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Cleaning efficacy and instrumentation time using rotary file system in primary molars (comparative study)
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ABSTRACT— In primary teeth, root canal treatment is a time consuming and challenging procedure, particularly during the most important step in endodontic treatment which is the preparation of the canal. Pulpectomy is the treatment of choice in all the necrotic primary teeth. For better treatment protocol, advancing technology brought the rotary system to reduce the manual dexterity and improve the quality of treatment for pulpectomy. This study aimed to compare and assess the efficacy of cleaning and the time required for the instrumentation during the preparation of root canals of the primary molars using the rotary and the manual (conventional) systems. Thirty root canals of primary teeth were selected. These teeth submitted to access opening and then all the canals injected with Indian ink. Then, 48 hours later, the teeth were randomly classified into two groups: group A (n=fifteen tooth): where the manual preparation of the root canals was done by stainless steel K- files, while group B (n= fifteen tooth): consisted of the root canals that prepared with rotary two shape system. The total instrumentation time was measured using a digital stopwatch. After that, a disk bur was used to section the roots. Then, a digital camera was used to photograph the specimens to evaluate the root canal cleaning. The cleaning efficacy was compared at the coronal, middle and apical level. In the coronal third, rotary two shape system showed more removal to the ink than the K-file with statistical significant difference (p <0.05), however, for the middle third of the canal, no statistical difference was found between the two systems (p=0.05). While at the apical level, K-file showed more removal to the ink than the rotary two shape system and with statistical significant difference (p <0.05). Evaluation of the total samples revealed no statistical significant difference concerning the efficacy of cleaning between K-files and rotary two shape system files. The group that was rotary prepared took less time for the canal preparation as compared to the manual group (80.063 sec., 144.576 sec. respectively). No significant difference was found between the two systems concerning the cleaning efficacy. Instrumentation done by the rotary system took significantly less time than that of the manual. KEYWORDS: Cleaning efficacy, manual instrumentation, primary teeth, rotary instrumentation.

Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the cleaning efficiency of the isthmus using different rotary instrumentation techniques (In vitro study)
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Background: The aims of the study were to evaluate the unclean/clean root canal surface areas with a histopathological cross section view of the root canal and the isthmus and to evaluate the efficiency of instrumentation to the isthmus using different rotary instrumentation techniques. Materials and Methods:The mesial roots of thirty human mandibular molars were divided into six groups, each group was composed of five roots (10 root canals)which prepared and irrigated as: Group one A: Protaper system to size F2 and hypodermic syringe, Group one B: Protaper system to size F2 and endoactivator system, Group two A:Wave One small then primary file and hypodermic syringe, Group two B:Wave One small then primary file and endoactivator system, Gr

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 25 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
A Comparative Evaluation of Gutta-Percha and Sealer Removal of Rotary Niti File Retreatment Systems
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Forty lower premolars with single root canals prepared with ProtaperNext files to size 25, and obturated with GP/sealer using lateral compaction. Teeth divided randomly into four groups (group n=10). Protaper universal retreatment kit (PUR), D-Race desobturation files (DRD), R-Endo retreatment kit (RE) and Hedstrom (H) files (control) were used to remove GP/sealer in each group. Removal effectiveness assessed by measuring the GP /sealer remnants in the roots after sectioning them into two halves. Stereomicroscope with a digital camera used to capture digital images. Images processed by ImageJ software to measure the percentage of GP/sealer remnants surface area in total, coronal, middle and apical areas of the canal. In the coronal area,

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
A Comparative Evaluation of Gutta-Percha and Sealer Removal of Rotary Niti File Retreatment Systems
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Saudi Endodontic Journal
Comparison of root canal transportation and centering after instrumentation through conservative and traditional access cavities using different file systems
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While conservative access preparations could increase fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth, it may influence the shape of the prepared root canal. The aim of this study was to compare the prepared canal transportation and centering ability after continuous rotation or reciprocation instrumentation in teeth accessed through traditional or conservative endodontic cavities by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).

Materials and Methods:

Forty extracted intact, matured, and 2-rooted human maxillary first premolars were selected for this

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A study to compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems for cleaning oval-shaped root canals (An in vitro study)
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Background: Proper cleaning and shaping of the whole root canal space have been recognized as a real challenge, particularly in oval-shaped canals.This in vitro study was conducted to evaluate and compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems in removing of dentin debris at three thirds of oval-shaped root canals and to compare the percentage of remaining dentin debris among the three thirds for each instrumentation system. Materials and methods: Fifty freshly extracted human mandibular molars with single straight oval-shaped distal root canals were randomly divided into five groups of ten teeth each. Group One: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal hand instruments, Group Two: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal rotary

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Comparison of Microleakage of Composite and Glass Ionomer Restorations in Primary Molars Pretreated with Silver Diamine Fluoride at Two Time Intervals: An In Vitro study
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative study of vibration analysis in rotary shafts between Rayleigh's and Dunkerley's methods
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The importance of vibrations in rotating rotors in engineering applications has been examined, as has the best approach to interpreting vibration data. The most extensively used analytical approaches for rotating shaft vibration analysis have been investigated. In this research, a detailed study was made of the Rayleigh and Dunkerley methods due to their importance in the special calculations to find the amplitude of vibrations in the rotation system. The multi-node method was used to calculate both Dunkerley's and Rayleigh's methods. An experimental platform was built to study the vibrations that occur in the rotating shafts, and the results were compared with theoretical calculations and with different distances of the bearings. It pro

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Comparative Study of Pressure Losses and Hole Cleaning Efficiency of Water and Polymer solutions in Horizontal Wells
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The main objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the effect of the CMC polymeric drag reducer on the pressure drop occurred along the annulus of the wellbore in drilling operation and investigate the optimum polymer concentration that give the minimum pressure drop. A flow loop was designed for this purpose consist from 14 m long with transparent test section and differential pressure transmitter that allows to sense and measure the pressure losses along the test section. The results from the experimental work show that increasing in polymer concentration help to reduce the pressure drop in annulus and the optimum polymer concentration with the maximum drag reducing is 0.8 kg/m3. Also increasing in flow rate a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
The Efficacy of 4% Articaine Infiltration Anesthesia in the Extraction of Mandibular Molars: A Randomized Controlled Study
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Introduction: Articaine was developed in 1969, with reported advantages which are increased potency, increased duration of its anesthetic effect and superior diffusion through bony tissue. The effectiveness of using 4% articaine infiltration for extraction of mandibular molar teeth in comparison to 2% lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block is not settled yet. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using 4% articaine infiltration for extraction of mandibular molars by comparing it to the use of 2% lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block in terms of success, the volume of local anesthetic agents and the pain experienced during the procedure. Materials and methods: A prospective randomized controlled study included

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dentistry
The Effect of Different Obturation Techniques in Primary Teeth on the Apical Microleakage using Endoflas: A Comparative In Vitro Study
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Objectives. This study was carried out to quantitatively evaluate and compare the sealing ability of Endoflas by using differentobturation techniques. Materials and Methods. After 42 extracted primary maxillary incisors and canines were decoronated, theircanals were instrumented with K files of size ranging from #15 to #50. In accordance with the obturation technique, the sampleswere divided into three experimental groups, namely, group I: endodontic pressure syringe, group II: modified disposable syringe,and group III: reamer technique, and two control groups. Dye extraction method was used for leakage evaluation. Data wereanalyzed using one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s T3 post hoc tests. The level of significance was set at p<0:05. Results.

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