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Practical Steps For Literal Translation: گــام¬های عـملی یک ترجــمهء حرفه¬ای
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The present paper, practical methods of professional translation, discusses the most important methods to achieve an accurate effective translation from the source language text  to the equivalent target language text.

The present study suggests that practical translation like any literary activity is of six main stages that follow sequential order to achieve an accurate translation: (choosing the foreign text to be translated, the author of the text permission, the text translation, considering the title contextual meaning, reviewing the text translation, and finally finding a good publisher).


پژوهش حاضر که با عنوان گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­­­­­­­­ای يك تلاش فروتنانه به دنبال بررسی وتحلیل گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای است، كه هر مترجم برای ارائه یک ترجمه خوب و درست از زبان مبدأ به زبان مقصد باید ان را دنبال کند.

        پژوهش از شش مطلب تشکیل یافته است, كه مجموع آن گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­ای به شمار می روند .از میان مهمترین نتایجی که پژوهشگر به آن رسیده: ترجمه هم مانند هر فعالیت ادبی باید طبق مرحله­هایی یا با گام­های مرتب ویکی پس از دیگری انجام شود وگرنه کار کم اهمیت خواهد بود, و گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای عبارتنداز: انتخاب کتاب،گرفتن اجازه از صاحب اثر،شروع به ترجمهء متن اثر،ترجمهء عنوان کتاب ، ویرایش وانتخاب ناشر.



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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Projective Properties for Symmetrical Magnetic Lens by Using Exponential Model
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A computational investigation is carried out in the field of charged particle optics with the aid of the numerical analysis methods. The work is concerned with the design of symmetrical double pole piece magnetic lens.  The axial magnetic flux density distribution is determined by using exponential model, from which the paraxial-ray equation is solved to obtain the trajectory of particles that satisfy the suggested exponential model.  From the knowledge of the first and second derivatives of axial potential distribution, the optical properties such as the focal length and aberration coefficients (radial distortion coefficient and spiral distortion coefficient) are determined.  Finally, the pole piece profiles capable of pr

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
New Commands to Improve the Monitor for the ELWE Microcomputer
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The base of the ELWE MPF-1 microcomputer is the Z80 microprocessor. The Z80 programs are written in assembly language. The main advantage of assembly language is that: it is much faster to code and the mnemonics makes it easier for the user to remember the instruction. The purpose of this paper is to improve the monitor process for didactic microcomputer ELWE MPF-1 by appending new powerful commands (MOVE, FILL, SEARCH and COMPARE) to the existing monitor to make it more useful and flexible. 8085 assembly language is used to execute this program. The letters used for abbreviation: M for MOVE, F for FILL, S for SEARCH and C for COMPARE.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the coincidence lefschetz number for self-maps of lie groups
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Let/. It :0 ---0 G be any two self maps of a compact connected oriented Lie group G. In this paper, for each positive integer k , we associate an integer with fk,hi . We relate this number with Lefschetz coincidence number. We deduce that for any two differentiable maps f, there exists a positive integer k such that k 5.2+1 , and there is a point x C G such that ft (x) = (x) , where A is the rank of G . Introduction Let G be an n-dimensional com -pact connected Lie group with multip-lication p ( .e 44:0 xG--+G such that p ( x , y) = x.y ) and unit e . Let [G, G] be the set of homotopy classes of maps G G . Given two maps f , f G ---• Jollowing [3], we write f. f 'to denote the map G-.Gdefined by 01.11® =A/WO= fiat® ,sea Given a point g

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Best estimation for the Reliability of 2-parameter Weibull Distribution
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This Research Tries To Investigate The Problem Of Estimating The Reliability Of Two Parameter Weibull Distribution,By Using Maximum Likelihood Method, And White Method. The Comparison Is done Through Simulation Process Depending On Three Choices Of Models (?=0.8 , ß=0.9) , (?=1.2 , ß=1.5) and (?=2.5 , ß=2). And Sample Size n=10 , 70, 150 We Use the Statistical Criterion Based On the Mean Square Error (MSE) For Comparison Amongst The Methods.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Photoacoustic Imaging for Tumor Detection: An in vitro Simulation Study
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Photoacoustic is a unique imaging method that combines the absorption contrast of light or radio frequency waves with ultrasound resolution. When the deposition of this energy is sufficiently short, a thermo-elastic expansion takes place whereby acoustic waves are generated. These waves can be recorded and stored to construct an image. This work presents experimental procedure of laser photoacoustic two dimensional imaging to detect tumor embedded within normal tissue. The experimental work is accomplished using phantoms that are sandwiched from fish heart or blood sac (simulating a tumor) 1-14mm mean diameter embedded within chicken breast to simulate a real tissue. Nd: YAG laser of 1.064μm and 532nm wavelengths, 10ns pulse duration, 4

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Nonparametric Binary Logistic Regression
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In this research, the methods of Kernel estimator (nonparametric density estimator) were relied upon in estimating the two-response logistic regression, where the comparison was used between the method of Nadaraya-Watson and the method of Local Scoring algorithm, and optimal Smoothing parameter λ was estimated by the methods of Cross-validation and generalized Cross-validation, bandwidth optimal λ has a clear effect in the estimation process. It also has a key role in smoothing the curve as it approaches the real curve, and the goal of using the Kernel estimator is to modify the observations so that we can obtain estimators with characteristics close to the properties of real parameters, and based on medical data for patients with chro

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A parallel Numerical Algorithm For Solving Some Fractional Integral Equations
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In this study, He's parallel numerical algorithm by neural network is applied to type of integration of fractional equations is Abel’s integral equations of the 1st and 2nd kinds. Using a Levenberge – Marquaradt training algorithm as a tool to train the network. To show the efficiency of the method, some type of Abel’s integral equations is solved as numerical examples. Numerical results show that the new method is very efficient problems with high accuracy.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Reality design Arabic letters for the purposes of digital programming
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Arabic calligraphy has great importance in the printing designs that are often on the written character-based to perform functional goals and to achieve some of the aesthetic values ​​in design work, has led major developments in the field of computer manufacturing and design software for the design and layout to increase to deal with the programmed character for the purposes of typesetting has confronted this Find the Arab character programmed for the purposes of typesetting for the detection of the most important design interventions that underwent the Arabic letter written to turn it into a programmed image intended for the purposes of the printing and typesetting has been addressed in the context of which the theoretical types of

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Buckling Loads and Effective Length Factor for Non-Prismatic Columns
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Based on a finite element analysis using Matlab coding, eigenvalue problem has been formulated and solved for the buckling analysis of non-prismatic columns. Different numbers of elements per column length have been used to assess the rate of convergence for the model. Then the proposed model has been used to determine the critical buckling load factor () for the idealized supported columns based on the comparison of their buckling loads with the corresponding hinge supported columns . Finally in this study the critical buckling factor () under end force (P) increases by about 3.71% with the tapered ratio increment of 10% for different end supported columns and the relationship between normalized critical load and slenderness ratio was g

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design a supply chain model for Baghdad Soft Drinks Company
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In this paper, a mathematical model was built for the supply chain to reduce production, inventory, and transportation in Baghdad Company for Soft Drink. The linear programming method was used to solve this mathematical model. We reduced the cost of production by reduced the daily work hours, the company do not need the overtime hours to work at the same levels of production, and the costs of storage in the company's warehouses and agents' stores have been reduced by making use of the stock correctly, which guarantees reducing costs and preserving products from damage. The units transferred from the company were equal to the units demanded by the agents. The company's mathematical model also achieved profits by (84,663,769) by re

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