The climate is one of the natural factors affecting agriculture, and the success of the cultivation of any agricultural crop depends on the nature of the prevailing climate in the area of its cultivation. If the main elements of climate: temperature, rain and humidity, affect the various agricultural activities that can be practiced, and the stages of growth of agricultural crops and also determine the areas of spread. When the climatic requirements of any crop are well available, its cultivation is successful and comfortable. The research starts from the problem of spatial variation of date production spatially in the study area and the reason for choosing dates because of its economic importance, so the research will be based on the discussion of a basic hypothesis related to the relationship of climate central and southern Iraq to cultivate dates and spatial variability and prove the validity of this hypothesis and achieve the objectives of the study. Quantitative approach is used in different parts of the research to reach the conclusions of the research. It shows that the northern regions of the study area occupy the highest areas in the number of palm trees that are less in the south and east of the study areas, and that there is a strong correlation between certain types of dates and climatic elements that are represented by (the maximum and minimum temperatures and the relative humidity) while there are types Dates are associated with (manpower).
تعتبر ظاهرة الفساد بصورة عامة ظاهرة عالمية واسعة الانتشار، توجد فى
كافة المجتمعات النامية منها والمتقدمة بدرجات متفاوتة، ذلك أن الفساد قد أضحى
ظاهرة لا يكاد يخلو منها مجتمع. وظاهرة الفساد بالإضافة إلى كونها ظاهرة
عابرة للحدود، فهى ظاهرة ذات جذور عميقة وتأخذ أبعاداً واسعة تتداخل معها
وترتبط بها عدة مفاهيم وعوامل يصعب التمييز بينها، وتختلف كذلك درجة
توافرها وشموليتها من مجتمع إلى آخر.
... Show Moreيعد موضوع السلام ونبذ العنف وقبول الآخر من الموضوعات الحیویة التي اخذت تصعد على سلم الأولویات فى نهایات القرن الماضي وبداية الالفية الجديدة ، ولازال یلقى الاهتمام الكبیر من الدول نظراً للنجاحات التي حققها السلام من حیث الإعمار والمساعدة فى رسم الخطط التنمویة طویلة المدى، وتنبع ألاهمیة من صیاغة الوجدان للإنسان العراقي عبر نشر ثقافة السلام.
يقوم الخطأ المضمر على فكرة مبناها استنتاج الخطأ من وقوع الضرر، منشئاً بذلك قرينة قانونية بسيطة للمدعي (المضرور) تعفيه من اثبات خطأ المدعى عليه (المسؤول)، وهذا الافتراض في الاساس فكرة قضائية وجدت لمساعدة المضرور في الحصول على التعويض في حالة عدم تمكنه من تحديد خطأ المسؤول ، الا انه افتراضٌ قابلٌ لإثبات العكس من خلال نفي اي خطأ صادر عن المدعى عليه ، ويمكن نفيه ايضاً بإثبات انقطاع السببية بين الخطأ المضمر والضرر
... Show Moreاثر التواجد العسكري الامريكي على النظام السياسي في العراق
Despite the differences of corruption from one place to another in the forms and the size of its spread and its impact on various aspects of life, is one of the most important causes of internal and external vulnerability of countries. Corruption in the jewel case Taatari disintegration of society as a result of loss of sovereignty core values, and the lack of respect for the law, and not to consecrate the concept of citizenship, and the absence of human rights and respect for the culture of the natural and spontaneous.  
... Show MoreThis research deals with the responsibility of the President of the House of Representatives in the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 and comparative constitutions as it considered the leader of the legislative authority. Therefore we research the types of this responsibility, explain the boundaries in exercised it, so in relation to the dismissal or impeachment or disciplinary responsibility, whether to identify the reasons of responsibility or its competence authority to impose, and procedures should be followed.
اهتمت المجتمعات العالمية في الآونة الأخير بفئة الأطفال ، ورعاية الطفولة وذلك لما لها من أهمية كبيرة في مستقبل المجتمع ، وتنميتة وتقدمه . لأنها يعتمد عليها في تقدم وتطور المجتمع فـي جميع المجالات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية . ومن هنا ارتبطت الطفولة بالحياة برباط عضوي فالأطفال براعم الحياة ومع هذه البراعم تستمر الحياة لذلك اهتمت دول العالم بوضع البرامج وعقد المؤتمرات من اجل النهوض
... Show MoreIn this subject article analyzed features of a sports indifferent countries during , article analyzed features of a sports media in different countries between social change politcheskih , transformation thematic area dedicated sports periodicals and the influence of these media on the formation of national identity .
Subject of comparative analysis research are sports print media in Ukraine and Iraqi Kurdistan .And highlight the sports as one of modem Kurdish journalism in lraqi Kurdistan that emerged after the spring in 1991 which took her privacy in the field of journalism , and analysis with sports journalism in the era of the independent state of Ukнаraine in the early nineties of the past century .
The problem of this research is:
What are the sustainable development goals that received the priority in the press addressing of the newspapers under study?
What are the journalistic arts adopted by these newspapers in addressing the sustainable development goals?
What are the journalistic sources that Arab newspapers depended on when addressing the sustainable development goals?
What are the geographic range the Arab newspapers adopted in addressing the sustainable development goals? The research is categorized into descriptive research, adopting the survey method, and using the content analysis method.
The sample of research was determined by the preparation of the Arabic newspapers (Al-
... Show MoreThis study aimed to show the extent of compliance with the income taxpayer to provide tax returns and increase the speed of collection of these taxes in addition to increasing confidence in Income Tax department and reduce the number of cases transferred to the courts and promote taxpayer awareness in charge of the importance of system self-assessment, and study sought to investigate the effect of the existence of records documents, technical audit, and computational audit and documentary audit on income tax collections in Jordan, from the point of view of Jordanian income tax auditors ,results shows there's a strong relation between these variables and Income Tax collections.