- جهة الانتساب : كلية القانون/ جامعة بغداد
- محل الولادة: بغداد
- الشهادة:- دكتوراه في القانون المدني من جامعة بغداد
- الوظيفة الحالية:- أستاذ القانون المدني ورئيس فرع القانون الخاص في كلية القانون – جامعة بغداد للفترة من 2010 الى 2014 وللفترة 2020 – 2022.
- رئيس فرع القانون العام في كلية القانون – جامعة بغداد للفترة من 1/11/2021 لغاية 25/1/2022.
- مدير مكتب الاستشارات القانونية /كلية القانون/جامعة بغداد للفترة من 2010-2014
- عضو لجنة الترقيات العلمية المركزية لجامعة بغداد للفترة 2014-2016
- عضو لجنة تثبيت الالقاب العلمية للكفاءات العائدة في جامعة بغداد للفترة 2015-2023
- رئيس لجنة صلاحية التدريس في كلية القانون /جامعة بغداد للفترة 2015/2023
- معاون عميد للشؤون العلمية والطلبة للفترة من 2023 لغاية الان .
- الدرجة العلمية:- أستاذ
- عدد سنوات الخدمة:- 33 سنة
القانون المدني
عدد اطاريح الدكتوراه التي اشرف عليها ( 20) عدد رسائل الماجستير التي اشرف عليها (22)
التحكيم الذكي في منازعات المنظمات اللامركزية المستقلة DAOs يستخدم تكنولوجيا Block chain والعقود الذكية لتوفير حلول فعالة لتسوية النزاعات ضمن بيئة الاقتصاد الرقمي المعقد، إذ أن (Daos) ككيانات لامركزية تعمل على أساس بروتوكولات Block chain، تقدم نموذجًا جديدًا للحوكمة والتعاقد الذي يتحدى الأطر القانونية التقليدية، ونظرًا لطبيعتها المجهولة وعدم ارتباطها بأي ولاية قضائية محددة، تواجه هذه المنظمات صعوبات في تحديد الاختصا
... Show MoreThis research deals with the formalities of the mortgage contract according to American law, We have given an overview of the provisions of this law related to the subject, We have also taken into consideration the role of American jurisprudence and the judiciary in finding legal solutions to the aforementioned formality, We have discussed the formality of mortgage in American law in two sections, In the first section we showed the formalism in immovable mortgage, and the second section specified to studying the formalism in movable mortgage.
English law defines different types of fraud, and we do not find a counterpart in other legislations, relying on its distinction on the criterion of knowledge of the truth of the information presented, that is, determining the type of fraud depends on the extent of the owner of false evidence that it is not correct at the time of its issuance. These false statements are either issued from Accompanying the owner with his full knowledge of its content and in a way that makes it a presumption that proves his bad intention so that fraud is not innocent, or that it is issued by indiscretion and negligence and without a reasonable and logical basis on which it is based, then fraud is negligently, and finally that this data is issued by its own
... Show Moreيعد موضوع المحل من المواضيع الشائكة في القانون المدني ، اذ ان هذا الموضوع رغم قدمه الا انه لازال يمثل ارضا خصبة للبحث ، اذ يوجد خلاف حول تحديد الكائن القانوني الذي يعد المحل ركنا فيه ، حيث اختلفت التشريعات في هذه المسألة ، فبعض التشريعات تذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في الالتزام ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد وركن في الالتزام وقد انتقل هذا الخلاف الى الفقه فظهر فيه عدة اتج
... Show Moreفي العقود الملزمة للجانبين اذا لم ينفذ احد المتعاقدين التزامه تنفيذا كليا فانه يجوز للمتعاقد الاخر ان يطلب من المحكمة فسخ العقد فسخا كليا ، الا انه قد يقتصر عدم التنفيذ على جزء من التزامه فعندئذ يثار التساؤل الاتي: هل يمكن فسخ العقد فسخا جزئيا ؟ الملاحظ ان هنالك خلافا فقهيا وقضائيا كبيرا حول جواز الفسخ الجزئي ، فالبعض يجيز الحكم بالفسخ الجزئي ، والبعض الاخر لا يجيز الحكم بالفسخ الجزئي، وقد انتهينا الى القول بع
... Show MoreScientific and technical developments have led to the development of new means of a new nature in the field of judicial proof, which have contributed to a large percentage in bringing judicial facts closer to reality, and sometimes beyond mere approximation to monitor the truth that may be absent from its person, as if this fact is scientific, and among these issues is a Proof of the age required for the marriage contract, which is one of the conditions that must be met for the marriage contract, which has raised problems for immigrants; the displaced; And for some individuals who belong to families that refuse to legally register them, and because marriage before puberty may cause some psychological problems that later lead to su
... Show MoreThe legal basis for the obligation of the innkeeper to ensure the safety of things does not pose any problem, because the comparative legislation was organized by explicit legal texts, but the problem arises with regard to the legal basis of the innkeeper's obligation to ensure the physical safety of the guest, as these legislation lacked explicit provisions about it, and left the organization of the general rules, which Open the door to jurisprudence, where the foundations laid by the jurists, within the scope of civil law, unlike the English legislator, which organized it as a general duty in the landlord law of 1957, and some consumer protection laws implicitly referred to the obligation of the innkeeper To ensure the safety of the bo
... Show MoreThe Contracts must be executed according to their content. Therefore, the parties must fulfill their obligations as stipulated in the contract content. If one of them Do not execute his obligations, his contractual responsibility is to breach the contractual content of his contract.
This principle does not differ in law, but the difference lies in what is wrong or not, as well as different ways to address this breach.
The breach is not limited to the failure of the parties to fulfill the obligations under the contract, but the description of the breach applies to the cases of non-implementation of obligations not mentioned in the contract - secondary obligations - and the liability is also contractual, by virtue of chargi
... Show MoreThe continuous development in the field of information and communication systems led to the emergence of many new contracts for the processing of Internet services and how to use them, Which is the online advertising contract some kind of them. Nowadays, the internet is considered one of the most important media advertising for products and services comparing to what traditional advertising services present, a lot of advertisers are resorting to publish their ads electronically , Their means of doing so is to contract with an online publisher or an e-advertising agency that in turn contracts the publisher for the same purpose , The electronic advertising contract entails a set of obligations on both the pub
... Show MoreThis research raises the issue of the obligation to ensure safety as the most important obligation of tourism and travel companies in the organized trip contract، which is why a tourist chooses this type of trip، If the tourist aims for entertainment and pleasure، he seeks to be sponsored by the organized company to ensure his safe and healthy return home without any damage ، particularly physical damage ، Although this commitment is important، it has not received the attention of the Iraqi legislator، so this research is based on an analytical comparative based on Egyptian and French law as well as English law ، The legislative experience of these States، as well as the views of the op
... Show MoreThe aim of this study is to know the capability of the Iraqi system law, to organize contracts of supplying software especially the contract of designing or developing software, according to the requirements of somebody. The specific software features than typical software, where the later imported as a goods, while the incoming contract to designing or developing specific software represents employment contract, in this case leads to a complicated problems of the type of contract, the later contract may interact with sale contract and lease contract. Hire contract applies to the contract of this study, where supplier to these software is contractor and the person who designed the required software, as a result this study can be di
... Show MoreThis research deals with the protection of the consumer's acceptance by internet, we divided it into four sections, the first section is devoted to the concept of the consummation contract by internet. The second section was about the professional's offer by internet, while we studied in the third section the consumer's acceptance by internet, at the last section we discussed the agreement of the protection consumer's acceptance.
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين.
أما بعد
فلم يعد حق الملكية في العهد الحالي كما كان العهد عليه في العهود السابقة حقاً مطلقاً، بل أصبح حقا مقيداً بقيود متعددة تزداد يوما بعد يوم، وما شرط المنع التصرف الا صورة من هذه القيود.
وهذا البحث هو محاولة متواضعة لدراسة هذا الشرط في القانون المدني العراقي عقارنا بالقان
... Show MoreThe contact will be obligated as well as strong if it is contracted in right way. The contract is as the law in its obligation. Everyone must be followed the law so he /she must be obligated in the contract that he /she contracted. There is no clear suitable justification about the concept of partner in the contract that leads to this concept not to be stable. It becomes clearer when the idea of the group of contract appears. The idea of the group of contract in determination of the concept of partner is criticized by the jurisprudence. It tries to put a new concept for the partner in the contract or another one and also they have the same. The persons who have the adjective of partner should be having the same power which enjoy with the
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