Throughout this paper, three concepts are introduced namely stable semisimple modules, stable t-semisimple modules and strongly stable t-semisimple. Many features co-related with these concepts are presented. Also many connections between these concepts are given. Moreover several relationships between these classes of modules and other co-related classes and other related concepts are introduced.
Let M be an R-module. We introduce in this paper the concept of strongly cancellation module as a generalization of cancellation modules. We give some characterizations about this concept, and some basic properties. We study the direct sum and the localization of this kind of modules. Also we prove that every module over a PID is strongly module and we prove every locally strong module is strongly module.
A submodule N of a module M is said to be s-essential if it has nonzero intersection with any nonzero small submodule in M. In this article, we introduce and study a class of modules in which all its nonzero endomorphisms have non-s-essential kernels, named, strongly -nonsigular. We investigate some properties of strongly -nonsigular modules. Direct summand, direct sums and some connections of such modules are discussed.
Let Q be a left Module over a ring with identity ℝ. In this paper, we introduced the concept of T-small Quasi-Dedekind Modules as follows, An R-module Q is T-small quasi-Dedekind Module if,
An R-module M is called ET-H-supplemented module if for each submodule X of M, there exists a direct summand D of M, such that T⊆X+K if and only if T⊆D+K, for every essential submodule K of M and T M. Also, let T, X and Y be submodules of a module M , then we say that Y is ET-weak supplemented of X in M if T⊆X+Y and (X⋂Y M. Also, we say that M is ET-weak supplemented module if each submodule of M has an ET-weak supplement in M. We give many characterizations of the ET-H-supplemented module and the ET-weak supplement. Also, we give the relation between the ET-H-supplemented and ET-lifting modules, along with the relationship between the ET weak -supplemented and ET-lifting modules.
Let R be a ring with identity and M be a right unitary R-module. In this paper we
introduce the notion of strongly coretractable modules. Some basic properties of this
class of modules are investigated and some relationships between these modules and
other related concepts are introduced.
Let M be an R-module, where R be a commutative; ring with identity. In this paper, we defined a new kind of submodules, namely T-small quasi-Dedekind module(T-small Q-D-M) and essential T-small quasi-Dedekind module(ET-small Q-D-M). Let T be a proper submodule of an R-module M, M is called an (T-small Q-D-M) if, for all f ∊ End(M), f ≠ 0, implies
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind module as a generalization of essentially quasiDedekind module. A unitary R-module M is called a strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind module if ( , ) 0 Hom M N M for all semiessential submodules N of M. Where a submodule N of an R-module M is called semiessential if , 0  pN for all nonzero prime submodules P of M .
Let M is a Г-ring. In this paper the concept of orthogonal symmetric higher bi-derivations on semiprime Г-ring is presented and studied and the relations of two symmetric higher bi-derivations on Г-ring are introduced.
This paper generalizes and improves the results of Margenstren, by proving that the number of -practical numbers which is defined by has a lower bound in terms of . This bound is more sharper than Mangenstern bound when Further general results are given for the existence of -practical numbers, by proving that the interval contains a -practical for all
An R-module M is called rationally extending if each submodule of M is rational in a direct summand of M. In this paper we study this class of modules which is contained in the class of extending modules, Also we consider the class of strongly quasi-monoform modules, an R-module M is called strongly quasi-monoform if every nonzero proper submodule of M is quasi-invertible relative to some direct summand of M. Conditions are investigated to identify between these classes. Several properties are considered for such modules