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An Efficient Shrinkage Estimators For Generalized Inverse Rayleigh Distribution Based On Bounded And Series Stress-Strength Models
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Abstract<p>In this paper, we investigate two stress-strength models (Bounded and Series) in systems reliability based on Generalized Inverse Rayleigh distribution. To obtain some estimates of shrinkage estimators, Bayesian methods under informative and non-informative assumptions are used. For comparison of the presented methods, Monte Carlo simulations based on the Mean squared Error criteria are applied.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Accurate Handwritten Digits Recognition system Based on DWT and FCT
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In this paper an accurate Indian handwritten digits recognition system is
proposed. The system used three proposed method for extracting the most effecting
features to represent the characteristic of each digit. Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) at level one and Fast Cosine Transform (FCT) is used for features extraction
from the thinned image. Besides that, the system used a standard database which is
ADBase database for evaluation. The extracted features were classified with KNearest
Neighbor (KNN) classifier based on cityblock distance function and the
experimental results show that the proposed system achieved 98.2% recognition

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Implement an EC-Application Based on Multi Database Environment
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 The vast majority of EC applications are the web-based deployed in 3-tire Server-Client environment, the data within such application often resides within several heterogeneous data sources. Building a single application that can access each data sources can be a matter of challenging; this paper concerns with developing a software program that runs transparently against heterogeneous environment for an EC-application.

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Publication Date
Fri May 21 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pavement Research And Technology
Developing Resilient Modulus Prediction Models Based on Experimental Results of Crushed Hornfels Mixes with Different Gradations and Plasticity
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 09 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
A Semi-Empirical Equation based on the Strut-and-Tie Model for the Shear Strength Prediction of Deep Beams with Multiple Large Web Openings
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The behavior and shear strength of full-scale (T-section) reinforced concrete deep beams, designed according to the strut-and-tie approach of ACI Code-19 specifications, with various large web openings were investigated in this paper. A total of 7 deep beam specimens with identical shear span-to-depth ratios have been tested under mid-span concentrated load applied monotonically until beam failure. The main variables studied were the effects of width and depth of the web openings on deep beam performance. Experimental data results were calibrated with the strut-and-tie approach, adopted by ACI 318-19 code for the design of deep beams. The provided strut-and-tie design model in ACI 318-19 code provision was assessed and found to be u

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Method for Color Iris Localization
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Iris detection is considered as challenging image processing task. In this study efficient method was suggested to detect iris and recognition it. This method depending on seed filling algorithm and circular area detection, where the color image converted to gray image, and then the gray image is converted to binary image. The seed filling is applied of the binary image and the position of detected object binary region (ROI) is localized in term of it is center coordinates are radii (i.e., the inner and out radius). To find the localization efficiency of suggested method has been used the coefficient of variation (CV) for radius iris for evaluation. The test results indicated that is suggested method is good for the iris detection.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results about Acts over Monoid and Bounded Linear Operators
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This study delves into the properties of the associated act V over the monoid S of sinshT. It examines the relationship between faithful, finitely generated, and separated acts, as well as their connections to one-to-one and onto operators. Additionally, the correlation between acts over a monoid and modules over a ring is explored. Specifically, it is established that  functions as an act over S if and only if  functions as module, where T represents a nilpotent operator. Furthermore, it is proved that when T is onto operator and  is finitely generated, is guaranteed to be finite-dimensional. Prove that for any bounded operator the following,  is acting over S if and only if  is a module where T is a nilpotent operator, is a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results about Acts over Monoid and Bounded Linear Operators
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 الأثر V بالنسبة إلى   sinshT و خواصه قد تم دراسته في هذا البحث حيث تم دراسة علاقة الأثر المخلص والاثر المنتهى التولد والاثر المنفصل وربطها بالمؤثرات المتباينة حيث تم بهنة العلاقات التالية ان الاثر اذا وفقط اذا مقاس في حالة كون المؤثر هو عديم القوة وكذلك في حالة كون المؤثر شامل فان الاثر هو منتهي التولد اي ان الغضاء هو منتهي التولد وايضا تم برهن ان الاثر مخلص لكل مؤثر مقيد وك\لك قد تم التحقق من انه لاي مؤثر مقي

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Fuzzy Length of Fuzzy Bounded Operator
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In this paper we recall the definition of fuzzy length space on a fuzzy set after that we recall basic definitions and properties of fuzzy length. We define fuzzy bounded operator as an introduction to defined fuzzy length of an operator then we proved that the fuzzy length space FB ̃ ̃ consisting of all fuzzy bounded linear operators from a fuzzy length space ̃ into a fuzzy length space ̃ is fuzzy complete if ̃ is fuzzy complete. Also we proved that every finite dimensional fuzzy length space is fuzzy complete.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Orthogonal Derivations and Orthogonal Generalized Derivations on - Modules
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Let M be ,-ring and X be ,M-module, Bresar and Vukman studied orthogonal
derivations on semiprime rings. Ashraf and Jamal defined the orthogonal derivations
on -rings M. This research defines and studies the concepts of orthogonal
derivation and orthogonal generalized derivations on ,M -Module X and introduces
the relation between the products of generalized derivations and orthogonality on
,M -module.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanics
Fabrics-Shear Strength Links of Silicon-Based Granular Assemblies
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ABSTRACT<p>Silicon (Si)-based materials are sought in different engineering applications including Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Materials, Energy and Minerals engineering. Silicon and Silicon dioxide are processed extensively in the industries in granular form, for example to develop durable concrete, shock and fracture resistant materials, biological, optical, mechanical and electronic devices which offer significant advantages over existing technologies. Here we focus on the constitutive behaviour of Si-based granular materials under mechanical shearing. In the recent times, it is widely recognised in the literature that the microscopic origin of shear strength in granular assemblies are associated with their</p> ... Show More
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