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Standard degrees for tests results to some physical abilities and defense rebound for tall players in basketball school
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The test considers from important methods and tools when we using the evaluation because it is a basic role in diagnosis & classification & motive & selection &guiding &prediction and the problem was formatted in some questions like ( what is physical variables that tall players needs n the game and effect on the game ? what is the tests that measures these variables also the defense rebound variable and is there a references standard specialized in that ?) , the aims of research represented by knowing to some physical abilities for tall players in basketball school and their tests and putting new tests to measure defense rebound to one player and tow tall players also limiting the standards degrees ( modified un following method ) to results in some physical abilities & defense rebound for research sample . The researchers depend on tall players from all states of Iraq and their number (50) from ( 63) proposers , after getting results and treated it statistically the researchers concluded that they can limits the standards ( standards degrees modified in following method ) for fast strength to left and right legs & explosive power for arms and leg speed & speed endurance , the recommendation was focus on depending these physical variables & defense rebound on continuous evaluation also using these standards as references standards on preliminaries selection to tall players on basketball players and use it from Iraq basketball association for generate on basketball schools .

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
A comparative study of mental abilities and athletic achievement motivation among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed Measure for Effect Size in Mediation Analysis with Solution to Some Mediation Process Problems
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In this paper, the effect size measures was discussed, which are useful in many estimation processes for direct effect and its relation with indirect and total effects. In addition, an algorithm to calculate the suggested measure of effect size was suggested that represent the ratio of direct effect to the effect of the estimated parameter using the Regression equation of the dependent variable on the mediator variable without using the independent variable in the model. Where this an algorithm clear the possibility to use this regression equation in Mediation Analysis, where usually used the Mediator and independent variable together when the dependent variable regresses on them. Also this an algorithm to show how effect of the

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Building and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time
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The researchers believe the problem of searching the scarcity or limited tests of time kinetic response led to scarcity or limited availability of experimental research in exercises codified within the training curriculum for the junior class, and therefore has been weakening this physical variable as an important episode in the development of the players physical capacities as well as the lack of measure for this variable within the defensive skills in general and the skill of the player movement defender in particular, and it represents the goal of research in the treatment of the above through the construction and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time. Chosen as the r

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using microalga Coelastrella sp. to remove some nutrients from wastewater invitro
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Microalgae have been increasingly used for wastewater treatment due to their capacity to assimilate nutrients. Samples of wastewater were taken from the Erbil wastewater channel near Dhahibha village in northern Iraq. The microalga Coelastrella sp. was used in three doses (0.2, 1, and 2g. l-1) in this experiment for 21 days, samples were periodically (every 3 days) analyzed for physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, Phosphate, Nitrate, and BOD5, in addition to, Chlorophyll a concentration. Results showed that the highest dose 2g.l-1 was the most effective dose for removing nutrients, confirmed by significant differences (p≤0.05) between all doses. The highest removal percentage was

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of an Educational Unit According To the Constructive Strategy in Developing Thinking Skills for Fifth Primary Students
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    The current phase distinguish by the rapid scientific development, which pushes individuals to have the necessities of scientific and practical life through the proper scientific thinking which contribute to the development of invention and creativity away from memorizing and indoctrination and encouraging individuals to looking for information and then attempting to process and develop these information instead of being a passive receiver. The investment of minds becomes the logical investment in all societies by preparing the citizen to become able to face life changes and its necessities. It is very important to take care of individuals and develop their mental abilities and thinking skills. The constructive strateg

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
E-Learning and Its Relationship with Academic Passion among Middle School Students
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The current research aims to identify the level of E-learning among middle school students, the level of academic passion among middle school students, and the correlation between e-learning and academic passion among middle school students. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher developed two questionnaires to measure the variables of the study (e-learning and study passion) among students, these two tools were applied to the research sample, which was (380) male and female students in the first and second intermediate classes. The research concluded that there is a relationship between e-learning and academic passion among students.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Analytical Solution for the Maximum Tensile Stress and Stress Concentration Factor Investigations for Standard, Asymmetric fillets, Asymmetric Pressure Angle and Profile Shifted Helical and Spur Gears
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This research introduces a developed analytical method to determine the nominal and maximum tensile stress and investigate the stress concentration factor. The required tooth fillets parametric equations and gears dimensions have been reformulated to take into account the asymmetric fillets radiuses, asymmetric pressure angle, and profile shifting non-standard modifications. An analytical technique has been developed for the determination of tooth weakest section location for standard, asymmetric fillet radiuses, asymmetric pressure angle and profile shifted involute helical and spur gears. Moreover, an analytical equation to evaluate gear tooth-loading angle at any radial distance on the involute profile of spur and hel

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The influence of excellent offensive basketball skill-learning activities based on sensory perceptions for female pupils.
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The aim of this research is to develop qualitative workouts based on certain sensory perceptions for the development of offensive basketball abilities and to determine their impact on female pupils. Several findings, based on the au-thor's extensive expertise instructing basketball materials and our closeness to the sample, revealed deficits in some sensory perceptions “in the game of basketball”, which impair the accuracy of passing the ball to the best team-mate. It also affects the pace of dribbling and the difficulty of selecting the op-timal moment and distance to fire. Therefore, the researcher designs qualita-tive activities based on many sensory experiences, including distance, speed, force, and direction shift. In addition, the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the rebound effect and interactive between fiscal and monetary policy on the General economic equilibrium (IS-LM)
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      Will address this research interaction and coordination between fiscal and monetary policies and the impact of this interaction and coordination on economic stability and growth، and how the financial implications of monetary policy may stimulate action monetary policy and treatment side effects and the nature of responsiveness and bounce between procedures both two policies and their impact on the balance of overall economic and explained in the folds of searchjustifications coordination and the extent necessary in order to address the imbalances in economic activity through twinning actions of monetary and fiscal، has embodied this coordination and interaction between policies and their impact m

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison some of methods wavelet estimation for non parametric regression function with missing response variable at random
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 The problem of missing data represents a major obstacle before researchers in the process of data analysis in different fields since , this problem is a recurrent one in all fields of study including social , medical , astronomical and clinical experiments .

The presence of such a problem within the data to be studied may influence negatively on the analysis and it may lead to misleading conclusions , together with the fact that these conclusions that result from a great bias caused by that problem in spite of the efficiency of wavelet methods but they are also affected by the missing of data , in addition to the impact of the problem of miss of accuracy estimation

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