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الخطأ المضمر في نطاق المسؤولية الطبيةدراسة معززة بالقرارات القضائية (فرنسا-العراق) انموذجا
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يقوم الخطأ المضمر على فكرة مبناها استنتاج الخطأ من وقوع الضرر، منشئاً بذلك قرينة قانونية بسيطة للمدعي (المضرور) تعفيه من اثبات خطأ المدعى عليه (المسؤول)، وهذا الافتراض في الاساس فكرة قضائية وجدت لمساعدة المضرور في الحصول على التعويض في حالة عدم تمكنه من تحديد خطأ المسؤول ، الا انه افتراضٌ قابلٌ لإثبات العكس من خلال نفي اي خطأ صادر عن المدعى عليه ، ويمكن نفيه ايضاً بإثبات انقطاع السببية بين الخطأ المضمر والضرر ، كثبوت وجود قوة قاهرة أو حادث فجائي أو حتى خطأ الغير. وبسبب خصوصية الخطأ فإن الآراء حول التعويض عنه غير مستقرة ومتأرجحة بين القبول والرفض .

Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Inspector General
Some examples of police errors - a comparative study of the scope of civil liability between American and Iraqi laws
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Police play an important role in any society. Where they maintain public order by stopping and deterring crime and bringing criminals to justice. In order to achieve these objectives, they have certain means of law (search, arrest, use of force that may be lethal in some cases). However, such means may be misused in a way that harms members of society such as (Exceeding the Scope of a search warrant, violation of privacy of individuals, False Imprisonment, Excessive use of force, Sudden Deaths in custody, Sexual Assault and Harassment, Failure to respond for Domestic violence calls), which raises the civil liability of police officers and their agencies for such damage. Police officers may even abuse their characteristics even outside offic

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
اثر درجة جسامة الخطأ في المسؤولية المدنية
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يتناول البحث اثر درجة جسامة الخطأ في المسؤولية المدنية من حيث التعويض ومدى الخذ بفكرة التعويض العادل بجانب فكرة التعويض الكامل

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
وماذا ان اخطأت فرنسا في موضوعة العراق
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وماذا ان اخطأت فرنسا في موضوعات العراق

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Humanizing the provisions of the law: (the case of winter truce in France)
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Since the law is the tool for implementing the state’s public policies, it is natural that its provisions (or at least some of them) seek to preserve human dignity as the source on which all rights and freedoms are based. One of the examples of humanizing the provisions of the law in France is what is known as the winter truce. What is this truce, what are the justifications for granting it, what is its historical origin, how did the legislative treatment of it develop, what are the similarities and differences between it and other legal periods included in French law, what is the scope of its application, and what are the effects resulting from it. These questions and others are what we will try to answer through this research.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The Aesthetic Preoccupations of the Implicit Pattern in the Discourse of the Theatre Show (Revelations Play) - A Model
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The implicit pattern is one of the cultural patterns that are present in both the text and theatrical presentation and the reading of the implicit pattern cannot take place without cognitive references, whether audio or visual as well as historical references and the natural, social and psychological dimensions of communities and individuals.

         The researcher, in this study, attempted to focus on the axis of the aesthetic preoccupations of the implicit pattern in the theatrical presentation and the definition of the implicit pattern. Methodologically speaking, the research problem focused on revealing the outlines and the main features in the aesthetic preoccupations that shape the i

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Judicial tools in the development of civil law rules ( France as a model )
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Despite the principle of separation of powers brought by the French Revolution, which entrusted the task of drafting legislation and its amendment to the legislative authority and the task of settling disputes and settling them in the judiciary. However, since that date, the French judiciary has played a major role in the development of French civil law (In spite of all the economic and social developments that have taken place in French society throughout these years) since its promulgation until February of 2016, the date of the Legislative Decree No. 131 of the year 2016 A modification is the largest in the history of the French Civil Code (which was the judicial precedents in which a significant impact), was assisted by the French judic

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Nation-Building in The Fragile States: Iraq After 2003 as a Model
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The nation-building process in fragile states is complex, often involving multifaceted challenges and opportunities. A pertinent example is Iraq post-2003, which serves as a model to study the intricacies of rebuilding a nation in the aftermath of conflict. During this period, we witnessed a significant international intervention aimed at establishing democratic governance, fostering economic development, and restoring social stability. Iraq’s nation-building journey showcases both successes and shortcomings. Establishing a representative government marked a step towards inclusivity and political participation, yet sectarian tensions persisted, hindering cohesive national identity. Economic initiatives aimed to harness Iraq's oil resou

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
The Journal Of Legal And Social Sciences
Limitations on the authority of a judge in case-law ( France as a model )
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When exercising their authority in the jurisprudence, judges are subject to a set of restrictions that they must adhere to, as they do not want their jurisprudence to be accepted and welcomed by law practitioners in general, and legal scholars in particular, and in contrast to it, the arrows of criticism and defamation will extend to that jurisprudence, and then they will have to reverse them . Perhaps the most important of those restrictions imposed on judges is their observance of justice between the parties to the lawsuit through their lack of bias for one of the parties at the expense of the other, in addition to their observance of public order and public morals, as well as their observance of the legal texts that they work under its u

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
مدلة العلوم القانونية
نطاق حماية المستهلك في القطاع المصرفي
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نطاق حماية المستهلك في القطاع المصرفي

Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The relationship of forensic accounting to detecting tax fraud
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Tax fraud is following different methods of tax evasion (bypassing the laws, instructions and regulations related to tax) by not showing the real taxable income by using laws, instructions and regulations improperly, and because of the weak basic role of forensic accounting in detecting and reducing tax fraud, the problem has become more influential on the state general tax income. The main objective of the research is to identify forensic accounting and the extent to how it can be applied in the General Tax Authority to assist forensic authorities in issuing judgments in fraud cases. To achieve the objectives of the research, the descriptive analytical approach was used to reach the topic of the research, and a questionnaire (co

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