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Google and Legal Translation: The Case Study of Contracts

In recent years, the need for Machine Translation (MT) has grown, especially for translating legal contracts between languages like Arabic and English. This study primarily investigates whether Google Translator can adequately replace human translation for legal documents. Utilizing a widely popular free web-based tool, Google Translate, the research method involved translating six segments from various legal contracts into Arabic and assessing the translations for lexical and syntactic accuracy. The findings show that although Google Translate can quickly produce English-Arabic translations, it falls short compared to professional translators, especially with complex legal terms and syntax. Errors can be categorized into: polysemy, homonymy, legal doublets, and adverbs at the linguistic level, and morphological parsing, concord, and modality at the syntactic level. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing machine translation systems and suggests caution in using Google Translate for legal purposes, advocating for continued reliance on human expertise in legal settings.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histomorphological study of uropygial gland of pekin duck (Anas platyrhnchos domesticus)

The study included 20 birds of Pekin duck (Anas platyrhnchos domesticus) for study the histological of uropygial gland (10 males + 10 females), the weights were between (1411-1582 gm) for males and (1350-1980 gm) female. Routine Histological Techniques was done and stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), Periodic Acidic Schiff (PAS), Masson's trichrome stains. Histological sections of the uropygial gland of Pekin ducks showed that the gland consist of the capsule, parenchyma, isthmus and uropygial papillae. The capsule consist of Dense irregular connective tissue. The mean thickness of capsule around the gland lobes were (56.321?17.206µm) and around the uropygial papillae were (67.208?14.996 µm). The capsule tissues continuous in betwe

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study of Transesterification Reaction of Edible Oil Using Heterogenous Catalyst

AlPO4 solid acid catalyst was prepared in order to use it in transesterification reaction of edible oil after supporting it with tungsten oxide. The maximum conversion of edible oil was obtained 78.78% at catalyst concentration (5gm.), temperature 70°Ϲ, 30/1 methanol/edible oil molar ratio, and time 5hr. The study of kinetics of the transesterification reaction of edible oil indicates that the reaction has an order of 3/2, while the value of activation energy for  transesterification reaction is 51.367 kJ/mole and frequency factor equal 26219.13(L/ mol.minute).

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study of Transesterification Reaction of Edible Oil Using Heterogenous Catalyst

   AlPO4 solid acid catalyst was prepared in order to use it in transesterification reaction of edible oil after supporting it with tungsten oxide. The maximum conversion of edible oil was obtained 78.78% at catalyst concentration (5gm.), temperature 70°Ϲ, 30/1 methanol/edible oil molar ratio, and time 5hr. The study of kinetics of the transesterification reaction of edible oil indicates that the reaction has an order of 3/2, while the value of activation energy for  transesterification reaction is 51.367 kJ/mole and frequency factor equal 26219.13(L/ mol.minute).

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Study Of Heat Transfer In Cooling Passages Of Turbine Blade

As the temperature of combustion gases is higher than the melting temperature of the turbine materials, cooling of turbine parts in a gas turbine engine is necessary for safe operation. Cooling methods investigated in this computational study included cooling flow losses. Film-cooling is one typically used cooling method whereby coolant is supplied through holes passage, in present study the holes placed along the camber line of the blade. The subject of this paper is to evaluate the heat transfer that occur on the holes of blade through different
blowing coolant rates. The cases of this study were performed in a low speed wind tunnel with two tip gap at small and large (0.03 and 0.09cm) and multiple coolant flow rates through the fil

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Field Study of Novel Storage Tank of Solar Water Heating System

In this paper thermo-hydrodynamic characteristics were investigated experimentally for a new type shell-helical coiled tube heat exchanger used as a storage tank of closed loop solar water heater system. Triple concentric helical coils were made of copper tubes of (12.5mm OD and 10mm ID) with coils diameter of (207, 152.2, 97mm) for outer, middle and inner coils respectively. The experiments were carried out during a clear sky days of (March and April 2012). The parameters studied in this work are: history of average temperature of shell side of the storage tank, collector heat gain, heat rejected from coils to shell side of the storage tank, collector efficiency, thermal effectiveness of the heat exchanger (storage tank), and pressure d

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative study of hydatid cysts isolated from livers of different hosts

Fifty three hydatid cysts were collected from different hosts, sheep, goats and cattle , from many slaughterhouse in Salahadin and Baghdad , while human's hydatid cysts samples were collected from Tikrit educational hospital and Tofiqe civilian hospital patients . The study included a biochemical comparison of some hydatid cyst fluid criteria such as, glucose, total protein, pH, glutamate pyrovate transaminase enzyme (GPT) , glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase enzyme (GOT) , acid phosphatase (ACP) , Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) , and also studied protoscolices viability,the current study showed the differences in chemical composition of hydatid cyst fluids back to host type and parasite strain .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Quantum mechanical study of electronic properties of zigzag nanotubes (9,0) (SWCNTs)

Quantum calculations on the most stable structure were carried
out for calculating the electronic properties, energies and the charge
density at the Carbon and Hydrogen atoms by Semi-empirical
method (PM3) of zigzag carbon nano tube CNT (9,0) (SWCNTs), at
the equilibrium geometry depending on the pictures of Zigzag
CNT(9,0) which was found to has D3d symmetry point group by
applying for (Gaussian 2003) program. In this work the results
include calculation the relation for axial bonds length, which are the
vertical C-C bonds (annular bonds) in the rings and bonds length
which are in the outer ring that called the circumferential bonds. Also
include a different kind of vibration modes like breathing, puckering

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparative taxonomic study of nutlets of Stachys L. in Iraq

Nutlets of 22 taxa of Stachys (13 species and seven subspecies and two varieties), representing seven of the currently recognized sections distributed in northern Iraq were examined by light microscope. The basic shape of nutlets in most taxa studied is Obovoid, but Oblong also found in S.megalodanta Hausskn.& Bornm. ex P.H.Davis, S.setirefa C.A.Mey. subsp daenensis (Gandog.) Rech.f.and S. kurdica Boiss.& Hohen. var.kurdica, while the Subgloboid shape found in S. iberica M.Bieb. and S. inflata Benth., more over the Broad triangular shape was found in S. nephrophylla Rech.f. and S.lanigera (Bornm.) Rech.f.., the biggest size of nutlets was found in S.inflata L. and the smallest was in S.melampyroides Hand.-Mzt. Regarding sculpturing pa

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Biological Study of protease produced by clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus

The bacterial isolates were obtained from Al-Kindi Hospital were diagnosed by the Vitek-2 system and re confirm by 16srRNA gene as S. aurous, the results were shown 20 isolates (66.7%) out of 30 isolates were positive to protease production. All bacterial isolates (100%) were sensitive to Gentamicin and Levofloxacin. but resistant (100%) to aztreonam. The best temperature for enzyme production from bacteria was 37 °C, and the best pH for enzyme production was 7. Partial purification of the bacterial enzyme (protease) was carried out using short steps included ammonium sulfate 65% saturation, ion exchange using DEAE- cellulose column and then applied on gel filtration chromatography using Sephadex G-200 column. The enzymatic activit

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of Mechanical Properties of (Al-Cu-Mg) Alloy Matrix Composite

The present research had dealt with preparing  bars  with the length of about  (13 cm) and  adiametar  of  (1.5 cm) of composite materials with metal  matrix  represented by (Al-Cu-Mg) alloy cast enforced by (ZrO2) particles with chosen weight  percentages (1.5, 2.5 ,3.5, 5.5 %). The base  cast and the composite  materials were prepared by casting method by uses vortex  Technique inorder to  fix up (ZrO2) particles in homogeneous way on  the  base cast. In addition to  that, two main groups of composite materials were prepared depending on the particles size of (ZrO2) , respectively.       &n

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