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Auxiliarité secondaire et verbes semi-auxiliaires
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Dans la langue française, une forme d'auxiliarité, composée de deux éléments cohérents l'auxiliant et l'auxilié, fournit, en effet, à la phrase une diversité significative et structurale. L'auxiliarité, renvoie à l'unification de deux éléments grammaticaux afin de localiser l'énoncé sur l'axe du temps, d'aspect ou de mode. É. Benveniste définit l'auxiliarité en : « Il s'agit d'une forme linguistique unitaire qui se réalise, à travers des paradigmes entiers, en  deux éléments, dont chacun assume une partie des fonctions grammaticales, et qui sont à la fois liés et autonomes, distincts et complémentaires »[1]. Ces deux éléments d'auxiliarité possèdent donc sa propre fonction, à condition que l'un accomplisse l'autre, ainsi la phrase produite réussit à atteindre son objectif.

 [1] Emile Benveniste, Problèmes de linguistique générale, t. II, éd. Gallimard, Paris,1974, p.177.


This research studies the secondary auxiliary verbs or semi-auxiliary verbs as they are termed in French, their composition and significance. The semi-auxiliary verbs are related to the infinitive (son auxilié). Some of these verbs have their own prepositions. Therefore these verbs comprise different forms to give different meanings, with differences of the main auxiliaries  être et avoir which are associated with the past participle (participe passé) to express past times only.

 The semi-auxiliary verbs are used in the sentence to express the near future or the recent past: aller and venir de + infintive. On the other hand, they express the aspect of the verb, we recourse to the verb commencer à  designate the beginning of the act or être en train de of the saying that the act is not yet accomplished, or the act is completed with use of the verb  finir de.

 The last case of these semi-auxiliaries uses the modality of the verb to express either obligation or probability with verb devoir or the possibility with the verb pouvoir. Moreover, there are other verbs that can be used in this field like sembler, faire, vouloir, that add other important meanings. Consequently, the variety of semi-auxiliary verbs promotes diversity of structures and meanings that help to enrich the language and enhance the expression.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
On semi strongly (E, F)-convex functions and semi strongly (E, F)-convex optimization problems
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Abstract<p>In this paper, a new class of non-convex functions called semi strongly (<italic>E, F</italic>)-convex functions are presented. This class represents a natural extension of semi strongly <italic>E</italic>-convex functions shown in the literature. Different properties of this class of functions are discussed. Optimality properties of constrained optimization problems in which the objective function or the inequality constraints functions are semi strongly (<italic>E, F</italic>)-convex are proved for this class.</p>
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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fully Prime Semimodule, Fully Essential Semimodule and Semi-Complement Subsemimodules
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      The concept of semi-essential semimodule has been studied by many researchers.

     In this paper, we will develop these results by setting appropriate conditions, and defining new properties, relating to our concept, for example (fully prime semimodule, fully essential semimodule and semi-complement subsemimodule) such that: if for each subsemimodule of -semimodule  is prime, then  is fully prime. If every semi-essential subsemimodule of -semimodule  is essential then  is fully essential. Finally, a prime subsemimodule  of  is called semi-relative intersection complement (briefly, semi-complement) of subsemimodule  in , if , and whenever  with  is a prime subsemimodule in , , then .  Furthermore, some res

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On The Intersection of Semi-Pure Subgroups of Abelian Group
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The following question was raised by L.Fuchs: "what are the subgroups of an abelian group G that can be represented as intersections of pure subgroups of G ? . Fuchs also added that “One of my main aims is to give the answers to the above question". In this paper, we shall define new subgroups which are a family of the pure subgroups. Then we shall answer problem 2 of L.Fuchs by these semi-pure subgroups which can be represented as the intersections of pure subgroups.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La langue et la quête de l'identité dans l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux
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Since her early beginning in 1974 in her novel "Les armoires vides", Annie Ernaux writing about life in all its various aspects remained her main goal. This novel gave the earliest signals of what would happen later on in her literary career. Indeed, her works showed abilities of echoing reality, her sufferance and experiences via the use of simple and clear language. Add to this, her writings are to be viewed as an expression of deep felt journey, and a continuous search due to the consequent changes coming out of her identity.

    We try here to give an answer to the question about writing as to whether being, to Ernaux herself, a need for the search about her social and feminist identity, or a pure literary work

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 04 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Xi'an University Of Architecture & Technology
Regularity via semi-generalized open set
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In this work the concept of semi-generalized regular topological space was introduced and studied via semi generalized open sets. Many properties and results was investigated and studied, also it was shown that the quotient space of semi-generalized regular topological space is not, in general semi-generalizedspace.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Results on Semi-preopen Sets
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    The definition of semi-preopen sets were first introduced by "Andrijevic" as were is defined by :Let (X ,  ) be a topological space, and let  A ⊆,    then Ais called semi-preopen set if ⊆∘ .        In this paper, we study the properties of semi-preopen sets but by another  definition which is equivalent to the first definition and we also study the relationships among it and (open, α-open, preopen and semi-p-open )sets.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 11 2015
Journal Name
St-Closed and Semi-extending Modules
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity 1 ¹ 0, and let M be a unitary left module over R. A submodule N of an R-module M is called essential, if whenever N ⋂ L = (0), then L = (0) for every submodule L of M. In this case, we write N ≤e M. An R-module M is called extending, if every submodule of M is an essential in a direct summand of M. A submodule N of an R-module M is called semi-essential (denoted by N ≤sem M), if N ∩ P ≠ (0) for each nonzero prime submodule P of M. The main purpose of this work is to determine and study two new concepts (up to our knowledge) which are St-closed submodules and semi-extending modules. St-closed submodules is contained properly in the class of closed submodules, where a submodule N of

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science,
F-J-semi Regular Modules Department
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy Soc-Semi-Prime Sub-Modules
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     In this paper, we study a new concept of fuzzy sub-module, called  fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module that is a generalization the concept of semi-prime fuzzy sub-module and fuzzy of approximately semi-prime sub-module in the ordinary sense.  This leads us to introduce level property which studies the relation between the ordinary and fuzzy sense of approximately semi-prime sub-module. Also, some of its characteristics and notions such as the intersection, image and external direct sum of fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-modules are introduced. Furthermore, the relation between the fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module and other types of fuzzy sub-module presented.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Results on Semi-preopen Sets
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      The definition of semi-preopen sets were first introduced by "Andrijevic" as were is defined by :Let (X ,  ) be a topological space, and let  A ⊆,    then A is called semi-preopen set if ⊆∘ .        In this paper, we study the properties of semi-preopen sets but by another  definition which is equivalent to the first definition and we also study the relationships among it and (open, α-open, preopen and semi-p-open )sets.

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