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Translating Acronyms of Media & U.N. Organizations
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: translating acronyms of media and international (& world) organizations helps the researcher to draw the following conclusions:1- Acronyms of world news agencies can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. 2- Acronyms of world satellite TV's can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating the lexical meaning & by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter. 3- Acronyms of world newspapers can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating both the lexical meaning & Arabic transliteration of the English form. 4- Acronyms of U.N. & world organizations can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. Thus, acronyms in the fields, under study, are either letter or syllabic. This verifies hypothesis no. (4). From the above tables of acronyms, the researcher notices that translation & transliteration can be both applied on in dealing with acronyms. This verifies hypothesis no. (5). Other hypotheses can be verified easily by noticing the wide progress, the world of communication & media witnesses.

With the emergence of modern information and communication, scientific progress in all fields of life and knowledge, in our world of today, have led to the appearance of large number of terms that are used to designate various concepts and discoveries, as speed plays a big role in stirring all aspects of life that surround us to the extent to be the main trait of our life. By such progress, the need to reduce full names and terms of concepts, shortening them into smaller ones, emerges to the surface as using such names and terms in full causes trouble, disturbance and waste of time & efforts in speech, writing & printing. To solve this complex situation, using the initial letters of words appears to be one smooth solution. This process is called "Acronymy" and the letters being abbreviated "Acronyms". The usage of acronyms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon as the art of reducing a sequence of words to their initial letters became well created, developed & used increasingly in the 50s & 60s of the 20th century (1). It is a real reflection of the main characteristics of modern era which witnesses a revolution in technical & scientific discoveries. The first acronym was included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1943 despite the fact that the word "initialisms" first appeared in the same dictionary in 1899 (2). It did not come into general use until 1965, well after "acronym" had become common. The current study will take the exploration of the phenomenon of acronyms, abbreviations & initialisms as its main goal, trying to present full discussion about its definitions, formulations, types, orthography and pronunciation. It sheds light on how to translate English acronyms into Arabic, suggesting different methods. It, also, highlights the challenges & difficulties they may pose in front of the translators and how such challenges & difficulties can be solved and surmounted.
Hypotheses: It is hypothesized that:1) Acronyms, in all various forms & styles, reflect the scientific and technological advancement & progress our world witnesses.2) Acronyms are used increasingly in the world of media and international policy circles as they cut off time & efforts being wasted in speech, writing and printing.3) Communication field represents the best environment to create acronyms.4) media & U.N.(international) organizations are mainly letter & syllabic acronyms.5) Translation and transliteration are both applied on the acronyms both fields.
Aims: The current study aims at :a) Discussing acronyms historically and theoretically in detail. b) Handling the issue of translating English acronyms into Arabic & suggesting ways of translation that can be useful, sufficient and effective. c) Making lists of acronyms that are of significance in the world of media & U.N. with their translations.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Forensic Accounting in Detecting Financial Fraud
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A Forensic Accounting is represent science that deals with the application of knowledge in the areas of accounting, finance, tax and audit for the analysis, investigation, inquiry, inspection and testing issues in the civil law and criminal law in an attempt to reach the truth through which enable the Forensic Accountant to provide his Expert opinion , forensic accounting plays a major role by providing a range of important services in the field of investigation for fraud and litigation support, As one of the most important legal and accounting functions is to investigate allegations of alleged by the related parties, especially those allegations related to the existence of fraud, since the goal of judicial accountant will depend

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Some electrical properties of PVA:PEG/MnCl2 thin film composites
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PVA:PEG/MnCl2 composites have been prepared by adding (MnCl2) to the mixture of the poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly ethylene glycol (PEG) with different weight percentages (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10) wt.% by using casting method. The type of charge carriers, concentration (nH) and Hall mobility (μH) have been estimated from Hall measurements and show that the films of all concentration have a negative Hall coefficient. In D.C measurement increase temperature leads to decrease the electrical resistance. The D.C conductivity of the composites increases with the increasing of the concentration of additive particles and temperature. The activation energy decreases for all composites with increasing the concentration of the additive particles.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Bayes Estimator as a Function of Some Classical Estimator
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Maximum likelihood estimation method, uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation method and minimum mean square error estimation, as classical estimation procedures, are frequently used for parameter estimation in statistics, which assuming the parameter is constant , while Bayes method assuming the parameter is random variable and hence the Bayes estimator is an estimator which minimize the Bayes risk for each value the random observable and for square error lose function the Bayes estimator is the posterior mean. It is well known that the Bayesian estimation is hardly used as a parameter estimation technique due to some difficulties to finding a prior distribution.

The interest of this paper is that

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
The structural properties of Y1-XLaXBa4Cu7O15+ δ superconductor compound
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The eff ect of partial substitution for lanthanum (La) on the structural properties of the compound Y1-xLaxBa4Cu7O15+δ were studied. The variation of (x) are x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, which was synthesized by solid state reaction method. The mixed powder was pressed with pressure (7 ton / cm2) as a disc (1.5 cm) diameter and a thickness of (0.25 to 0.3 cm). The samples were sintering by 120 °C / hour with a changing rate from room temperature to 850 ° C through 72 hours. XRD analysis using to calculate crystal size, strain and degree of crystallinity. It was found all samples have orthorhombic structure and change of structure with increasing lanthanum concentration. It was shown that the change lanthanum concentrations of all our samp

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Formulation and Characterization of Isradipine Nanoparticle for Dissolution Enhancement
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Isradipine belong to dihydropyridine (DHP) class of calcium channel blockers (CCBs). It is  used in the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, in addition to Parkinson disease. It goes under the BCS class II drug (low solubility-high permeability). The drug will experience extensive first-pass metabolism in liver, therefore, oral bio-availability will be approximately15 to 24 %.


 The aim of this study was to formulate and optimize a stable  nanoparticles of a highly hydrophobic drug, isradipine by anti-solvent microprecipitation Method to achieve the higher in vitro dissolution rate, so that it will be absorbed by intestinal lymphatic transport in order to avoid hepatic first-pass metabolism&nbs

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesis and Characterization of P3HT Metal Nanoparticles Hybrid Junction
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In this work the fabrication and characterization of poly(3-hexylthiophene) P3HT-metallic nanoparticles (Ag, Al). Pulsed Laser Ablation (PLA) technique was used to synthesis the nanoparticles in liquid. The Fourier Transformer Infrared (FTIR) for all samples indicate the chemical interaction between the polymer and the nanoparticles. Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) analysis showed the particle size for P3HT-AgNps samples between 44.50 nanometers as well the spherical structure. While for P3HT-AlNps samples was flakes shape. Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectra show the existing of amount of metallic nanoparticles.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in the Rubidium Vapor
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We have studied theoretically the response of atomic three- level cascade scheme
of rubidium vapor to a strong laser under conditions in which electromagnetically
induced transparency would be induced on a weak probe beam. We show that the
medium that is an opaque to a probe laser can, by applying both lasers
simultaneously, be made transparent.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
political intellectual reading in the esoteric interpretation of Ismailism
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Ismailism is of great importance in Islamic history and Islamic political thought. In different countries of the Muslim world today their presence exists and is active but is confused with mystery and secrecy. The most important characteristic of their political ideology is their dependence on the esoteric exegesis, which they have made an intellectual basis for which their most ideas relate, when they make for everything visible and exposed a hidden matter, not only aware of the esoteric exegesis, which only God knows and entrenched in science, and they mean imams or whoever They are called "(esoteric)" as a result of the Ismaili belief in esoteric interpretation and that everything is apparent inward, as well as they called the ((seven

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Influence of Base Layer Thickness in Flexible Pavements
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Flexible pavement design and analysis were carried out in the past with semi-experimental methods, using elastic characteristics of pavement layers. Due to the complex interferences between various layers and their time consumption, the traditional pavement analysis, and design methods were replaced with fast and powerful methods including the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). FEM requires less computational power and is more appropriate for continuous environments. In this study, flexible pavement consisting of 5 layers (surface, binder, base, subbase, and subgrade) had been analyzed using FEM. The ABAQUS (6.14-2) software had been utilized to investigate the influence of the base layer depth on ver

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Modeling the trend of Iraqi GDP for 1970-2020
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