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The role of the auditor in measuring social and environmental performance indicators in light of the implementation of the GRI standards: (Applied research at the Iraqi General Cement Company)
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This study measures the indicators of social and environmental performance of the contents of the administration's prepared reports on its social and environmental performance by comparing the actual performance with the indicators set within the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI), In preparing this research, the researchers relied on studying the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative, which aims to achieve a high level of performance disclosure under sustainability, In light of contemporary global trends towards achieving sustainable development and its disclosure and the orientations of economic institutions and units in different countries towards emphasizing the extent of commitment during practicing its activities to achieve sustainability in its dimensions (institutional, economic, environmental and social), In addition to the emergence of studies that emphasized the need for expansion in the areas of disclosure and performance measurement in the light of sustainability towards achieving transparency and developing accountability, the auditing profession is no longer limited to the financial function mainly to verify its integrity and credibility, but it has become obligatory for its practitioners to take into account contemporary developments in the fields Profession to include work on providing other services, which are non-financial services, including performance measurement services and confirmation services for management reports prepared in accordance with sustainability under the application of the standards (GRI), In light of this, the social and environmental performance of the Cement Company was measured to verify its safety and adequacy in accordance with the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI(.

The researchers reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: (1) The absence of accredited measurement indicators for auditors used for the purpose of verifying the consideration of sustainability when performing business and operational activities. (2) The overall assessment rate for the environmental part was (6%), while the evaluation rate was the total for the social part (4%), which indicates a very low evaluation rate for the disclosure of information related to those parts. (3)The total percentage when performing the level of performance and disclosure according to the environmental and social parts reached (5%) for the three years subject to examination, which indicates a lack of transparency in the disclosure compared to the activity of the economic unit subject to the examination, which is considered an environmental pollutant and thus its reflection on the ability to achieve sustainable development.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Construction the linear codes in PG (1, 31)
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     The goal of this paper is to construct the linear code, and its dual which corresponding to classification of  projective line PG(1,31), we will present Some important results of coding theory, the generator matrix of every linear code in PG(1,31) is found,  A parity check  matrix is  also found . The mathematical programming language GAP was a main computing tool .

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Utilizing the ATM technology in e-distance learning
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<p>There is an Increasing demand for the education in the field of E-learning specially the higher education, and to keep contiuity between the user and the course director in any place and time. This research presents a proposed and simulation multimedia network design for distance learning utilizing ATM technique. The propsed framework determines the principle of ATM technology and shows how multimedia can be integrated within E- learning conteext. The first part of this research presents a theoretical design for the Electricity Department, university of technology. The purpose is to illustrate the usage of the ATM and Multimedia in distance learning process. In addition, this research composes two entities: Software entity

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The sustainable urban development in Al_Kharkh historic center
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The problems of urban historic centers are considered some of the subjects which are widely dealt with in urban studies since the middle of the 20th century. literature of urban development have raised it , beside the fact that large number of urban development projects of the historical centers in many cities of the world ,and emerged from the application of these new problems projects added their original urban problems , because these projects have dealt with the physical structures with the neglect of the social and economic sides, which are the base in sustainable development nResearch problem was elaborated as : The unclearly of knowledge of the potentials of the sustainable development in solving the urban problems of historic cen

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
Root Resorption in the Permanent Teeth. A Review
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The loss of dental hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic activity is known as root resorption. It is unwanted and pathological in permanent teeth. Root resorption may happen within the root canal called internal root resorption or on the outer surface of the root called external root resorption. Regardless of where it occurs, root resorption is irreparable, can cause pain for the patient, necessitates treatment, and in some circumstances, resulting in the early loss of the affected tooth. It might be challenging to precisely diagnose and treat root resorption. There is limited information within literatures on root resorption therefore this review aims to understand the radiological and clinical characteristics of r

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Arthur Miller’s Tragedy as Reflected in The Crucible
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In the period immediately following the end of World War II, American theatre was transformed by the work of playwright Arthur Miller. Miller tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the greater American psyche because he was profoundly influenced by the depression and the war that immediately followed it. His dramas proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times; allowing people an honest view of the direction the country had taken.1 Miller has his own concept of tragedy as a modern playwright. He believes that tragedy may depict ordinary people in domestic surroundings instead of talking about a character from a high rank, a king or a queen. Miller’s main concern lies in dramatizing the whole man as he i

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Replacing the Content in e-Abacus Diagram II
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     In our normal life, we sometimes need a process of replacing something with another to get out of the stereotype. From this point of view, Mahmood’s attempted in the year 2020 to replace the content in the first main e-abacus diagram. He found the general rule for finding the value of the new partition after the replacement from the original partition. Here we raise the question: Can we find the appropriate mechanisms for the remainder of the main e-abacus diagram?

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Turn-Taking System in American Presidential Debates
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The organization and coordination of any communication is based on the system of turn-taking which refers to the process by which a participant in a conversation takes the role of speaker. The progression of any conversation is achieved by the change of roles between speaker and hearer which, in its turn, represents the heart of the turn-taking system. The turn-taking system is not a random process but it is a highly organized process governed by a set of rules. Thus, this system has certain features and rules which exist in any English communicative process. These rules, if applied by speakers, help to achieve successful exchange of turns in any conversation. This paper attempts to present full exposition of the concepts of conversation

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Philosophy of Beauty of Hegel
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Hegel's book entitled"The science of Beauty" is a serious attempt to establish a foundationfor this science. Hegel decided from the beginning, that his research is limited to artistic beauty more than natural beauty. He regards artistic beauty above the natural beauty as the former is the product of the soul.

            Everything that comes from the soul is superior to what is found in nature and the worst idea that penetrates human's thoughtbetter  than any  product of the nature. Man turned to art as a means of his awareness of his superior soul and his interests. All nations poured  their highest outputs of their  perceptions in the product of art.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 13 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Surgery of Eventration of the Diaphragm
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Background: Eventration of diaphragm is an abnormal elevation of the diaphragm. Publishing on eventration of diaphragm in Iraq is scarce.

Objective: This study was carried out to report on the Iraqi experience on eventration of diaphragm.

Methods: A total of 18 patients with eventration diaphragm were included in this study. A review of case records of patients with eventration diaphragm treated in Ibn Al-Nafees Teaching Hospital was done. Review of records took place for the period of March 2012 to Dec. 2017.

Results: The age of patients was ranged 5 months to 70 years, giving male to f

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 08 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of Microbial Desalination Cell Performance; Power Generation and Desalination Efficiency using Pure Oxygen in a Cathode Chamber
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Microbial Desalination Cell (MDC) is capable of desalinating seawater, producing electrical power and treating wastewater. Previously, chemical cathodes were used, which were application restrictions due to operational expenses are quite high, low levels of long-term viability and high toxicity. A pure oxygen cathode was using, external resistance 50 and 150 k Ω were studied with two concentrations of NaCl in the desalination chamber 15-25 g/L which represents the concentration of brackish water and sea water. The highest energy productivity was obtained, which amounted to 44 and 46 mW/m3, and the maximum limit for desalination of saline water was (31% and 26%) for each of 25 g / L and 15 g / L, respectively, when using an ex

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