Forty lower premolars with single root canals prepared with ProtaperNext files to size 25, and obturated with GP/sealer using lateral compaction. Teeth divided randomly into four groups (group n=10). Protaper universal retreatment kit (PUR), D-Race desobturation files (DRD), R-Endo retreatment kit (RE) and Hedstrom (H) files (control) were used to remove GP/sealer in each group. Removal effectiveness assessed by measuring the GP /sealer remnants in the roots after sectioning them into two halves. Stereomicroscope with a digital camera used to capture digital images. Images processed by ImageJ software to measure the percentage of GP/sealer remnants surface area in total, coronal, middle and apical areas of the canal. In the coronal area, PUR had significantly lower R% than RE and H groups, respectively (p<0.05). Also, DRD had significantly lower R% than RE (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between PUR and DRD (p>0.05), as well as no significant difference between RE and H groups(p>0.05). In the middle, apical and total root areas, Both PUR and DRD had significantly lower R% than RE and H groups, respectively (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between PUR and DRD (p>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference in R% between RE and H groups (p>0.05).
Retreatment Efficacy of Continuous Rotation Versus Reciprocation Kinematic Movements in Removing Gutta-Percha with Calcium Silicate-Based Sealer: SEM Study, Raghad Noori Nawaf*, Ra
Background: Optimal root canal retreatment was required safe and efficient removal of filling material from root canal. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the efficacy of reciprocating and continuous motion of four retreatment systems in removal of root canal filling material. Materials and Methods: Forty distal roots of the mandibular first molars teeth were used in this study, these roots were embedded in cold clear acrylic,roots were instrumented using crown down technique and rotary ProTaper systemize Sx to size F2 ,instrumentation were done with copiousirrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% buffered solution of EDTA was used as final irrigant followed by distilledwater, roots were obturated with AH26 sealer and Prota
... Show MoreBackground:sThe aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the ability of three different techniques to obdurate simulated lateral canals, evaluate the effect of the main canal curvature on obturation of lateral canals and compare the gutta-percha penetration between coronal and apical lateral canals. Materials and methods: Resin blocks with 30 straight and 30 curved were used in this study. Each canal has two parallel lateral canals. The main canal has 0.3 mm apical diameter and 0.04 taper. The canals were divided into six groups according to canal curvature and obturation techniques used (n=10): Groups C1 and C2: straight and curved canals obturated with continuous wave technique using E&Q masterTM system. Groups O1 and O2: straight
... Show MoreBackground: Optimal root canal retreatment was required safe and efficient removal of filling material from root canal. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the efficacy of reciprocating and continuous motion of four retreatment systems in removal of root canal filling material. Materials and Methods: Forty distal roots of the mandibular first molars teeth were used in this study, these roots were embedded in cold clear acrylic,roots were instrumented using crown down technique and rotary ProTaper systemize Sx to size F2 ,instrumentation were done with copiousirrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% buffered solution of EDTA was used as final irrigant followed by distilledwater, roots were obturated with AH26 sealer and Prota
... Show MoreABSTRACT— In primary teeth, root canal treatment is a time consuming and challenging procedure, particularly during the most important step in endodontic treatment which is the preparation of the canal. Pulpectomy is the treatment of choice in all the necrotic primary teeth. For better treatment protocol, advancing technology brought the rotary system to reduce the manual dexterity and improve the quality of treatment for pulpectomy. This study aimed to compare and assess the efficacy of cleaning and the time required for the instrumentation during the preparation of root canals of the primary molars using the rotary and the manual (conventional) systems. Thirty root canals of primary teeth were selected. These teeth submitted to a
... Show MoreBackground: In the Thermafil as a root canal obturation, system little is known about the effect that varying rates of insertion have on the adaptability of thermoplasticized GP and the amount of apical extrusion. Materials and methods: thirty simulated root canals were obturated with thermafil obturators and Apexit Plus sealer at three different insertion rates. The obturated canals were sectioned at three different levels, the sealer average film thickness for each section was calculated and the amount of apical extrusion for each canal was conducted. Results: the higher adaptability was seen with the faster insertion rate while the slower insertion rate showed fewer tendencies to cause apical extrusion. Conclusions: the intermediate i
... Show MoreBackground: Optimal root canal retreatment was required safe and efficient removal of filling material from root canal. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the efficacy of reciprocating and continuous motion of four retreatment systems in removal of root canal filling material. Materials and Methods: Forty distal roots of the mandibular first molars teeth were used in this study, these roots were embedded in cold clear acrylic,roots were instrumented using crown down technique and rotary ProTaper systemize Sx to size F2 ,instrumentation were done with copiousirrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% buffered solution of EDTA was used as final irrigant followed by distilledwater, roots were obturated with AH26 sealer and Prota
... Show MoreA Stereomicroscopic Evaluation of Four Endodontic Sealers Penetration into Artificial Lateral Canals Using Gutta-Percha Single Cone Obturation Technique, Omar Jihad Banawi*, Raghad
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare centering ability and canal transportation of simulated S-shaped canals instrumented with four different types of rotary nickel-titanium systems. Materials and Methods: Forty simulated S-shaped canals in resin blocks were divided into four groups of ten each and were instrumented to an apical size 25 by different instrumentation technique using ProTaper Universal files (group A), ProTaperNext (group B), Reciproc (group C) and WaveOne (group D).Centering ability and canal transportation was measured at (11) measuring points from D0 to D10 bysuperimposion of the pre- and post-operative images obtained by using digital camera in standardized manner. An assessment of the canals
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