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Translating Acronyms of Media & U.N. Organizations
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: translating acronyms of media and international (& world) organizations helps the researcher to draw the following conclusions:1- Acronyms of world news agencies can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. 2- Acronyms of world satellite TV's can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating the lexical meaning & by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter. 3- Acronyms of world newspapers can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating both the lexical meaning & Arabic transliteration of the English form. 4- Acronyms of U.N. & world organizations can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. Thus, acronyms in the fields, under study, are either letter or syllabic. This verifies hypothesis no. (4). From the above tables of acronyms, the researcher notices that translation & transliteration can be both applied on in dealing with acronyms. This verifies hypothesis no. (5). Other hypotheses can be verified easily by noticing the wide progress, the world of communication & media witnesses.

With the emergence of modern information and communication, scientific progress in all fields of life and knowledge, in our world of today, have led to the appearance of large number of terms that are used to designate various concepts and discoveries, as speed plays a big role in stirring all aspects of life that surround us to the extent to be the main trait of our life. By such progress, the need to reduce full names and terms of concepts, shortening them into smaller ones, emerges to the surface as using such names and terms in full causes trouble, disturbance and waste of time & efforts in speech, writing & printing. To solve this complex situation, using the initial letters of words appears to be one smooth solution. This process is called "Acronymy" and the letters being abbreviated "Acronyms". The usage of acronyms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon as the art of reducing a sequence of words to their initial letters became well created, developed & used increasingly in the 50s & 60s of the 20th century (1). It is a real reflection of the main characteristics of modern era which witnesses a revolution in technical & scientific discoveries. The first acronym was included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1943 despite the fact that the word "initialisms" first appeared in the same dictionary in 1899 (2). It did not come into general use until 1965, well after "acronym" had become common. The current study will take the exploration of the phenomenon of acronyms, abbreviations & initialisms as its main goal, trying to present full discussion about its definitions, formulations, types, orthography and pronunciation. It sheds light on how to translate English acronyms into Arabic, suggesting different methods. It, also, highlights the challenges & difficulties they may pose in front of the translators and how such challenges & difficulties can be solved and surmounted.
Hypotheses: It is hypothesized that:1) Acronyms, in all various forms & styles, reflect the scientific and technological advancement & progress our world witnesses.2) Acronyms are used increasingly in the world of media and international policy circles as they cut off time & efforts being wasted in speech, writing and printing.3) Communication field represents the best environment to create acronyms.4) media & U.N.(international) organizations are mainly letter & syllabic acronyms.5) Translation and transliteration are both applied on the acronyms both fields.
Aims: The current study aims at :a) Discussing acronyms historically and theoretically in detail. b) Handling the issue of translating English acronyms into Arabic & suggesting ways of translation that can be useful, sufficient and effective. c) Making lists of acronyms that are of significance in the world of media & U.N. with their translations.

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Tue Jan 01 2019
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Biochemical And Cellular Archives,
Comparison of adrenergic and antiadrenergic effects on sperm motility
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Thu Jan 01 2004
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Pmj-iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
The role of circulating phagocytic cells in muscle regeneration
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Results: it was found that labelled cells participated in the formation of myotubes, which formed mature muscle fibers, and possibly new satellite cells. The results of this experiment may eventually revolutionized therapeutic procedures for some form of muscle diseases

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Tue Sep 01 2020
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Journal Of Coloproctology
Epidemiological and prognostic single center study of anal carcinoma
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Abstract<p> Background Anorectal carcinoma includes the anal margin, the anal canal, and the lower rectum. The incidences of anal tumors represent 1.4 % of all gastrointestinal tumors.</p><p> Patients and methods Our study is retrospective and was conducted at Baghdad Medical City. Patient’s data were collected from the medical records through a predesigned sheet that included the following information: demographic data, medical history, past-history, presenting symptoms, pathological data, and treatment details.</p><p> Results The median age was 49 years. As regard tumor extension, 85.71 % of patients had anal disease, while anorectal cancer was encount</p> ... Show More
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Mon Apr 04 2022
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Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Constructing a Scale of Emotional Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
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The aim of the current research is to construct a scale of emotional adjustment for kindergarten children and to set a standard for its evaluation. To achieve this, a scale consisting of (19) items was prepared. The mother of the child answered by adopting the method of self-report, which is expressed in the form of reporting terms, as each item represents a situation in the child's life and each situation has three alternatives to answer that represent various responses to the mentioned situation. One of the alternatives represents the emotionally adaptive response, which is given a degree (3), the second response expresses the emotional adjustment partly that took the degree of (2), and the third response expresses the weakness of emot

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Thu Feb 07 2019
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The speech recognition system has been widely used by many researchers using different
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Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide in Automobile Exhaust Gases
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Mon Feb 01 2016
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Reflection of Performance Management Practices on Organizational Excellence
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The research aims to shed light on the extent to which the practices of performance management in achieving organizational excellence in one of the formations and the Ministry of Finance (GCT). The importance of the selection of these organizations is that they occupies a large and exceptional importance in the national economy through income redistribution add it to cover a large part of the state budget revenues, these organizations possess functionally diverse cadre of them pregnant initial certification and other senior and he fairly stable To meet this target, and on the basis of the data search exploratory researcher built model hypothesis for the search included variable impressionist and

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symmetric analysis of multiple variables classified ranked orthogonal polynomials
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MCA has gained a reputation for being a very useful statistical method for determining the association between two or more categorical variables and their graphical description. For performance this method, we must calculate the singular vectors through (SVD). Which is an important primary tool that allows user to construct a low-dimensional space to describe the association between the variables categories. As an alternative procedure to use (SVD), we can use the (BMD) method, which involves using orthogonal polynomials to reflect the structure of ordered categorical responses. When the features of BMD are combined with SVD, the (HD) is formed. The aim of study is to use alternative method of (MCA) that is appropriate with order

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Thu Dec 01 2022
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Journal Of Engineering
Traffic Noise in Arterial Streets: Case of Kirkuk City
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