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The role of the auditor in measuring social and environmental performance indicators in light of the implementation of the GRI standards: (Applied research at the Iraqi General Cement Company)
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This study measures the indicators of social and environmental performance of the contents of the administration's prepared reports on its social and environmental performance by comparing the actual performance with the indicators set within the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI), In preparing this research, the researchers relied on studying the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative, which aims to achieve a high level of performance disclosure under sustainability, In light of contemporary global trends towards achieving sustainable development and its disclosure and the orientations of economic institutions and units in different countries towards emphasizing the extent of commitment during practicing its activities to achieve sustainability in its dimensions (institutional, economic, environmental and social), In addition to the emergence of studies that emphasized the need for expansion in the areas of disclosure and performance measurement in the light of sustainability towards achieving transparency and developing accountability, the auditing profession is no longer limited to the financial function mainly to verify its integrity and credibility, but it has become obligatory for its practitioners to take into account contemporary developments in the fields Profession to include work on providing other services, which are non-financial services, including performance measurement services and confirmation services for management reports prepared in accordance with sustainability under the application of the standards (GRI), In light of this, the social and environmental performance of the Cement Company was measured to verify its safety and adequacy in accordance with the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI(.

The researchers reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: (1) The absence of accredited measurement indicators for auditors used for the purpose of verifying the consideration of sustainability when performing business and operational activities. (2) The overall assessment rate for the environmental part was (6%), while the evaluation rate was the total for the social part (4%), which indicates a very low evaluation rate for the disclosure of information related to those parts. (3)The total percentage when performing the level of performance and disclosure according to the environmental and social parts reached (5%) for the three years subject to examination, which indicates a lack of transparency in the disclosure compared to the activity of the economic unit subject to the examination, which is considered an environmental pollutant and thus its reflection on the ability to achieve sustainable development.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
History Of Medicine
Study of the quality of attach algae to the concrete supports of some bridges within Baghdad city
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A study of taxonomic quality of algae attaching Three concert bridges built on the Tigris River within city of Baghdad including Al-Jadriyah Bridge in Al-Jadriyah area and the Bab Al-Mu'adam Bridge in Al-Shalajiya area, while the third site included Al-Muthanna Bridge in north of Baghdad city, for the period from Autumn 2021 and Winter 2022. The study identified 114 species of 32 Genus in which the predominance of Bacillariophceae (74 species, 14 Genus) Followed by Cyanophyceae (30species, 12 Genus) and 10 species (6 Genus) of Chlorophyceae. The study showed an increase in species of Bacillariophceae, Cyanophyceae which has the ability to secretion gelatinous substances that enable it to stick to solid stand, the number of the larges

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a consulting program for decreasing withdrawal behavior of the children with autism of kindergarten
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       unacceptable social behaviors, particularly withdrawal behavior that appears in children with autism represent a major problem hindering the process of communication with those around them and therefore the process of mergence  with them be difficult.

     The withdrawal causes a real affect deficit for children with autism limits the possibility of development of their intellectual and mental growth due to their solitude and the weakness of their focus in the acquisition of pedagogical skills and lack the necessary social skills to maintain the relations of friendship and enjoyment of them.

      withdrawal children fail to participate

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Effect of Different Concentrations of Gilvest with Water on the Setting Time of Phosphate-bonded investment
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Objective: To identify of the effect of the different concentrations of the special liquid (for mixing the investment, Gilvest)
and mixed with water/powder ratio on setting time of phosphate–bonded investment.
Method and materials: The present study is (60) specimens made from phosphate bonded investment divided into (4)
groups (control and experimental groups), (15) specimens for each group. The Gillmore needle device is used to setting
time of phosphate bonded investment mixed with different concentration of Gilvest and water.
Results: Showed that there is a high significant difference (P<0.01) between each groups in the ANOVA test and a
significant difference (P<0.05) between the group (A) and control group i

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The extent to which governmental secondary schools' managers in al-hial province have cognitive management requirements
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The current study aims to examine the level of cognitive management requirement among the governmental secondary schools' managers in al-hial province in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To do this, the author designed a questionnaire comprised (20) item which was applied on (250) managers included (113) manager hold bachelor degree and (137) manager hold master degree. To carry out this study, the researcher utilized the descriptive approach. The findings revealed that a high level of cognitive management requirements among secondary schools' managers as well as there is a significant difference at the (0.05) level regarding degree type, but there is no a significant difference according to gender variable.  

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Uranium Concentration and Calculated Doses of Radiation Resulting From the Tap and Bottled Drinking Water in Babylon - middle Iraq
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      In this study, uranium concentrations were evaluated and the annual effective dose was calculated from the consumption of bottled water and tap water used for drinking in Babylon, middle Iraq. Uranium isotopes (238U, 234U, 235U) were determined for all samples collected using the phosphorylation analyzer technique represented device (KPA). Forty-four samples were collected to cover almost all districts and regions of Babylon.  Thirty tap water samples were collected from residential neighborhoods, with 14 samples from local brand bottled water. The results show that the uranium concentrations in the tap water samples ranged from 1.66 μg.L-1 to 2.64 μg.L-1, with an avera

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 21 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Antimicrobial Activities of Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts from Salvia officinalis and Salix acmophylla Used in the treatment of wound infection isolates
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    The aqueous and methanol extracts of Salvia officinals and Salix acmoplylla traditionally used for the treatment of infections disease were tested for their active  against gram positive and gram negative bacteria isolated from wound  infection culture using the broth dilution and disc diffusion melhod. Results of   this study revealed the prescence of phytochemical which were  active  against gram positive and negative bacteria. Methanol extracts of both plants showed  the highest activity other the aqueous extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the aqueous extracts on the test organism was  25- 100 mg\ml,while that of the  methanol extract was ranged betwee

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Effect of an exercise program on physical-kinetic intelligence and the skills of dribbling and shooting in basketball among female students
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The current research aimed to study the effect of an exercise program on physical-kinetic intelligence and the skills of dribbling and shooting in basketball among female students. The research community was composed of 102 female students in the second stage of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences College for Girls of Baghdad University, in the academic year 2021-2022. A total of 40 female students were the sample of the study: 20 female students in the control group and 20 female students in the experimental group. After the implementation of the exercise program, there were significant improvements from pre-tests to post tests in the two groups (control and experimental groups), in physical-kinetic intelligenc

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 21 2023
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Development and Validation of HPLC Method For the Detection of Fusidic Acid Loaded in Non-ionic and Cationic Nanoemulsion-Based Gels
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Fusidic acid (FA) is a well-known pharmaceutical antibiotic used to treat dermal infections. This experiment aimed for developing a standardized HPLC protocol to determine the accurate concentration of fusidic acid in both non-ionic and cationic nano-emulsion based gels. For this purpose, a simple, precise, accurate approach was developed. A column with reversed-phase C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm ID x 5 m) was utilized for the separation process. The main constituents of the HPLC mobile phase were composed of water: acetonitrile (1: 4); adjusted at pH 3.3. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/minute. The optimized wavelength was selected at 235 nm. This approach achieved strong linearity for alcoholic solutions of FA when loaded at a serial concentrati

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The Effect of Motor Sense Exercises for Developing Motor and Physiological Abilities of Backstroke and Forward Stroke Service Skill in Badminton
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The aim of the research is to prepare motor sense exercises for developing motor and physiological abilities of backstroke and forward stroke service skill in badminton and investigated their effect. The research is adopted the experimental method with two groups design. The sample of the research is 8 players (13-15 years). The sample is divided into two groups of 4 players for each group. Both groups are exposed to pre and post tests, after the experimented were finished, the results are statically analyzed. The results have showed that there are positive developing abilities of motor and physiological of service skill in badminton. Finally, these prepared exercises are recommended for developing players’ abilities in badminton.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The study of tempromandibular joint disorders and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in serum and saliva of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects mainly the synovial membranes and articular structures and is characterized by chronic, systemic inflammation involving multiple joints.Being a synovial joint, the Temporomandibular Joint is subject to the same disorders affecting other synovial joints, including RA.Beside it was considered as a specific serological marker for diagnosing RA disease ,antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide have proven to be associated with joints destruction, though; it may play a potential role in the prediction of the disease severity. Materials and Methods: Sixty nine individuals (69) were enrolled in this study, forty nine (49) were patients diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a

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