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Cleaning efficacy and instrumentation time using rotary file system in primary molars (comparative study)
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ABSTRACT— In primary teeth, root canal treatment is a time consuming and challenging procedure, particularly during the most important step in endodontic treatment which is the preparation of the canal. Pulpectomy is the treatment of choice in all the necrotic primary teeth. For better treatment protocol, advancing technology brought the rotary system to reduce the manual dexterity and improve the quality of treatment for pulpectomy. This study aimed to compare and assess the efficacy of cleaning and the time required for the instrumentation during the preparation of root canals of the primary molars using the rotary and the manual (conventional) systems. Thirty root canals of primary teeth were selected. These teeth submitted to access opening and then all the canals injected with Indian ink. Then, 48 hours later, the teeth were randomly classified into two groups: group A (n=fifteen tooth): where the manual preparation of the root canals was done by stainless steel K- files, while group B (n= fifteen tooth): consisted of the root canals that prepared with rotary two shape system. The total instrumentation time was measured using a digital stopwatch. After that, a disk bur was used to section the roots. Then, a digital camera was used to photograph the specimens to evaluate the root canal cleaning. The cleaning efficacy was compared at the coronal, middle and apical level. In the coronal third, rotary two shape system showed more removal to the ink than the K-file with statistical significant difference (p <0.05), however, for the middle third of the canal, no statistical difference was found between the two systems (p=0.05). While at the apical level, K-file showed more removal to the ink than the rotary two shape system and with statistical significant difference (p <0.05). Evaluation of the total samples revealed no statistical significant difference concerning the efficacy of cleaning between K-files and rotary two shape system files. The group that was rotary prepared took less time for the canal preparation as compared to the manual group (80.063 sec., 144.576 sec. respectively). No significant difference was found between the two systems concerning the cleaning efficacy. Instrumentation done by the rotary system took significantly less time than that of the manual. KEYWORDS: Cleaning efficacy, manual instrumentation, primary teeth, rotary instrumentation.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Faithful representation of accounting information according requirements width financial statements depending on international standard (IFRS-15) revenue from contracts with customers: Applied research in a sample of the joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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This study seeks to identify the possibility of achieving the property of faithful representation of accounting information and measure it by using the standard approach based on mathematical and statistical equations by comparing two financial periods before and after the application of (IFRS-15) Revenue from contracts with customers, during the period. (2014-2018), for the financial statements of the mixed joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, which is one of the main pillars of the economic structure of the country, as a joint investment between the state and the private sector, and has importance in many aspects, including support for projects of public companies, S Absorption and employment of labor, as well as ra

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational And Humanities Sciences
Measure awareness Petknlogia the information and its impact on the attainment of knowledge to solve the problems of scientific research material for the students of the fourth stage at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
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يعتقد البعض ان مفهوم العلم يعني الآلات والاجهزة العلمية (تقنيات التعليم) وهي لا تختلف عن مفهوم تكنولوجيا المعلومات , ويعد هذا الاعتقاد خاطئ , لان العلم هو بناء المعرفة العلمية المنظمة والتي يتم التوصل اليها عن طريق البحث العلمي , اما تكنولوجيا المعلومات فهي "التطبيقات العملية للمعرفة العلمية في مختلف المجالات ذات الفائدة المباشرة بحياة الانسان, او هي النواحي التطبيقية للعلم وما يرتبط بها من آلات واجهزة".

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculation of Coefficients of Cassegrain Telescope Mirrors
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In the present work, a program for calculating the coefficients of the Aplanatic Cassegrain Telescope (ACT) system, free from the effects of spherical and coma aberrations, were constructed. In addition, the two-mirrors of the optical system, as aspherical surfaces, were adopted. This means, that the two-equations of the mirrors are assumed to be polynomial function of five even terms only. The numerical method, least-squares curve fitting method to calculate the two-mirror coefficients system, was adopted. For choosing the values and ratios that give the best results, Rayleigh Criterion (Rayleigh Limit), for purpose of comparison and preference, was adopted.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The partial substitution of copper with nickel oxide on the Structural and electrical properties of HgBa<sub>2</sub> Ca<sub>2</sub> Cu<sub>3x</sub>Ni<sub>x</sub> O<sub>8+δ</sub> superconducting compound
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The effect of the Doping with Cobalt Transition Metal on the Dielectric and Structural Properties of Fe<sub>0.5</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>Mg<sub>0.95-x</sub>O Nanoparticles Synthesized by Sol-Gel Assisted Auto-Combustion
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Abstract<p>The compound Fe<sub>0.5</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>Mg<sub>0.95-x</sub>O where (x= 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1) was prepared via the sol-gel technique. The crystalline nature of magnesium oxide was studied by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis, and the size of the sample crystals, ranging between (16.91-19.62nm), increased, while the lattice constant within the band (0.5337-0.4738 nm) decreased with increasing the cobalt concentration. The morphology of the specimens was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which shows images forming spherical granules in addition to the presence of interconnected chips. The presence of the elements involved in the super</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Exploitation of Carmen Valero Garces' Theory in the Criticism of Literary Texts: Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic Translation of "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" as a: کاربست نظریه¬ی کارمن والرو گارسس در نقد ترجمه¬ی ادبی (مورد مطالعه: تعریب صالح الجعفری از رباعیات خیام)
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There is a mutual relationship between the form of a text and its meaning so as separating these two or devaluating the role of one of them leads to the absence of the value therein. Thus, a translation is important as to how it relates the details of a text. That is, the text has special features which go beyond form, and these set out its distinctiveness. Here, we tackle Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic translation of  "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" of Naysapour descriptively and analytically by depending on extracts from the original text. This translation is evaluated on the basis of Spanish critic Maria Carmen Valero Garces. Herein, we discuss the effectiveness of this theory in the criticism of literary texts. It has been concluded that al-Jaf

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Partial substitution of Zn Effects on the Structural and Electrical Properties of High Temperature Hg<sub>0.95</sub>Ag<sub>0.05</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub> Superconductors
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Metastable And Nanocrystalline Materials
The Structural, Magnetic, and Electrochemical Properties of Composite PAni/Co&lt;sub&gt;0.2&lt;/sub&gt;Mn&lt;sub&gt;0.8&lt;/sub&gt;Fe&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;
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The current work concerns preparing cobalt manganese ferrite (Co0.2Mn0.8Fe2O4) and decorating it with polyaniline (PAni) for supercapacitor applications. The X-ray diffraction findings (XRD) manifested a broad peak of PAni and a cubic structure of cobalt manganese ferrite with crystal sizes between 21 nm. The pictures were taken with a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), which evidenced that the PAni has nanofibers (NFs) structures, grain size 33 – 55 nm, according to the method of preparation, where the hydrothermal method was used. The magnetic measurements (VSM) that were conducted at room temperature showed that the samples had definite magnetic properties. Additionally, it was noted that the saturation magnetizatio

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The substitutions of Strontium by yttrium and their effects on Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>-<sub>x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10</sub>+<sub>δ</sub> superconducting compound
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Abstract<p>Superconducting compound Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr2-<sub>x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10+δ</sub> were Synthesized by method of solid state reaction, at 1033 K for 160 hours temperature of the sintering at normal atmospheric pressure where substitutions Yttrium oxide with Strontium. When Y2O3 concentration (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). All specimens of Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10+δ</sub> superconducting compounds were examined. The resistivity of electrical was checked by the four point probe technique, It was found th</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of Nickel Substitution On Structural and Electrical Properties of Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub>Ni<sub>y</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub> Superconductor Composite
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Abstract<p>six specimens of the Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub> <italic>Ni<sub>y</sub> </italic>O<sub>8+δ</sub> (y=0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0) superconducting compound were prepared by solid state reaction method, with sintering temperature equal to 1123K for 24 hours. The electrical resistivity was examined by the four probe technique, It was found that all the specimens have metallic behavior and increasing the critical temperature with increasing nickel concentration. The optimum critical temperature T<sub>c</sub> was found equal </p> ... Show More
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