A submoduleA of amodule M is said to be strongly pure , if for each finite subset {ai} in A , (equivalently, for each a ?A) there exists ahomomorphism f : M ?A such that f(ai) = ai, ?i(f(a)=a).A module M is said to be strongly F–regular if each submodule of M is strongly pure .The main purpose of this paper is to develop the properties of strongly F–regular modules and study modules with the property that the intersection of any two strongly pure submodules is strongly pure .
In this paper, we introduced module that satisfying strongly -condition modules and strongly -type modules as generalizations of t-extending. A module is said strongly -condition if for every submodule of has a complement which is fully invariant direct summand. A module is said to be strongly -type modules if every t-closed submodule has a complement which is a fully invariant direct summand. Many characterizations for modules with strongly -condition for strongly -type module are given. Also many connections between these types of module and some related types of modules are investigated.
In this paper, a new class of non-convex functions called semi strongly (
Let M be an R-module, where R is commutative ring with unity. In this paper we study the behavior of strongly hollow and quasi hollow submodule in the class of strongly comultiplication modules. Beside this we give the relationships between strongly hollow and quasi hollow submodules with V-coprime, coprime, bi-hollow submodules.
A submodule N of a module M is said to be s-essential if it has nonzero intersection with any nonzero small submodule in M. In this article, we introduce and study a class of modules in which all its nonzero endomorphisms have non-s-essential kernels, named, strongly -nonsigular. We investigate some properties of strongly -nonsigular modules. Direct summand, direct sums and some connections of such modules are discussed.
Let be a ring. Given two positive integers and , an module is said to be -presented, if there is an exact sequence of -modules with is -generated. A submodule of a right -module is said to be -pure in , if for every -Presented left -module the canonical map is a monomorphism. An -module has the -pure intersection property if the intersection of any two -pure submodules is again -pure. In this paper we give some characterizations, theorems and properties of modules with the -pure intersection property.
Let be a ring. Given two positive integers and , an module is said to be -presented, if there is an exact sequence of -modules with is -generated. A submodule of a right -module is said to be -pure in , if for every -Presented left -module the canonical map is a monomorphism. An -module has the -pure intersection property if the intersection of any two -pure submodules is again -pure. In this paper we give some characterizations, theorems and properties of modules with the -pure intersection property.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind module as a generalization of essentially quasiDedekind module. A unitary R-module M is called a strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind module if ( , ) 0 Hom M N M for all semiessential submodules N of M. Where a submodule N of an R-module M is called semiessential if , 0  pN for all nonzero prime submodules P of M .
In this paper, a new class of nonconvex sets and functions called strongly -convex sets and strongly -convex functions are introduced. This class is considered as a natural extension of strongly -convex sets and functions introduced in the literature. Some basic and differentiability properties related to strongly -convex functions are discussed. As an application to optimization problems, some optimality properties of constrained optimization problems are proved. In these optimization problems, either the objective function or the inequality constraints functions are strongly -convex.
An R-module M is called rationally extending if each submodule of M is rational in a direct summand of M. In this paper we study this class of modules which is contained in the class of extending modules, Also we consider the class of strongly quasi-monoform modules, an R-module M is called strongly quasi-monoform if every nonzero proper submodule of M is quasi-invertible relative to some direct summand of M. Conditions are investigated to identify between these classes. Several properties are considered for such modules