Rasha Naser Majeed is an Assistant Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Baghdad, Faculty of Education for Pure Science Ibn Al-Haitham, Department of Mathematics, Baghdad, Iraq. She received her Ph.D. degree in Pure Mathematics (Fuzzy Topology) from the Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Her research interests are in the areas of General Topology, Fuzzy topology and soft topology.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Mathematics [2017-present].
- Member of the Promotions Subcommittee in the College of Education for Pure Sciences Ibn Al-Haytham [2021- present]
- Membership in examination committees [2016-2021]
- Member of many permanent committees in the Mathematics Department.
General Topology Fuzzy Topology Fuzzy Soft Topology
Ph. D. in Pure Mathematics (Fuzzy Topology) [2012-2015] M. Sc. in Pure Mathematics [1998-2000] B. Sc. in Mathematics [1993-1997]
• Topology • Foundation of Mathematics • Calculus • Geometry
• Several Undergraduate Students • Two Master Students • Two Ph.D. Students
In the present study, Čech fuzzy soft bi-closure spaces (Čfs bi-csp’s) are defined. The basic properties of Čfs bi-csp’s are studied such as we show from each Čfs bi-csp’s (
The aim of the present work is to define a new class of closed soft sets in soft closure spaces, namely, generalized closed soft sets (
In this paper, the concept of soft closure spaces is defined and studied its basic properties. We show that the concept soft closure spaces are a generalization to the concept of
In this paper, the C̆ech fuzzy soft closure spaces are defined and their basic properties are studied. Closed (respectively, open) fuzzy soft sets is defined in C̆ech fuzzy-soft closure spaces. It has been shown that for each C̆ech fuzzy soft closure space there is an associated fuzzy soft topological space. In addition, the concepts of a subspace and a sum are defined in C̆ech fuzzy soft closure space. Finally, fuzzy soft continuous (respectively, open and closed) mapping between C̆ech fuzzy soft closure spaces are introduced. Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A40, 54B05, 54C05.
The concept of fuzzy orbit open sets under the mapping
This paper aims to define and study new separation axioms based on the b-open sets in topological ordered spaces, namely strong - -ordered spaces ( ). These new separation axioms are lying between strong -ordered spaces and - - spaces ( ). The implications of these new separation axioms among themselves and other existing types are studied, giving several examples and counterexamples. Also, several properties of these spaces are investigated; for example, we show that the property of strong - -ordered spaces ( ) is an inherited property under open subspaces.
Soft closure spaces are a new structure that was introduced very recently. These new spaces are based on the notion of soft closure operators. This work aims to provide applications of soft closure operators. We introduce the concept of soft continuous mappings and soft closed (resp. open) mappings, support them with examples, and investigate some of their properties.
In this paper, we provide some types of - -spaces, namely, - ( )- (respectively, - ( )- , - ( )- and - ( )-) spaces for minimal structure spaces which are denoted by ( -spaces). Some properties and examples are given.
The relationships between a number of types of - -spaces and the other existing types of weaker and stronger forms of -spaces are investigated. Finally, new types of open (respectively, closed) functions of -spaces are introduced and some of their properties are studied.
In this paper, some new types of regularity axioms, namely pairwise quasi-regular, pairwise semi-regular, pairwise pseudo regular and pairwise regular are defined and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure spaces ( bicsp’s) and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. We also study the relationships between them. We show that in all these types of axioms, the hereditary property is satisfied under closed fs bi-csubsp of . Furthermore, we define some normality axioms, namely pairwise semi-normal, pairwise pseudo normal, pairwise normal and pairwise completely normal in both bicsp’s and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces, as well as their basic properties and the relationships between them are studied.
... Show MoreThe concept of Cech fuzzy soft bi-closure space ( ˇ Cfs bi-csp) ( ˇ U, L1, L2, S) is initiated and studied by the authors in [6]. The notion of pairwise fuzzy soft separated sets in Cfs bi-csp is defined in this study, and various features of ˇ this notion are proved. Then, we introduce and investigate the concept of connectedness in both Cfs bi-csps and its ˇ associated fuzzy soft bitopological spaces utilizing the concept of pairwise fuzzy soft separated sets. Furthermore, the concept of pairwise feebly connected is introduced, and the relationship between pairwise connected and pairwise feebly connected is discussed. Finally, we provide various instances to further explain our findings.
The idea of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space ( bicsp) is a new one, and its basic features are defined and studied in [1]. In this paper, separation axioms, namely pairwise, , pairwise semi-(respectively, pairwise pseudo and pairwise Uryshon) - fs bicsp's are introduced and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. It is shown that hereditary property is satisfied for , with respect to ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space but for other mentioned types of separations axioms, hereditary property satisfies for closed subspaces of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space.
Fuzzy orbit topological space is a new structure very recently given by [1]. This new space is based on the notion of open fuzzy orbit sets. The aim of this paper is to provide applications of open fuzzy orbit sets. We introduce the notions of fuzzy orbit irresolute mappings and fuzzy orbit open (resp. irresolute open) mappings and studied some of their properties. .