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A proposed dual size design for energy minimization in sub-threshold circuits
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Sub-threshold operation has received a lot of attention in limited performance applications.However, energy optimization of sub-threshold circuits should be performed with the concern of the performance limitation of such circuit. In this paper, a dual size design is proposed for energy minimization of sub-threshold CMOS circuits. The optimal downsizing factor is determined and assigned for some gates on the off-critical paths to minimize the energy at the maximum allowable performance. This assignment is performed using the proposed slack based genetic algorithm which is a heuristic-mixed evolutionary algorithm. Some gates are heuristically assigned to the original and the downsized design based on their slack time determined by static timing analysis. Other gates are subjected to the genetic algorithm to perform an optimal downsizing assignment taking into account the previous assignments. The algorithm is applied for different downsizing factors to determine the optimal dual size for low energy operation without a performance degradation. Experimental results are obtained for some ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits such as 74283, 74L85, ALU74181, and 16 bit ripple carry adder. The proposed design shows an energy per cycle saving ranged from (29.6% to 56.59%) depending on the utilization of available slack time from the off-critical paths. © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Science book second grade content analysis according to the Dimensions Of Sustainable Development
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The objective of this research is to analyze the content of science textbook at the elementary level, according to the dimensions of sustainable development for the academic year (2015-2016). To achieve this goal has been to build a list with dimensions of sustainable development to be included in science textbooks in primary school, after seeing the collection of literature and research and studies, as has been reached to the list of the dimensions of the three sustainable development and social, economic and environmental in the initial image consisted of (63) the issue of sub-divided the three-dimensional, the menu and offered a group of arbitrators and specialists in curriculum and teaching methods, and thus the menu consiste

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measures the reflected solar radiation in the ultraviolet and visible part in the spectral range that is between 270 and 500 nm, using two channels with a spectral resolution of about 0.5 nm. Ground-level tropospheric ozone is one of the air pollutants of most concern. In the troposphere, near the Earth's surface, human activities lead to ozone concentrations several times higher than the natural background level. To evaluate the ozone distribution over Iraq, the ozone data from OMI were analyzed using geostatistical techniques. Theoretical spherical models provided the best fit for all monthly experimental variograms. The parameters of these variograms (sill, range and nugget) wer

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analysis of third intermediate chemistry book following sustainable development standards
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The current research seeks to Analyze third intermediate chemistry book following sustainable development standards for academic year (2016-2017). To do this, a list of sustainable development standards that should be included in chemistry book was designed based on the previous studies. The first version of the list consisted of (50) sub-case divided into three standards (social, economic, and environmental) which was exposed to group of experts in teaching chemistry and teaching methods. The list has modified to (43) sub-case. The researcher followed the implicit and explicit meaning in his analysis: one for recording and repetition and the other for frequency. The result showed that third intermediate chemistry book has achieved (20)

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Hydraulic Analysis of the Samarra-Al Tharthar System
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Low incoming discharge upstream of Samarra-Al Tharthar System leads to sediment accumulation and forming islands, especially an island upstream of Al Tharthar Regulator. This island and the sedimentation threaten the stability of the structure and reduce the efficiency of the system. This study aims to hydraulically identify the sedimentation problem mentioned above, to find solutions of how to control the sediment problems, and to develop the capacity of
the system for 500 years return period flood of 15060 m3/s. Surface Water Modeling System (SMS10.1) with two dimensional depth average models (RMA-2) software were used to simulate and analyze the system. The results of analysis showed that the maximum permissible discharge through t

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's Inaugural Speech
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       Political speeches are represented in different shapes as political forum, events or as inaugural speech. This research critically analyzes the inaugural Speech of the President Donald Trump which was delivered on 20th ,January, 2017 from the site<> retrieved on 10th ,May,2017. The objectives of the study are: First: classifying and discussing well known micro structures (linguistic feature) of the speech, and second: classifying the macro structures i.e. the delivered political inaugural speech  in which he includes social structures. To reach to the objectives of the study, the researcher will adopt Norman Fairclough’s three dimensional Analytical Model(

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stress Analysis of the Hip Bone
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The bony pelvis has a major role in weight transmission to the lower limbs. The complexities of its geometric form, material properties, and loading conditions render it an open subject to biomechanical analysis.

 The present study deals with area measurement, and three-dimensional finite element analysis of the hip bone to investigate magnitudes, load direction, and stress distribution under physiological loading conditions.

 The surface areas of the auricular surface, lunate surface, and symphysis pubis were measured in (35) adult hip bones. A solid model was translated into ANSYS parametric design language to be analyzed by finite element analysis method under different loading conditions.

The surface

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Structure,Rietveld Refinement Study of BaCoxTixFe12-2xO19 ferrite Using Powder XRD Analysis
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    BaCoxTixFe12-2xO19 (x=0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.7) were prepared using powder technology technique . X-ray diffraction with diffractometer CuKα radiation analysis and Rietveld refinement of the samples were studied and showed a single phase of hexagonal structure with SP63/mmc space group . Lattice parameters, cell volume , crystallite size and x-ray density were determined .The hexagonal structure was represented by using PowderCell program showing the atomic positions of Co ,Ti, and Fe ions.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Biological And Chemical Sciences
Extraction of bio-active compounds extracted from Inula helenium roots by leaching process
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Leaching process applied for the extraction of bio active compounds from dried roots of (Elecampane) Inula helenium. Ethanol, hexane and distillated water were used as solvents. Roots were soaked with ethanol (5% w/v) with various concentration of ethanol (30 to 98%) at one day to know effect concentration of the solvent with concentration of bio active compound in Inula helenium. The same procedure was done using hexane as solvent. Also distilled water was used as solvent for extraction 5%(w/v) where plant material was soaked in water at different temperatures (25, 40, 65, 80, and 90) C. In all solvents undertaken, the effect of time duration on active ingredient (Thymol, Isoalatolactone, Alatolactone, 10-isobutyryl-oxy 8-9-epoxy thymol is

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Finite Element Analysis of Cracked One-Way Bubbled Slabs Strengthened By External Prestressed Strands
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Bubbled slabs can be exposed to damage or deterioration during its life. Therefore, the solution for strengthening must be provided. For the simulation of this case, the analysis of finite elements was carried out using ABAQUS 2017 software on six simply supported specimens, during which five are voided with 88 bubbles, and the other is solid. The slab specimens with symmetric boundary conditions were of dimensions 3200/570/150 mm. The solid slab and one bubbled slab are deemed references. Each of the other slabs was exposed to; (1) service charge, then unloaded (2) external prestressing and (3) loading to collapse under two line load. The external strengthening was applied using prestressed wire with four approaches, wh

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Investigation of the Aerial Part of Iraqi Convolvulus arvensis
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Convolvulus arvensis is a species of bindweed that is rhizomatous and is in the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae) native to Europe and Asia. The plant is naturally grown in Iraq. The plant was reported to be used in traditional medicine from as early as 1730s.

The Aerial parts of Convolvulus arvensis were macerated in 80% ethanol for 6 days. The concentrated extract was partitioned with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate- and n-butanol successively. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate, fractions were examined for the presence of phytochemicals by thin l

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