كتاب : تركيز السلطة السياسية وهفوت وهج الديمقراطية
تعد الدیمقراطیة الخیار المناسب للمشكلات والأزمات التي تواجه أقطار الوطن العربي بـشكل عـام والعـراق ٕ بــشكل خــاص، فهــي لا تقــدم المعالجــات والحلــول الآنیــة لهــذه المــشكلات والأزمــات فحــسب،وانما تــضع الأطـــر والسیاقات لنمو وتطور النظام السیاسي وبناء هیكل دولة عصریة حدیثة. وفي الوقت الذي تحظى فیه الجوانب المؤسسیة بأهمیة قصوى فـي إطـار العملیـة الدیمقراطیـة، فـان غیابهـا یعمل على تشویه هذه ا
... Show Moreالرأي العام والمشاركة السياسية ودورهما في تعزيز الديمقراطية
Since the widespread use of the concept of human security in 1994, and as stated in the report of human development (UNDP) issued by the United Nations Development Programmer,And framed it with multiple dimensions of political, economical, social and cultural. This concept has became beyond the state and its security ,and covered all what, can threaten human life and humanitarian groups, according to the humanitarian needs in the following aspects: The economic, the food,health,environmental , individual, community and the political aspect,which totally means ,the disability of the security traditional perspective to deal with these issues.The achievement of human security,that handles the maintenance of human dignity for meeting their b
... Show MoreThis research includes the principles of the democracy، and to which extent it can contribute in establishing these principles. Democracy is not only to hold parliamentary or presidential elections but also the result of these elections wills it lead to the emergence of an integrated regime that can actually expresses the citizen's rights and to which extent those citizens can contribute in that regime and control it. Since 2005، when the first elections took place in Iraq after the US occupation of Iraq 2003، Iraqi people are looking to a rule that represented them and achieve their interests after getting rid of the totalitarian regimes and establishing an institutional regime that work by democratic means in order to achieve the so
... Show MoreIn contemporary discourses the debate of most Western thinkers is about the efforts to clarify the normative foundations of democracy. And then, some political thinkers have adopted other models differ in terms of standards for traditional liberal democracy. Be the common goal of democracy will give the formation of a greater role than usual in political liberalism rather than limiting the participatory activity of citizens on the function to give permanent legitimacy to the exercise of state authority. The activity is to be permanently enshrined in the democratic public sphere and the issue must be understood as the source of all political decisions.
العلاقة بين الانتخابات والديمقراطية علاقة قويّة ، ولا يمكن تصور ديمقراطية راسخة في بلد ما بدون وجود انتخابات تُعبر عن الارادة الشعبية في اختيار قادتها وممثليها ، وغالباً تكون الانتخابات المعيار المُعبر عن الدور الذي تؤديه في ترسيخ الديمقراطية ، وتتفاوت الادوار التي تؤديها الانتخابات تبعاً لطبيعة النظام السياسي والنظام الانتخابي المعمول به في هذا البلد أو ذاك ، ولجوء النظام السياسي الى الانتخابات لا يعني ب
... Show Moreان المشكلة البحثية تتحدد في ان المهام والادوات التي تملكها السلطة التنفيذية، من الصعوبة تركها من دون رقابة، والرقابة والتقييد ياتي من اطراف عدة، واهمها: السلطة التشريعية، فالبرلمان في العراق منح اختصاصات للنظر في اعمال واداء السلطة التنفيذية بما يضمن تقيدها بالدستور الاتحادي. والهدف من هذا البحث هو الاشارة الى اهمية الاختصاصات الممنوحة للبرلمان العراقي، بما يضمن التاسيس لدولة القانون، اي وجود مرجعية قانو
... Show MoreThe Present study aims to shed some light on the concept of authority of university students and to find statistically significant differences as regards this concepts in accordance with three variables gender (males, females),field of study(scientific ,humanities)and grade(second ,fourth). To accomplish the study a ( 7) level scale was developed for the concept of authority and it subjected to validity and credibility the scale was used with 590 student sample (237) males and (353) females Results show that male students show obedience to authority forms below the Avery e component with the theoretical Avery of the scale besides ,reinforcement was on the top of authority chain ,followed by person traits ,friends, affect punishment and t
... Show MoreAbstract Political power in Lebanon is a fundamental objective of any political organization, whether political party or political group. Thus, there is a conflict of power. There are two kinds of political conflict that are differentiated by the idea of legitimacy. The competition is in the political system when the agreement between the social forces is considered legitimate, and the conflict is on the political system when the agreement between these forces ceases to be legitimate and Are working to topple it and seek to establish an alternative system. Therefore, the succession of power in Lebanon is a result of the competition and political conflict, which is in turn a result of the large number of regional and international players
... Show MoreThis Study is Concerned with (the debate of democracy in the modern islamic political thought ) which discovers the attitudes and this trend of thought so-called democracy . Therefore this study is divided into three sections : the first section is concerned with the democracy in extremist Islamic speech, the second section tackles appropriation of democracy in moderate Islamic speech , while the third section is concerned with the democracy in Aistighrabi Islamic speech . Finally the conclusion sums up the findings of the study