printing.3) Communication field represents the best environment to create acronyms.4) media & U.N.(international) organizations are mainly letter & syllabic acronyms.5) Translation and transliteration are both applied on the acronyms both fields.
Aims: The current study aims at :a) Discussing acronyms historically and theoretically in detail. b) Handling the issue of translating English acronyms into Arabic & suggesting ways of translation that can be useful, sufficient and effective. c) Making lists of acronyms that are of significance in the world of media & U.N. with their translations.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advances In Information Technology
Enhancement of Recommendation Engine Technique for Bug System Fixes
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This study aims to develop a recommendation engine methodology to enhance the model’s effectiveness and efficiency. The proposed model is commonly used to assign or propose a limited number of developers with the required skills and expertise to address and resolve a bug report. Managing collections within bug repositories is the responsibility of software engineers in addressing specific defects. Identifying the optimal allocation of personnel to activities is challenging when dealing with software defects, which necessitates a substantial workforce of developers. Analyzing new scientific methodologies to enhance comprehension of the results is the purpose of this analysis. Additionally, developer priorities were discussed, especially th

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management processes in Creative marketing
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The research aims to measure the impact of knowledge management processes individually and in total in the innovative marketing.

We depart search of a problem expressed in a number of intellectual and practical questions, the application of this research in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry, represented composed a sample of (63) (Director General and Deputy Director General and Director of the Department and the Division) in the company researched, it has been designed measuring instrument to collect the necessary data either statistical means they are the percentage and the arithmetic mean and standard deviation and coefficient of variation and the coefficient of simple correlation and model

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Jews and their role in the heritage of Baghdadi
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The research sheds light on an important religious sect that played a fundamental role in the structure of the Iraqi society in general and the Baghdadi society in particular, in which the Jews in general and the Jewish women in particular played an active role in the culture and heritage of Baghdadi society. The educational, cultural and artistic activity of Jewish literacy is a model for study.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing the investment budgeting through evaluation of investment projects
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The aim of the research is to determine the impact of evaluating the investment projects in the development and preparation of investment budgets prepared by the economic units, since the investment projects are of an important and vital nature of the economic units, because these projects include the length of time for preparation and implementation and the accompanying period of this risk and uncertainties as well as need To the many funds to complete the project , The process of evaluating the implemented projects, which have been prepared an investment budget previously will contribute to the extent of matching the estimated data with the actual results or deviations, which is a step to avoid these errors in future p

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Field Study of Ecological Factors Influencing Visceral Leishmaniasis Foci
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   The main elements of traditional foci of visceral leishmaniasis in the endemic area were studied. The complex relationships between biotic and abiotic factor in the study foci. Also the presence of possible reservoirs of disease with density of sandflies were examined.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Microbicidal Effect of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles in Antimicrobial Agent System
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Microbial antibiotics resistance is considered a serious health issue in the Middle East and developing countries. In this study, the Fe2O3 nanoparticles was prepared chemically, and the particles size and shape were analyzed by using Scan electron microscope (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Different concentration of Fe2O3 nanoparticles were used and examined on E.coli and S. aureus. Using liquid dilution and in vitro cytotoxicity assay by microplate toxicity test (MTT). The microbial cell metabolic activity was measured on gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria and fungi after treating with different concentrations of Fe2O3 nanoparticl

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect Of Bracket Ligation Method On Canine Retraction
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Aim: This study aimed to compare different types of ligation methods to obtain maximum tooth movement with the least undesirable rotation. Methods: Titanium brackets bonded to acrylic canine teeth were ligated to straight stainless steel (SS) archwires using four ligation methods (figure-O and figure-8 elastics, SS ligatures, and Leone Slide ligatures). The teeth with the ligatures in place were stored in a water bath at 37ºC for 1 day, 1 week, 2, 4 or 6 weeks before testing. The teeth were retracted through softened wax along the archwire and the amount of tooth movement and degree of rotation were measured. Results: Slide ligatures showed the highest distance of tooth movement and degree of canine rotation followed by figure-O elastics

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Drying of solid Materials by vacuum Fluidized Bed Dryer
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In the present study the performance of drying process of dffirent solid materials by batch fluidized bed drying
under vacuum conditions was investigated. Three, different solid materials, namely; ion exchange resin-8528,
aspirin and paracetamol were used. The behavior of the drying curves as well as the rate of drying of these
materials had been studied. The experiments were caried out in a 0.0381 m column diameter fluidized by hot
air under yacuum conditions. Four variables affecting on the rate of drying were studied' these variables are
vacuum pressure (100 - 500 mm Hg), air temperature (303-323 K), particle size (0.3-0.8 mm) and initial
moisture content (0.35-0.55 g/g solid)-for resin and (0.1-0.2 g/g soltid) for a

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigation of Backfill Compaction Effect on Buried Concrete Pipes
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The present study deals with the experimental investigation of buried concrete pipes. Concrete pipes are buried in loose and dense conditions of gravelly sand soil and subjected to different surface loadings to study the effects of the backfill compaction on the pipe. The experimental investigation was accomplished using full-scale precast unreinforced concrete pipes with 300 mm internal diameter tested in a laboratory soil box test facility set up for this study. Two loading platforms are used namely, uniform loading platform and patch loading platform. The wheel load was simulated through patch loading platform which have dimensions of 254 mm *508 mm, which is used by AASHTO to model the wheel load of a HS20 truck. The pipe-soil system

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Primary Diagnosis of Abnormal Urine via Auto Fluorescence Process
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The main objective of this study is to determine the suitable excitation wavelengths for
urine components reaching to select the suitable lasers to execute the auto fluorescence due to their
high intensities. The auto fluorescence was measured at 305, 325 and 350 nm excitation wavelengths
for eleven urine samples which were also analyzed by conventional methods (chemical and
microscopic examination). Data manipulation using Matlab package programming language showed
that urine sample with normal chemical and biological components have emission peaks which are
different from the infected urine samples. Despite the complexity of the composition of urine,
fluorescence maxima can be observed. Most likely, the peaks obser

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