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An Evolutionary Algorithm for Task scheduling Problem in the Cloud-Fog environment
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Abstract<p>The rapid and enormous growth of the Internet of Things, as well as its widespread adoption, has resulted in the production of massive quantities of data that must be processed and sent to the cloud, but the delay in processing the data and the time it takes to send it to the cloud has resulted in the emergence of fog, a new generation of cloud in which the fog serves as an extension of cloud services at the edge of the network, reducing latency and traffic. The distribution of computational resources to minimize makespan and running costs is one of the disadvantages of fog computing. This paper provides a new approach for improving the task scheduling problem in a Cloud-Fog environment in terms of execution time(makespan) and operating costs for Bag-of-Tasks applications. A task scheduling evolutionary algorithm has been proposed. A single custom representation of the problem and a uniform intersection are built for the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, the individual initialization and perturbation operators (crossover and mutation) were created to resolve the inapplicability of any solution found or reached by the proposed evolutionary algorithm. The proposed ETS (Evolutionary Task Scheduling algorithm) algorithm was evaluated on 11 datasets of varying size in a number of tasks. The ETS outperformed the Bee Life (BLA), Modified Particle Swarm (MPSO), and RR algorithms in terms of Makespan and operating costs, according to the results of the experiments.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scheduling Critical Activities of Stochastic Projects Management
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In this paper, we consider the problem of stochastic project network when some or all activities are interrupted. An approach has been built to schedule the critical activities, by constructing some expressions based on the project lateness costs due to the interruption activities. Two simple example are presented to validate our approach.

Key words: Project Management, Project scheduling, Stochastic activity duration, Stochastic PERT.    


   Recently, Projects planning and optimal timing, under uncertainty are extremely critical for many organizations, see [19]. Having an effective mathematical model wi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
The Effect of Cloud Computing in Facing the Challenges of Applying IFRSs in Iraqi Private Banks
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The research aims to explain the role of cloud computing technology in facilitating the application of international financial reporting standards in Iraqi banks, by preparing a checklist that included a set of paragraphs to measure the level of application of IFRSs. In those banks and then the need to use cloud computing technology, and the researchers reached a set of conclusions, including, that cloud computing technology has a role in facilitating the application of international financial reporting standards in the banks, the research sample, because of the ease it provides in preparing and saving accounting information and the possibility of accessing it in any time and from any place where the Internet service is available. T

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Proposed Algorithm for Gumbel Distribution Estimation
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Gumbel distribution was dealt with great care by researchers and statisticians. There are traditional methods to estimate two parameters of Gumbel distribution known as Maximum Likelihood, the Method of Moments and recently the method of re-sampling called (Jackknife). However, these methods suffer from some mathematical difficulties in solving them analytically. Accordingly, there are other non-traditional methods, like the principle of the nearest neighbors, used in computer science especially, artificial intelligence algorithms, including the genetic algorithm, the artificial neural network algorithm, and others that may to be classified as meta-heuristic methods. Moreover, this principle of nearest neighbors has useful statistical featu

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Continuous Classical Optimal Control Problems for Triple Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problem
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     In this research, our aim is to study the optimal control problem (OCP) for triple nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem (TNLEBVP). The Mint-Browder theorem is used to prove the existence and uniqueness theorem of the solution of the state vector for fixed control vector. The existence theorem for the triple continuous classical optimal control vector (TCCOCV) related to the TNLEBVP is also proved. After studying the existence of a unique solution for the triple adjoint equations (TAEqs) related to the triple of the state equations, we derive The Fréchet derivative (FD) of the cost function using Hamiltonian function. Then the theorems of necessity conditions and the sufficient condition for optimality of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
Three iterative methods for solving Jeffery-Hamel flow problem
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In this article, the nonlinear problem of Jeffery-Hamel flow has been solved analytically and numerically by using reliable iterative and numerical methods. The approximate solutions obtained by using the Daftardar-Jafari method namely (DJM), Temimi-Ansari method namely (TAM) and Banach contraction method namely (BCM). The obtained solutions are discussed numerically, in comparison with other numerical solutions obtained from the fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4), Euler and previous analytic methods available in literature. In addition, the convergence of the proposed methods is given based on the Banach fixed point theorem. The results reveal that the presented methods are reliable, effective and applicable to solve other nonlinear problems.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Indirect Method for Optimal Control Problem Using Boubaker Polynomial
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In this paper, a computational method for solving optimal problem is presented, using indirect method (spectral methodtechnique) which is based on Boubaker polynomial. By this method the state and the adjoint variables are approximated by Boubaker polynomial with unknown coefficients, thus an optimal control problem is transformed to algebraic equations which can be solved easily, and then the numerical value of the performance index is obtained. Also the operational matrices of differentiation and integration have been deduced for the same polynomial to help solving the problems easier. A numerical example was given to show the applicability and efficiency of the method. Some characteristics of this polynomial which can be used for solvin

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 05 2023
Journal Name
Mathematical Theory And Modeling
(Tc) Technique for Finding Optimal Solution To Transportation Problem
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Given the importance of increasing economic openness transport companies’ face various issues arising at present time, this required importing different types of goods with different means of transport. Therefore, these companies pay great attention to reducing total costs of transporting commodities by using numbers means of transport methods from their sources to the destinations. The majority of private companies do not acquire the knowledge of using operations research methods, especially transport models, through which the total costs can be reduced, resulting in the importance and need to solve such a problem. This research presents a proposed method for the sum of Total Costs (Tc) of rows and columns, in order to arrive at the init

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effectiveness of Nanomaterial in the Roof of the Building to Achieve Energy Conservation for Indoor Environment of the Building
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The construction sector consumes large amounts of energy during the lifetime of a building. This consumption starts with manufacturing and transferring building materials to the sites and demolishing this building after a long time of occupying it. The topic of energy conservation and finding the solution inside the building spaces become an important and urgent necessity. It is known that the roof is exposed to a high amount of thermal loads compared to other elements in a building envelope, so this needs some solutions and treatments to control the flow of the heat through them. These solutions and treatments may be achieved by using nanomaterials. Recently, nanomaterials have high properties, so that this made them go

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of urban obsolescence on the quality of the built environment for historical quarters
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             The centers of cities and historical quarter are exposed to a severe threat to the values of the physical and legal urban environment as a result of the value deterioration and the emergence, emergence and spread of new values on the intellectual and urban context, which generates the loss of the urban environment for its spatio-temporal continuity, flexibility, adaptation and continuity, and thus urban obsolescence, Hence the problem of the research in “the lack of comprehensiveness of studies on the phenomenon of urban obsolescence and its impact on the decline in the values of the quality of the built environment in historic

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Role of Informational Environment in Building Smart City
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The research addresses smart city concept as it is the latest urban design trends, by the investment of the capabilities of human, and artificial intelligence for the sake of the advancement of the city. The concept of a smart city is described as one of the most important manifestations of the information revolution, with the end of the twentieth, and the beginning of twenty – first century, The research attributes the emergence of the concept to: deficiencies of means, and traditional methods in building and development of cities, as well as The significant increase in the number of city and global metropolises dwellers. So, smart city approach has been adopted, along with innovative principles and methods which cons

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