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A Systematic Operation Program of a Hydropower Plant Based on Minimizing the Principal Stress: Haditha Dam Case Study
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Dam operation and management have become more complex recently because of the need for considering hydraulic structure sustainability and environmental protect on. An Earthfill dam that includes a powerhouse system is considered as a significant multipurpose hydraulic structure. Understanding the effects of running hydropower plant turbines on the dam body is one of the major safety concerns for earthfill dams. In this research, dynamic analysis of earthfill dam, integrated with a hydropower plant system containing six vertical Kaplan turbines (i.e., Haditha dam), is investigated. In the first stage of the study, ANSYS-CFX was used to represent one vertical Kaplan turbine unit by designing a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) model. This model was used to differentiate between the effect of turbine units’ operation on dam stability in accordance to maximum and minimum reservoir upstream water levels, and the varying flowrates in a fully open gate condition. In the second stage of the analysis, an ANSYS-static modeling approach was used to develop a 3-D FE earthfill dam model. The water pressure pattern determined on the boundary of the running turbine model is transformed into the pressure at the common area of the dam body with turbines. The model is inspected for maximum and minimum upstream water levels. Findings indicate that the water stress fluctuations on the dam body are proportional to the inverse distance from the turbine region. Also, it was found that the cone and outlet of the hydropower turbine system are the most affected regions when turbine is running. Based on the attained results, a systematic operation program was proposed in order to control the running hydropower plant with minimized principal stress at selected nodes on the dam model and the six turbines.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Control Program for Hydropower Operation Based on Minimizing the Principal Stress Values on the Dam Body: Mosul Dam Case Study
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This study examines the vibrations produced by hydropower operations to improve embankment dam safety. This study consists of two parts: In the first part, ANSYS-CFX was used to generate a three-dimensional (3-D) finite volume (FV) model to simulate a vertical Francis turbine unit in the Mosul hydropower plant. The pressure pattern result of the turbine model was transformed into the dam body to show how the turbine unit's operation affects the dam's stability. The upstream reservoir conditions, various flow rates, and fully open inlet gates were considered. In the second part of this study, a 3-D FE Mosul dam model was simulated using an ANSYS program. The operational turbine model's water pressure pattern is conveyed t

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Isotopic Study of Springs Near Haditha Dam Western Iraq
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     Stable isotopic technique and hydrochemistry was used in studying the water resources interaction of near Haditha Reservoir area, western Iraq. Throughout the study area, 14 groundwater samples (Bashina, Zwachi springs and Wells), 8 surface water samples from the study area, and 7 spring samples were analyzed for 2H and 18O stable isotopes and hydrochemical analysis. In this study, the temperature, altitude and continental effects on the isotopic composition of rain water in Iraq were studied. The climate of the study area is classified as semi-arid to arid region. The results show a variation in the isotopic values of Haditha reservoir and Euphrates river. This variation is due to the effect of the low surface area and the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Dam Height on The Stability of Earth Dam (Case Study: Karolinka Dam)
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The Karolinka earth-fill dam was constructed between 1977 and 1984 on the Stanovnice river above the town of Karolinka in the region of Vsetínsko in Czech Republic. Because of leakage on the downstream dam face due to technological indiscipline when filling dam layers during the dam construction stage, there were some steps to improve state dam safety. The final rehabilitation is to construct the diaphragm walls from self-hardening cement-bentonite suspension along the length of the dam. In addition to connecting the gallery and abutment (2 × 25 m long) by using jet piles. The article presents numerical modeling of safety factor evaluation associated with the state of the dam body and foundation; before, and after seal

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Mosul and Haditha Dam Flow Data
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The expansion in water projects implementations in Turkey and Syria becomes of great concern to the workers in the field of water resources management in Iraq. Such expansion with the absence of bi-lateral agreement between the three riparian countries of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; Turkey, Syria and Iraq, is expected to lead to a substantially reduction of water inflow to the territories of Iraq. Accordingly, this study consists of two parts: first part is aiming to study the changes of the water inflow to the territory of Iraq, at Turkey and Syria borders, from 1953 to 2009; the results indicated that the annual mean inflow in Tigris River was decreased from 677 m3/sec to 526 m3/sec, after operating Turkey reserv

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Overlap food for fish in the Haditha Dam Reservoir (Qadisiyah) Iraq
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Shehadt 683 fish of different fish present in the tank Haditha Dam during the period of February 1993 and the end Maes 1994 to identify the nutritional content of the digestive tract or the stomach for these fish and their impact on the environment of the tank and found that Fish fine linen and Alhalg animal feeding predators feed on small fish, mainly the fish brown plantnutrition

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Derivation of Operation Rule for Ilisu Dam
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Tigris River water that comes from Turkey represents the main water resource of this river in Iraq. The expansion in water river implementations has formed a source of trouble for the workers in the water resources management field in Iraqi. Unfortunately, there is no agreement between Iraq and Turkey till now to share the water of this international river. Consequently, the optimal operation of water resources systems, particularly a multi-objective, multi-reservoir, is of the most necessity at the present time.

 In this research two approaches, were used the dynamic programming (DP) approach and simulation model to find the optimal monthly operation of Ilisu Dam (from an Iraqi point of view) through a comp

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2004
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Two EM techniques, terrain conductivity and VLF-Radiohm resistivity (using two
different instruments of Geonics EM 34-3 and EMI6R respectively) have been applied to
evaluate their ability in delineation and measuring the depth of shallow subsurface cavities
near Haditha city.
Thirty one survey traverses were achieved to distinguish the subsurface cavities in the
investigated area. Both EM techniques are found to be successfiul tools in study area.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Roughness Coefficient in Euphrates River Reach between Haditha Dam to Ramadi Barrage
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Accurate computation of the roughness coefficient is important in the studies of open channel flow. To measure and identify the hydraulic characteristics of the flow system, the model simulation is necessary to study and get the results of the hydraulic properties to specify Manning coefficient of the Euphrates River. In this study, the reach is extended along the Euphrates River from Haditha Dam to Ramadi Barrage with a distance of 169km. The HEC-RAS model was implemented to simulate the flow within the study reach. The geometry of the river was represented by more than two hundred cross-sections surveyed in 2013 and 2021. The model was calibrated using some observed discharges at the Heet gage station for records of th

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
A Systematic Review of Brain-Computer Interface Based EEG
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The futuristic age requires progress in handwork or even sub-machine dependency and Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) provides the necessary BCI procession. As the article suggests, it is a pathway between the signals created by a human brain thinking and the computer, which can translate the signal transmitted into action. BCI-processed brain activity is typically measured using EEG. Throughout this article, further intend to provide an available and up-to-date review of EEG-based BCI, concentrating on its technical aspects. In specific, we present several essential neuroscience backgrounds that describe well how to build an EEG-based BCI, including evaluating which signal processing, software, and hardware techniques to use. Individu

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Complementary Therapies In Medicine
Effects of almond intake on oxidative stress parameters: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
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