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Translating Acronyms of Media & U.N. Organizations
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: translating acronyms of media and international (& world) organizations helps the researcher to draw the following conclusions:1- Acronyms of world news agencies can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. 2- Acronyms of world satellite TV's can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating the lexical meaning & by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter. 3- Acronyms of world newspapers can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating both the lexical meaning & Arabic transliteration of the English form. 4- Acronyms of U.N. & world organizations can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. Thus, acronyms in the fields, under study, are either letter or syllabic. This verifies hypothesis no. (4). From the above tables of acronyms, the researcher notices that translation & transliteration can be both applied on in dealing with acronyms. This verifies hypothesis no. (5). Other hypotheses can be verified easily by noticing the wide progress, the world of communication & media witnesses.

With the emergence of modern information and communication, scientific progress in all fields of life and knowledge, in our world of today, have led to the appearance of large number of terms that are used to designate various concepts and discoveries, as speed plays a big role in stirring all aspects of life that surround us to the extent to be the main trait of our life. By such progress, the need to reduce full names and terms of concepts, shortening them into smaller ones, emerges to the surface as using such names and terms in full causes trouble, disturbance and waste of time & efforts in speech, writing & printing. To solve this complex situation, using the initial letters of words appears to be one smooth solution. This process is called "Acronymy" and the letters being abbreviated "Acronyms". The usage of acronyms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon as the art of reducing a sequence of words to their initial letters became well created, developed & used increasingly in the 50s & 60s of the 20th century (1). It is a real reflection of the main characteristics of modern era which witnesses a revolution in technical & scientific discoveries. The first acronym was included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1943 despite the fact that the word "initialisms" first appeared in the same dictionary in 1899 (2). It did not come into general use until 1965, well after "acronym" had become common. The current study will take the exploration of the phenomenon of acronyms, abbreviations & initialisms as its main goal, trying to present full discussion about its definitions, formulations, types, orthography and pronunciation. It sheds light on how to translate English acronyms into Arabic, suggesting different methods. It, also, highlights the challenges & difficulties they may pose in front of the translators and how such challenges & difficulties can be solved and surmounted.
Hypotheses: It is hypothesized that:1) Acronyms, in all various forms & styles, reflect the scientific and technological advancement & progress our world witnesses.2) Acronyms are used increasingly in the world of media and international policy circles as they cut off time & efforts being wasted in speech, writing and printing.3) Communication field represents the best environment to create acronyms.4) media & U.N.(international) organizations are mainly letter & syllabic acronyms.5) Translation and transliteration are both applied on the acronyms both fields.
Aims: The current study aims at :a) Discussing acronyms historically and theoretically in detail. b) Handling the issue of translating English acronyms into Arabic & suggesting ways of translation that can be useful, sufficient and effective. c) Making lists of acronyms that are of significance in the world of media & U.N. with their translations.

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Thu Apr 21 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Dental Journal
Amoxicillin vs Levofloxacin in Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis: Review
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Measuring of Plasma Melatonin Level in Patients with Preeclampsia
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Background: disturbed physiological rhythm of blood pressure in preeclampsia is a common finding. The role of oxidative stress in pathogenesis of preeclampsia is well accepted. Melatonin is a powerful free radical scavenger so it's rapidly consumed by enhanced reactive oxygen species in preeclampsia causing non-dipping in blood pressure.Objective: To evaluate the change in plasma melatonin levels in patients with preeclampsia and its relationship with blood pressure.Patients and methods: In this prospective case control study a total of 40 primigravidae pregnant women were recruited during the period of 11 months between August 2015 and August 2016 in Baghdad teaching hospital, medical city, Iraq, divided into two groups:First group

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Crossref (1)
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Wed Jan 01 2020
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International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Spectrophotometric Evaluation of Paracetamol in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Preparations
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Salah Al-Abad In stating the purposes of belief
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Worshipersrighteousness in declaration of purposes of belief

Laith Salman Dawood

Iraqi Sunni Affairs/Department of Religious and Charity Institutions


Praise is to God and Prayers and peace is upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions and then:

The research here presents to the question of standing on the purpose of belief and its importance, which corresponds to going into the purposes of the Sharia acts and Worship, which are no less important and perhaps the most important. The health of belief is the only way to correct work and worship. The research first dealt with the definition of the doctrine and its pil

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Thu Sep 26 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Clinical Significance of Blastocystis Sp. among Children with Leukemia
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Background: Blastocystis spp. distributes world widely and the genus Blastocystis include many subtypes that are isolated from human intestinal tract. It is considered the most common parasite detected in human being.

Objectives: To evaluate the incidence of Blastocystis spp. among leukemic children, to find out its association with the presence of symptoms (diarrhea and abdominal pain), and to assess the efficacy of different staining methods in detection of Blastocystis spp. 

Type of the study: cross-sectional study.

Method: 103 children were enrolled in this study, 53 leukemic patients and 50 healthy con

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Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
People of China's Economic Diplomacy Toward Japan 1949-1972
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Chinese policy was characterized in general toward Japan caution and fear and try to
mobilize all energies and alliances possible in order to interact and deal with that neighbor
foe, has that policy been in all its aspects to the enticements of regional and local conflicts, as
well as international variables that were the hardest and most influential on them.
The importance of the choice of the People of China's economic diplomacy toward the
study of Japan during the period of the Cold War is that each of them was in transition, China
at that time was barely beyond the midst of a civil war (1945-1949) led to the split into two
states: China, led by the People Mao Tse-Tung and Beijing as its capital, the National Chi

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Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Battles of Al-Taf & Maldon Between History & Literature
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It was Aristotle who first drew attention to the superior quality of literature to the other factual fields of knowledge. Contradicting his predecessor Plato on the issue of „truth,‟ Aristotle believed that „poetry is more philosophical and deserves more serious attention than history: for while poetry concerns itself with universal truths, history considers only particular facts.‟ (1) The critical attention to the disparity between the literary truth and the historical truth grew up throughout ages to flourish in the Renaissance and after with a bunch of distinctive views on this subject. Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586), for example, found that literature does not offer a literal description of reality but rather a heightened vers

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Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Natural Consideration of Dairy Products in Baghdad Governorate
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The purpose of this research its study of Natural Consideration that contributed in turning of Dairy products in Baghdad Governorate , this subject deal with centered geographical location in the midlle of Iraq ,it’s also main market in discharge and marketing to rest of Iraqi’s governorate pointed to it’s an active role in localized of it’s factory(milk ,cheese,cream ,butter, yoghurte)and it’s constant ,thus distributedin all district of Baghdad ,flat governorate surface encourage this industry ,also climate (temperature, wind, (it’s speed and it’s direction) ,rainfull and relative wet) also water resources and it’s influenced that nessacity of production process with important inculclusion that researcher came out throu

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Fri May 05 2023
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Mathematica Montisnigri
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An intuitionistic fuzzy set was exhibited by Atanassov in 1986 as a generalization of the fuzzy set. So, we introduce cubic intuitionistic structures on a KU-semigroup as a generalization of the fuzzy set of a KU-semigroup. A cubic intuitionistic k-ideal and some related properties are introduced. Also, a few characterizations of a cubic intuitionistic k-ideal are discussed and new cubic intuitionistic fuzzy sets in a KU-semigroup are defined.

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Wed Sep 07 2016
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Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine
Non discogenic lumbar radiculopathy ((A study of 104 cases))
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AW Ali T, Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, 2016 - Cited by 1

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