تعد الدیمقراطیة الخیار المناسب للمشكلات والأزمات التي تواجه أقطار الوطن العربي بـشكل عـام والعـراق ٕ بــشكل خــاص، فهــي لا تقــدم المعالجــات والحلــول الآنیــة لهــذه المــشكلات والأزمــات فحــسب،وانما تــضع الأطـــر والسیاقات لنمو وتطور النظام السیاسي وبناء هیكل دولة عصریة حدیثة. وفي الوقت الذي تحظى فیه الجوانب المؤسسیة بأهمیة قصوى فـي إطـار العملیـة الدیمقراطیـة، فـان غیابهـا یعمل على تشویه هذه العملیة وتخریب الممارسة الدیمقراطیة ومن ثم إفشال عملیة التحول الدیمقراطي ذاتها. وعلیه یهدف البحث الى تسلیط الضوء على واقع الدیمقراطیة فـي العـراق والوقـوف علـى بعـض الـضرورات اللازمـة لاسـتیفاء الأسـس والـشروط المؤسـسیة للعملیـة الدیمقراطیـة وخاصـة فیمـا یتعلـق بالتـداول الـسلمي للـسلطة بوصفها من أبرز عناصر الممارسة الدیمقراطیة السلیمة.
جدلية العلاقة بين الديمقراطية - المواطنة والمجتمع المدني
Recent studies agree that the democratic system in a country can only be established in an atmosphere of political and religious freedom. However, the term democracy and the term freedom have become controversial because their concepts remain multiple and different. Karl Popper is one of the most prominent philosophers in modern Western political thought, and one of the defenders of democracy as opposite to dictatorship. It has defined its function by its ability to restrain the ruling elite and to enforce it to prevent their tendency to tyranny. This can be achieved only in the context of the close relationship between democracy and freedom, so, if there is democracy in the absence of absolute freedom, democracy is a gateway to expandin
... Show Moreتتفق الدراسات الحديثة على ان النظام الديمقراطي في بلد ما لايمكن ان يقام الا في ظل جو تسوده الحرية السياسية والدينية، الا ان مصطلح الديمقراطية ومصطلح الحرية وضُعا في دائرة جدلية، لان مفهومهما بقي متعدداً ومختلفا فيه. يعد كارل بوبر من ابرز الفلاسفة في الفكر السياسي الغربي المعاصر المدافعين عن الديمقراطية بوصفها النقيض للديكتاتورية، إذ حدد وظيفتها بقدرتها على كبح جماح النخبة الحاكمة واخضاعها للقانون لمنع نزو
... Show MoreThe technical development has significant effects on the mediator Alcinmatugrave, and TV originated mainly based on technical, with the development and the continuation of these technologies and the enormous impact on the level of the television picture, initially dramas in recent times approaching in the aesthetic composition of the film thanks to the employment of modern digital technologies, Montag was not only one of the cinematic elements that went into television thanks to technical developments analogue and digital, and which added the possibility of large processors in the picture, high-definition digital cameras that have led to dispense often for artificial lighting intensive imaging light available, as these cameras have helpe
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أشارت الجهود المعرفية السابقة إلى وجود اهتمام متزايد بالجماعات (Groups) على أساس أنها اللبنات الأساسية لقيام المنظمات. وقد فرض تعدد المنظمات في المجتمعات المعاصرة وتباينها من حيث أهدافها وطبيعة نشاطها، تجزئة فعالياتها إلى تخصصات عدة على وفق إطار تقسيم العمل، وبما أدى إلى تقسيم الأفراد العاملين إلى جماعات مختلفة في أدائها وأحجامها وشكلها، والتي تعمل جميعها لتحقيق هدف&
... Show MoreThe research is conducted on target of investigating the role of growth strategy via diversification in value maximization of a firm in terms of controversies literatures had witnessed. Using a descriptive approach for analyzing and verifying the harmony of variables of research and their conceptualized logic , it could be reached to many conclusions agreed in their essence upon that the related diversification has the major role in value maximization of a firm and the wealth of its owners .
The local authority represented by the Provincial Council and the administrative units thereof has legislative and supervisory functions which are in the administration and supervision of the local public utilities as provided for by the laws in force. The subject of the interactive relationship between the federal authority and the provincial councils not organized in one of the main problems that accompanied the emergence and application of decentralized system Iraq after 2003, which began since the writing of the Constitution in force for the year 2005 and the law of the provinces No. 21 of 2008 This law has been subjected to political recordings that eventually led to the appearance of this consensus image. The weakness of the legisl
... Show MoreThe political movements of Islam are among the most prominent phenomena of the popular uprisings witnessed by the Arab world. However, this rise and the rise of some movements led to many problems on the political theses of Islam, especially those associated with the ideas of Islamic ideologues and their slogan Legitimacy and the authorities as the origin of the divine, and said the application to achieve the Islamic solution, and then became the state in theses of some Islamists a tool to apply the law and then the preservation of religion.