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Projective MDS Codes Over GF(27)‎
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MDS code is a linear code that achieves equality in the Singleton bound, and projective MDS (PG-MDS) is MDS code with independents property of any two columns of its generator matrix.   In this paper, elementary methods for modifying a PG-MDS code of dimensions 2, 3, as extending and lengthening, in order to find new incomplete PG-MDS codes have been used over . Also, two complete PG-MDS codes over  of length  and 28 have been found.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Complete Arcs in Projective Plane PG (2,11) Over Galois field
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    In this work, we construct complete (K, n)-arcs in the projective plane over Galois field GF (11), where 12 2 ≤ ≤ n  ,by using geometrical method (using the union of some maximum(k,2)- Arcs , we found (12,2)-arc, (19,3)-arc , (29,4)-arc, (38,5)-arc , (47,6)-arc, (58,7)-arc, (68,6)-arc, (81,9)-arc, (96,10)-arc, (109,11)-arc, (133,12)-arc, all of them are complete arc in PG(2, 11) over GF(11).  

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 02 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The group action on a projective plane over finite field of order sixteen
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The goal of this paper is to construct an arcs of size five and six with stabilizer groups of type alternating group of degree five and degree six . Also construct an arc of degree five and size with its stabilizer group, and then study the effect of and on the points of projective plane. Also, find a pentastigm which has the points on a line. Partitions on projective plane of order sixteen into subplanes and arcs have been described.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Classification of the Projective Line over Galois Field of Order 31
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Our research is related to the projective line over the finite field, in this paper, the main purpose is to classify the sets of size K on the projective line PG (1,31), where K = 3,…,7 the number of inequivalent K-set with stabilizer group by using the GAP Program is computed.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Certain Types of Linear Codes over the Finite Field of Order Twenty-Five
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The aim of the paper is to compute projective maximum distance separable codes, -MDS of two and three dimensions with certain lengths and Hamming weight distribution from the arcs in the projective line and plane over the finite field of order twenty-five. Also, the linear codes generated by an incidence matrix of points and lines of  were studied over different finite fields.  

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Results on The Complete Arcs in Three Dimensional Projective Space Over Galois Field
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        The aim of this paper is to introduce the definition of projective 3-space over Galois field GF(q), q = pm, for some prime number p and some integer m.

        Also the definitions of (k,n)-arcs, complete arcs, n-secants, the index of the point and the projectively equivalent arcs are given.

        Moreover some theorems about these notations are proved.


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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cubic arcs in the projective plane over a finite field of order 16
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The main aims purpose of this study is to find the stabilizer groups of a cubic curves over a finite field of order 16, also studying the properties of their groups, and then constructing all different cubic curves, and known which one of them is complete or not. The arcs of degree 2 which are embedding into a cubic curves of even size have been constructed.  

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Complementarity and CONSISTENCY PRINCIPLE in the constitutional Judicial judgments ( Judgment of federal court No. 46/Federal / 2020 in 27/10/2021 is a case in point.
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يصدر القضاء الدستوري احكامه على وفق اختصاصاته المتعددة ، وأخصها احكامه المعدمة للقوانين المخالفة للدستور ، لذا فإن ذاتية احكامه وصفاتها تمايزت عما سواها من الاحكام القضائية ، وامتازت عليها بخصائص العموم والالزام المطلق والبتات النهائي ؛ من هنا تقايست تلك الاحكام مع القواعد القانونية التي تسن بخصائص العموم والتجريد حتى باتت تنشر بالجريدة الرسمية ذاتها وأصبحت لا تقبل المطاعن التمييزية كونها مقترنة بقرينة

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A complete (48, 4)-arc in the Projective Plane Over the Field of Order Seventeen
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            The article describes a certain computation method of -arcs to construct the number of distinct -arcs in  for . In this method, a new approach employed to compute the number of -arcs and the number of distinct arcs respectively. This approach is based on choosing the number of inequivalent classes } of -secant distributions that is the number of 4-secant, 3-secant, 2-secant, 1-secant and 0-secant in each process. The maximum size of -arc that has been constructed by this method is . The new method is a new tool to deal with the programming difficulties that sometimes may lead to programming problems represented by the increasing number of arcs. It is essential to reduce the established number of -arcs in each cons

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation using Different Multipliers Over Binary Field GF (2233)
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This paper presents a point multiplication processor over the binary field GF (2233) with internal registers integrated within the point-addition architecture to enhance the Performance Index (PI) of scalar multiplication. The proposed design uses one of two types of finite field multipliers, either the Montgomery multiplier or the interleaved multiplier supported by the additional layer of internal registers. Lopez Dahab coordinates are used for the computation of point multiplication on Koblitz Curve (K-233bit). In contrast, the metric used for comparison of the implementations of the design on different types of FPGA platforms is the Performance Index.

The first approach attains a performance index

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Groups Effect of Types 5 D and 5 Α on The Points of Projective Plane Over 31 ,29,F =qq
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  The purpose of this paper is  to find an arc of degree five in 31 ,29),(2, =qqPG , with stabilizer group of type dihedral group of degree five 5 D and arcs of degree six and ten with stabilizer groups of type alternating group of degree five 5 A ,  then study the effect of  5 D and 5A on the points of projective plane. Also, find a pentastigm which has collinear diagonal points.

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