In the current study, the definition of mapping of fuzzy neutrosophic generalized semi-continuous and fuzzy neutrosophic alpha has generalized mapping as continuous. The study confirmed some theorems regarding such a concept. In the following, it has been found relationships among fuzzy neutrosophic alpha generalized mapping as continuous, fuzzy neutrosophic mapping as continuous, fuzzy neutrosophic alpha mapping as continuous, fuzzy neutrosophic generalized semi mapping as continuous, fuzzy neutrosophic pre mapping as continuous and fuzzy neutrosophic γ mapping as continuous.
In this paper, we apply the notion of a bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal of KU- algebras. We introduce the concept of a bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal and investigate several properties. Also, we give relations between a bipolar fuzzy n- fold KU-ideal and n-fold KU-ideal. The image and the pre-image of bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideals in KU-algebras are defined and how the image and the pre- image of bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU-ideals in KU-algebras become bipolar fuzzy n- fold KU-ideals are studied. Moreover, the product of bipolar fuzzy n-fold KU- ideals in Cartesian product KU-algebras is given.
In thisˑ paperˑ, we apply the notion ofˑ intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-fold KU-ideal of KU-algebra. Some types of ideals such as intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal, intuitionisticˑ fuzzy closed idealˑ and intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal are studied. Also, the relations between intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal and intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal are discussed. Furthermore, aˑ fewˑ results of intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-ˑfold KU-ideals of a KU-algebra underˑ homomorphismˑ are discussed.
In this paper, we will introduce the concept of interval value fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal in KU-algebras, which is a generalization of interval value fuzzy KU-ideal of KU-algebras and we will obtain few properties that is similar to the properties of interval value fuzzy KU-ideal in KU-algebras, see [8]. Also, we construct some algorithms for folding theory applied to KU-ideals in KU-algebras.
In this paper, we study the effect of group homomorphism on the chain of level subgroups of fuzzy groups. We prove a necessary and sufficient conditions under which the chains of level subgroups of homomorphic images of an a arbitrary fuzzy group can be obtained from that of the fuzzy groups . Also, we find the chains of level subgroups of homomorphic images and pre-images of arbitrary fuzzy groups
We have studied some types of ideals in a KU-semigroup by using the concept of a bipolar fuzzy set. Bipolar fuzzy S-ideals and bipolar fuzzy k-ideals are introduced, and some properties are investigated. Also, some relations between a bipolar fuzzy k-ideal and k-ideal are discussed. Moreover, a bipolar fuzzy k-ideal under homomorphism and the product of two bipolar fuzzy k-ideals are studied.
In the present paper, discuss the concept of fuzzy topological spectrum of a bounded commutative KU-algebra and study some of the characteristics of this topology. Also, we show that the fuzzy topological spectrum of this structure is compact and T1 -space.
The aim of this paper is to introduce and study new class of fuzzy function called fuzzy semi pre homeomorphism in a fuzzy topological space by utilizing fuzzy semi pre-open sets. Therefore, some of their characterization has been proved; In addition to that we define, study and develop corresponding to new class of fuzzy semi pre homeomorphism in fuzzy topological spaces using this new class of functions.