In this work, we present the notion of a multiplier on AT-algebra and investigate several properties. Also, some theorems and examples are discussed. The notions of the kernel and the image of multipliers are defined. After that, some propositions related to isotone and regular multipliers are proved. Finally, the Left and the Right derivations of the multiplier are obtained
The aim of this work is to a connection between two concepts which are an interval value fuzzy set and a hyper AT-algebra. Also, some properties of these concepts are found. The notions of IVF hyper AT-subalgebras, IVF hyper ideals and IVF hyper AT-ideals are defined. Then IVF (weak, strong) hyper ideals and IVF (weak, strong) hyper AT-ideals are discussed. After that, some relations among these ideals are presented and some interesting theorems are proved.
The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of hyper fuzzy AT-ideals on hyper AT-algebra. Also, hyper fuzzy AT-subalgebras and fuzzy hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras are studied. We study on the fuzzy theory of hyper AT-subalgebras and hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras. Furthermore, the fuzzy set theory of the (weak, strong, s-weak) hyper fuzzy ATideals in hyper AT-algebras are applied and the relations among them are obtained.
In this work, we apply the notion of a filter of a KU-Algebra and investigate several properties. The paper defined some filters such as strong filter, n-fold filter and P-filter and discussed a few theorems and examples.
The study of homomorphisms in cubic sets is considered one of the important concepts that transfer algebraic properties between different structures, so we study a homomorphism of a cubic set of a semigroup in a KU-algebra and defined the product of two cubic sets in this structure. Firstly, we define the image and the inverse image of a cubic set in a KU-semigroup and achieve some results in this notion. Secondly, the Cartesian product of cubic subsets in a KU-semigroup is discussed and some important characteristics are proved.
We present the notion of bipolar fuzzy k-ideals with thresholds (
In the present paper, discuss the concept of fuzzy topological spectrum of a bounded commutative KU-algebra and study some of the characteristics of this topology. Also, we show that the fuzzy topological spectrum of this structure is compact and T1 -space.
In this paper, the concept of a neutrosophic KU-algebra is introduced and some related properties are investigated. Also, neutrosophic KU-ideals of a neutrosophic KU-algebra are studied and a few properties are obtained. Furthermore, a few results of neutrosophic KU-ideals of a neutrosophic KU-algebra under homomorphism are discussed
In this work, we study of the concept of a cubic set of a semigroup in KU-algebra. Firstly, we study a cubic sub KU-semigroup and achieve some results in this notion. And then, we get a relation between a cubic sub KU-semi group and a level set of a cubic set. Moreover, we define some cubic ideals of this structure and we found relationships between these ideals.
2010 AMS Classification. 08A72, 03G25, 06F35
In thisˑ paperˑ, we apply the notion ofˑ intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-fold KU-ideal of KU-algebra. Some types of ideals such as intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal, intuitionisticˑ fuzzy closed idealˑ and intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal are studied. Also, the relations between intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal and intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal are discussed. Furthermore, aˑ fewˑ results of intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-ˑfold KU-ideals of a KU-algebra underˑ homomorphismˑ are discussed.
In this paper is to introduce the concept of hyper AT-algebras is a generalization of AT-algebras and study a hyper structure AT-algebra and investigate some of its properties. “Also, hyper AT-subalgebras and hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras are studied. We study on the fuzzy theory of hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras hyper AT-algebra”. “We study homomorphism of hyper AT-algebras which are a common generalization of AT-algebras.
In this work, we introduce an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal on a KU-semigroup as a generalization of the fuzzy ideal of a KU-semigroup. An intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideal and some related properties are studied. Also, a number of characteristics of the intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals are discussed. Next, we introduce the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals under homomorphism along with the Cartesian products.
The idea of a homomorphism of a cubic set of a KU-semigroup is studied and the concept of the product between two cubic sets is defined. And then, a new cubic bipolar fuzzy set in this structure is discussed, and some important results are achieved. Also, the product of cubic subsets is discussed and some theorems are proved.
In this paper, we introduce the concept of cubic bipolar-fuzzy ideals with thresholds (α,β),(ω,ϑ) of a semigroup in KU-algebra as a generalization of sets and in short (CBF). Firstly, a (CBF) sub-KU-semigroup with a threshold (α,β),(ω,ϑ) and some results in this notion are achieved. Also, (cubic bipolar fuzzy ideals and cubic bipolar fuzzy k-ideals) with thresholds (α,β),(ω ,ϑ) are defined and some properties of these ideals are given. Relations between a (CBF).sub algebra and-a (CBF) ideal are proved. A few characterizations of a (CBF) k-ideal with thresholds (α, β), (ω,ϑ) are discussed. Finally, we proved that a (CBF) k-ideal and a (CBF) ideal with thresholds (α, β), (ω,ϑ) of a KU-semi group are equivalent relations.
For the generality of fuzzy ideals in TM-algebra, a cubic ideal in this algebra has been studied, such as cubic ideals and cubic T-ideals. Some properties of these ideals are investigated. Also, we show that the cubic T-ideal is a cubic ideal, but the converse is not generally valid. In addition, a cubic sub-algebra is defined, and new relations between the level subset and a cubic sub-algebra are discussed. After that, cubic ideals and cubic T-ideals under homomorphism are studied, and the image (pre-image) of cubic T-ideals is discussed. Finally, the Cartesian product of cubic ideals in Cartesian product TM-algebras is given. We proved that the product of two cubic ideals of the Cartesian product of two TM-algebras is also a cubic ideal.
In this paper, we define a cubic bipolar subalgebra, $BCK$-ideal and $Q$-ideal of a $Q$-algebra, and obtain some of their properties and give some examples. Also we define a cubic bipolar fuzzy point, cubic bipolar fuzzy topology, cubic bipolar fuzzy base and for each concept obtained some of its properties.
In this paper, there are two main objectives. The first objective is to study the relationship between the density property and some modules in detail, for instance; semisimple and divisible modules. The Addition complement has a good relationship with the density property of the modules as this importance is highlighted by any submodule N of M has an addition complement with Rad(M)=0. The second objective is to clarify the relationship between the density property and the essential submodules with some examples. As an example of this relationship, we studied the torsion-free module and its relationship with the essential submodules in module M.
The notion of interval value fuzzy k-ideal of KU-semigroup was studied as a generalization of afuzzy k-ideal of KU-semigroup. Some results of this idea under homomorphism are discussed. Also, we presented some properties about the image (pre-image) for interval~ valued fuzzy~k-ideals of a KU-semigroup. Finally, the~ product of~ interval valued fuzzyk-ideals is established.
In this paper, we will focus to one of the recent applications of PU-algebras in the coding theory, namely the construction of codes by soft sets PU-valued functions. First, we shall introduce the notion of soft sets PU-valued functions on PU-algebra and investigate some of its related properties.Moreover, the codes generated by a soft sets PU-valued function are constructed and several examples are given. Furthermore, example with graphs of binary block code constructed from a soft sets PU-valued function is constructed.
In this ˑwork, we present theˑ notion of the ˑgraph for a KU-semigroup as theˑundirected simple graphˑ with the vertices are the elementsˑ of and weˑˑstudy the ˑgraph ofˑ equivalence classesˑofˑ which is determinedˑ by theˑ definition equivalenceˑ relation ofˑ these verticesˑ, andˑ then some related ˑproperties areˑ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. Byˑ usingˑ the definitionˑ ofˑ isomorphicˑ graph, ˑwe showˑ thatˑ the graphˑ of equivalence ˑclasses ˑand the ˑgraphˑof ˑa KU-semigroup ˑ areˑ theˑ sameˑ, in special cases.
Inˑthis work, we introduce the algebraic structure of semigroup with KU-algebra is called KU-semigroup and then we investigate some basic properties of this structure. We define the KU-semigroup and several examples are presented. Also,we study some types of ideals in this concept such as S-ideal,k- ideal and P-ideal.The relations between these types of ideals are discussed and few results for product S-ideals of product KU-semigroups are given. Furthermore, few results of some ideals in KU-semigroup under homomorphism are discussed.
It is known that, the concept of hyper KU-algebras is a generalization of KU-algebras. In this paper, we define cubic (strong, weak,s-weak) hyper KU-ideals of hyper KU-algebras and related properties are investigated.
In this paper, the concept of a hyper structure KU-algebra is introduced and some related properties are investigated. Also, some types of hyper KU-algebras are studied and the relationship between them is stated. Then a hyper KU-ideal of a hyper structure KU-algebra is studied and a few properties are obtained. Furthermore, the notion of a homomorphism is discussed.
We have studied some types of ideals in a KU-semigroup by using the concept of a bipolar fuzzy set. Bipolar fuzzy S-ideals and bipolar fuzzy k-ideals are introduced, and some properties are investigated. Also, some relations between a bipolar fuzzy k-ideal and k-ideal are discussed. Moreover, a bipolar fuzzy k-ideal under homomorphism and the product of two bipolar fuzzy k-ideals are studied.
In this paper, we will introduce the concept of interval value fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal in KU-algebras, which is a generalization of interval value fuzzy KU-ideal of KU-algebras and we will obtain few properties that is similar to the properties of interval value fuzzy KU-ideal in KU-algebras, see [8]. Also, we construct some algorithms for folding theory applied to KU-ideals in KU-algebras.
The aim of this paper is to study the Zariski topology of a commutative KU-algebra. Firstly, we introduce new concepts of a KU-algebra, such as KU-lattice, involutory ideal and prime ideal and investigate some basic properties of these concepts. Secondly, the notion of the topology spectrum of a commutative KU-algebra is studied and several properties of this topology are provided. Also, we study the continuous map of this topological space.
In This paper, we introduce the associated graphs of commutative KU-algebra. Firstly, we define the KU-graph which is determined by all the elements of commutative KU-algebra as vertices. Secondly, the graph of equivalence classes of commutative KU-algebra is studied and several examples are presented. Also, by using the definition of graph folding, we prove that the graph of equivalence classes and the graph folding of commutative KU-algebra are the same, where the graph is complete bipartite graph.
In this paper, we apply the notion of a bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal of KU- algebras. We introduce the concept of a bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal and investigate several properties. Also, we give relations between a bipolar fuzzy n- fold KU-ideal and n-fold KU-ideal. The image and the pre-image of bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideals in KU-algebras are defined and how the image and the pre- image of bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideals in KU-algebras become bipolar fuzzy n- fold KU-ideals are studied. Moreover, the product of bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU- ideals in Cartesian product KU-algebras is given.
An intuitionistic fuzzy set was exhibited by Atanassov in 1986 as a generalization of the fuzzy set. So, we introduce cubic intuitionistic structures on a KU-semigroup as a generalization of the fuzzy set of a KU-semigroup. A cubic intuitionistic k-ideal and some related properties are introduced. Also, a few characterizations of a cubic intuitionistic k-ideal are discussed and new cubic intuitionistic fuzzy sets in a KU-semigroup are defined.
We introduce the notion of interval value fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra as a generalization of a fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra and investigate some basic properties. Interval value fuzzy ideals and T-ideals are defined and several examples are presented. The relation between interval value fuzzy ideal and fuzzy T-ideal is studied. Abstract We introduce the notion of interval value fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra as a generalization of a fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra and investigate some basic properties. Interval value fuzzy ideals and T- ideals are defined and several examples are presented. The relation between interval value fuzzy ideal and fuzzy T-ideal is studied.