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Translating Acronyms of Media & U.N. Organizations
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: translating acronyms of media and international (& world) organizations helps the researcher to draw the following conclusions:1- Acronyms of world news agencies can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. 2- Acronyms of world satellite TV's can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating the lexical meaning & by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter. 3- Acronyms of world newspapers can be translated into Arabic in two ways: by indicating both the lexical meaning & Arabic transliteration of the English form. 4- Acronyms of U.N. & world organizations can be translated into Arabic in three ways: by indicating the lexical meaning; by indicating English abbreviated form as letter by letter & by indicating Arabic abbreviated form as a word. Thus, acronyms in the fields, under study, are either letter or syllabic. This verifies hypothesis no. (4). From the above tables of acronyms, the researcher notices that translation & transliteration can be both applied on in dealing with acronyms. This verifies hypothesis no. (5). Other hypotheses can be verified easily by noticing the wide progress, the world of communication & media witnesses.

With the emergence of modern information and communication, scientific progress in all fields of life and knowledge, in our world of today, have led to the appearance of large number of terms that are used to designate various concepts and discoveries, as speed plays a big role in stirring all aspects of life that surround us to the extent to be the main trait of our life. By such progress, the need to reduce full names and terms of concepts, shortening them into smaller ones, emerges to the surface as using such names and terms in full causes trouble, disturbance and waste of time & efforts in speech, writing & printing. To solve this complex situation, using the initial letters of words appears to be one smooth solution. This process is called "Acronymy" and the letters being abbreviated "Acronyms". The usage of acronyms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon as the art of reducing a sequence of words to their initial letters became well created, developed & used increasingly in the 50s & 60s of the 20th century (1). It is a real reflection of the main characteristics of modern era which witnesses a revolution in technical & scientific discoveries. The first acronym was included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1943 despite the fact that the word "initialisms" first appeared in the same dictionary in 1899 (2). It did not come into general use until 1965, well after "acronym" had become common. The current study will take the exploration of the phenomenon of acronyms, abbreviations & initialisms as its main goal, trying to present full discussion about its definitions, formulations, types, orthography and pronunciation. It sheds light on how to translate English acronyms into Arabic, suggesting different methods. It, also, highlights the challenges & difficulties they may pose in front of the translators and how such challenges & difficulties can be solved and surmounted.
Hypotheses: It is hypothesized that:1) Acronyms, in all various forms & styles, reflect the scientific and technological advancement & progress our world witnesses.2) Acronyms are used increasingly in the world of media and international policy circles as they cut off time & efforts being wasted in speech, writing and printing.3) Communication field represents the best environment to create acronyms.4) media & U.N.(international) organizations are mainly letter & syllabic acronyms.5) Translation and transliteration are both applied on the acronyms both fields.
Aims: The current study aims at :a) Discussing acronyms historically and theoretically in detail. b) Handling the issue of translating English acronyms into Arabic & suggesting ways of translation that can be useful, sufficient and effective. c) Making lists of acronyms that are of significance in the world of media & U.N. with their translations.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Predicting of Temperature Distribution in Direct Contact Heat Transfer
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An experimental and theoretical investigation of three phase direct contact heat transfer by evaporation of refrigerant drops in an immiscible liquid has been carried out. Refrigerant Rl2 and R134a were used for the dispersed phase, while water and brine were the immiscible continuous phase. A numerical analysis is presented to predict the temperature distribution throughout the circular test column radially and axially is achieved. Experimental measurements of the temperature distribution have been compared with the numerical results and are discussed .A comparison between the experimental and theoretical results showed acceptable agreement and applicability of the derived equations. Comparison with other related work showed similar beh

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rules and steps The design of university research projects
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Research is a study conducted by a researcher or a group of researchers to uncover ambiguity, complete a knowledge, or define a relationship, Solve a problem, or answer a question by carefully investigating the comprehensive and in-depth examination of the evidence and evidence related to this knowledge, revealing a relationship, or solving a problem, or answering a question, to be a systematic, In evidence and evidence that reveal facts and general rules, relationships or solutions, in addition to providing knowledge Human rights are verifiable, tested and confirmed. The university research (graduate research, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation) is the most important type of research, and it is supposed to be the best one, since it

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Advanced Research And Reviews
Distribution and seasonal spread of zooplankton in Iraqi waters
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A summary of zooplankton research done in Peruvian marine waters is presented. We first provide a brief overview of the evolution of zooplankton studies off Peru before reviewing zooplankton biodiversity, regional distribution, seasonal and interannual fluctuation, trophodynamics, secondary production, and modeling are some of these topics. We evaluate research on various meroplankton, macroplankton, mesoplankton, and microplankton groups and provide a list of species from both published and unpublished sources. Three regional zooplankton groups have been identified: A shelf group on the continental shelf dominated by Acartia tonsa and Centropages brachiatus; A slope group on the continental shelf with siphonophores, bivalves, foramin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Reducing settlement of soft clay using different grouting materials
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Abstract<p>Different injection material types were tried in the injection of soft clay, such as lime (L), silica fume (SF), and leycobond-h (LH). In this study, experiments were made to study the effect of injection on soft clay consolidation settlement. A sample of natural soft clayey soil was investigated in the laboratory and the sample was injected with each of the grout materials used, L, SF, L + SF, and L + SF + LH. A 20 cm<sup>3</sup> of each slurry grout was conducted into the soil, which was compacted in California Bearing Ratio (CBR) mold and cured for 7 days, and then the sample was loaded to 80 N load by a circular steel footing 60 mm in diameter. The settlement was r</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
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Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
New techniques to estimate the solution of autonomous system
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This research aims to solve the nonlinear model formulated in a system of differential equations with an initial value problem (IVP) represented in COVID-19 mathematical epidemiology model as an application using new approach: Approximate Shrunken are proposed to solve such model under investigation, which combines classic numerical method and numerical simulation techniques in an effective statistical form which is shrunken estimation formula. Two numerical simulation methods are used firstly to solve this model: Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta and Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Methods. Then two approximate simulation methods are proposed to solve the current study. The results of the proposed approximate shrunken methods and the numerical

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Experimental study of some shielding parameters for composite shields
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 26 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Probabilistic Mesoscale Analysis of Concrete Beams Subjected to Flexure
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Abstract<p>In this paper, the probabilistic behavior of plain concrete beams subjected to flexure is studied using a continuous mesoscale model. The model is two-dimensional where aggregate and mortar are treated as separate constituents having their own characteristic properties. The aggregate is represented as ellipses and generated under prescribed grading curves. Ellipses are randomly placed so it requires probabilistic analysis for model using the Monte Carlo simulation with 20 realizations to represent geometry uncertainty. The nonlinear behavior is simulated with an isotropic damage model for the mortar, while the aggregate is assumed to be elastic. The isotropic damage model softening be</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Flag the appropriate between the verses of the Koran
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The appropriateness of the verses and surahs of the Qur’an, and the connection of their structures, is one of the aspects of the miraculousness of the Holy Qur’an, and it is an honorable knowledge by which the intellect guesses, and by which the value of the one who says what he says is known, and this science was written to appear in the early fourth century AH.
The occasion makes the parts of speech entwined with each other, so that connection is strengthened, and the composition becomes the same as the case of a tight construction that is compatible with the parts.
The Holy Qur’an has adopted a unique approach in its presentation of issues, in contrast to all previous and subsequent approaches. Sometimes he mentions a part

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Assessment of X-Ray Effects on HF Radio Communications
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Abstract<p>This study aims to determine the effect of x-ray radiation resulting from solar flares in high-frequency radio wave communications through the ionosphere and to study the radio blackout events that occur over Iraq, located within (38,28) latitude, and (38,49) longitude. Using X-ray data during strong X flares and radio wave absorption data across the D ionosphere for 10 years from 2012 to 2021. The study concluded that there were 43 events of x-flare, most of which were during years of high solar activity. All of these flares produced X-rays that caused a radio blackout, R3 and only 13 events affected Iraq.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 17 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Molecular detection of biofilm coding genes in Staphylococcus aureus
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In accordance with epidemic COVID-19, the elevated infection rates, disinfectant overuse and antibiotic misuse what led to immune suppression in most of the population in addition to genotypic and phenotypic alterations in the microorganisms, so a great need to reevaluate the genetic determinants that responsible for bacterial community (biofilm) has been raised. A total of 250 clinical specimens were obtained from patients in Baghdad hospitals and streaked on Mannitol salt agar medium. The results revealed that 156 isolates appeared as round yellow colonies, indicating that they were mostly identified as Staphylococcus aureus from 250 specimens. The antibiotic resistance pattern of the isolates for methicillin 37.17% (n=58), Amoxic

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