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A study to compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems for cleaning oval-shaped root canals (An in vitro study)
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Background: Proper cleaning and shaping of the whole root canal space have been recognized as a real challenge, particularly in oval-shaped canals.This in vitro study was conducted to evaluate and compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems in removing of dentin debris at three thirds of oval-shaped root canals and to compare the percentage of remaining dentin debris among the three thirds for each instrumentation system. Materials and methods: Fifty freshly extracted human mandibular molars with single straight oval-shaped distal root canals were randomly divided into five groups of ten teeth each. Group One: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal hand instruments, Group Two: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal rotary instruments, Group Three: instrumentation with Revo-Srotary instruments, Group Four: instrumentation withTwisted rotary files and Group Five: instrumentation with Self-Adjusting Files (SAF). Sodium hypochlorite (3%) was used as an irrigant for all groups. After canals preparation, the roots were split longitudinally and photographed with a professional digital camera. The images of root sections were then magnified to 100x and the percentage of remaining dentin debris calculated for the apical, middle and coronal thirds by dividing the pixels occupied by debris at each third by the total pixels representing the entire area of the canal using Adobe Photoshop CS6. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and LSD at 1% and 5% significant levels. Results: Both ProTaper hand and ProTaper rotary files resulted in significantly cleaner canals than Revo-S and Twisted rotary files at the middle and coronal thirds. The Self-Adjusting Files produced significantly cleaner canals at the three thirds than all the other groups. The coronal and middle thirds showed a greater amount of remaining dentin debris than the apical third for all groups except a non-significant difference found between the apical and middle thirds in SAF group. Conclusion: The Self-Adjusting Files allowed more efficient cleaning of oval-shaped root canals than hand and rotary instruments

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A study to compare the cleaning efficiency of different irrigation systems for macro debris removal in instrumented canals (An in vitro study)
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Background: Irrigation of the canal system permits removal of residual tissue in the canal anatomy that cannot be reached by instrumentation of the main canals so the aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the efficiency of conventional irrigation system, endoactivator sonic irrigation system,P5 Newtron Satelec passive ultrasonic irrigation and Endovac irrigation system in removing of dentin debris at three levels of root canals and to compare the percentage of dentin debris among the three levels for each irrigation system. Materials and methods: Forty extracted premolars with approximately straight single root canals were randomly distributed into 4 tested groups of 10 teeth each. All canals were prepared with Protaper Universal ha

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the cleaning efficiency of the isthmus using different rotary instrumentation techniques (In vitro study)
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Background: The aims of the study were to evaluate the unclean/clean root canal surface areas with a histopathological cross section view of the root canal and the isthmus and to evaluate the efficiency of instrumentation to the isthmus using different rotary instrumentation techniques. Materials and Methods:The mesial roots of thirty human mandibular molars were divided into six groups, each group was composed of five roots (10 root canals)which prepared and irrigated as: Group one A: Protaper system to size F2 and hypodermic syringe, Group one B: Protaper system to size F2 and endoactivator system, Group two A:Wave One small then primary file and hypodermic syringe, Group two B:Wave One small then primary file and endoactivator system, Gr

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Three Different Obturation Techniques to Obturate the Isthmus Area of Roots Canals Prepared by Two Different Instrumentation Techniques (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: The isthmus is a difficult area in the root canal complex to manage. The research aimed to evaluate the efficiency of three different obturation techniques (lateral condensation, EandQ (thermoplasticized gutta percha system) and Soft Core (thermoplasticized core carrier gutta percha system)) to obturate the isthmus area of roots prepared by two different instrumentation techniques (rotary ProTaper universal and ProTaper Next systems). Material and method: Sixty freshly extracted teeth were randomly divided into two main groups (A and B) of 30 teeth each. Group A was prepared by rotary ProTaper Universal whereas group B was prepared by ProTaper Next system. Each main group was then randomly subdivided into three subgroups of 10 t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Elevation in surface temperature of root canals obturated with different thermoplasticized gutta-percha obturation techniques-an in vitro study
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Background: Many studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of using a hot material in the root canal and its potential for causing damage to the tooth supporting structure. Materials and methods: thirty permanent premolars were obturated with thermoplasticized Gutta-Percha using three different obturation techniques: soft core, Thermafil, and obtura to evaluate the rise in temperature on the root surface using a multipurpose digital thermometer. Results: temperature increases was significantly greater for Obtura versus Soft core (p<0.003), not significant for Thermafil versus Soft core (p<0.087), and Thermafil versus Obtura (p<0.125). Conclusions: temperatures rise on the root surface were below the critical level and, therefore, s

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal For Dental Sciences
Evaluation of Apical Transportation and Curve Straightening of Curved Root Canals after Preparation with Different Nickel - Titanium Rotary Systems (Comparative in Vitro Study)
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The goals of endodontic preparation were to shape and clean the space of the root canal and remove microorganisms, affected dentin and pulp, the apical foramen and the canal curve should be protected from being transported during endodontic canal preparation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the curve straightening of curved root canals and apical transportation after preparation with four rotary systems. Forty mesial roots of the lower 1st molars teeth only the mesiobuccal canals were used, these roots were immersed into cold clear acrylic , the teeth roots divided into four groups according to rotary system used for preparation of the canals (ten roots for each group):. group I: ProTaper Next rotary system, group II: IRaCe Plus rotar

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparative Study of The Amount of Apically Extrusion Of Debris During Root Canal Preparation Using Wave Oneâ„¢, Trushape 3Dâ„¢, Hyflexâ„¢ CM and One Shapeâ„¢ Instrumentation Systems (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: Many types of instruments and techniques are used in the instrumentation of the root canal system. These instruments and techniques may extrude debris beyond the apical foramen and may cause post-instrumentation complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris resulted by using 4 types of nickel-titanium instruments (WaveOne, TRUShape 3D conforming files, Hyflex CM, and One Shape files) during endodontic instrumentation. Materials and methods: Forty freshly extracted human mandibular second premolar with straight canals and a single apex were collected for this study. All teeth were cut to similar lengths. Pre-weighted glass vials were used as collecting containers. Samples were randoml

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
South Eastern European Journal Of Public Health
Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Novel Herbal Endodontic Irrigant Against Enterococcus Faecalis in Root Canals of Permanent Teeth: An in Vitro Study
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Background: A successful endodontic treatment is aimed at the sterilization of the entire pulp space. The use of extracts from Rhamnus prinoides as a novel irrigating material for root canal has not been studied . Hence, the antimicrobial efficacy of the alcoholic extract of Rhamnus prinoides as an irrigation material against E. faecalis was evaluated in comparison with the 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL) solution used for root canals of permanent teeth. Methods: A total of 30 single-rooted human permanent teeth were thoroughly cleaned, shaped, and disinfected. Then, each tooth was subjected to a two-week infection with Enterococcus faecalis at 37 °C . Afterward, the samples were divided into three groups (10 teeth per group): 0.9

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Push out bond strength of different obturation systems (An in vitro study)
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Background: The bond strength of the root canal sealers to dentin seems to be a very important property for maintaining the integrity and the seal of root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of four different obturation systems using push-out test. Materials and methods: Forty straight palatal roots of the maxillary first molars teeth were used in this study, these roots were instrumented using crown down technique and ProTaper system, instrumentation were done with copious irrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% buffered solution of EDTA was used as final irrigant followed by distilled water, roots were randomly divided into four groups according to the obturation system (ten teeth for each g

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A comparative study to evaluate the shear bond strength of different resin sealers to dentin (An in vitro study)
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Background: One of the major problems in endodontics is micro-leakage of root canal fillings which might contribute to the failure of endodontic treatment. To avoid this problem, a variety of sealers have been tested. The objective of this, in vitro, study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of four resin based sealers (AH plus, silver free AH26, RealSeal SE and Perma Evolution permanent root canal filling material) to dentin. Materials and Methods: Forty non-carious extracted lower premolars were used. The 2mm of the occlusal surfaces of teeth were sectioned, to expose the dentin surface. The exposed dentin surfaces of teeth were washed with 5ml of 2.5% NaOCl solution followed by 5ml of 17 % EDTA then rinsed by deionized water to remov

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Cleaning efficacy and instrumentation time using rotary file system in primary molars (comparative study)
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ABSTRACT— In primary teeth, root canal treatment is a time consuming and challenging procedure, particularly during the most important step in endodontic treatment which is the preparation of the canal. Pulpectomy is the treatment of choice in all the necrotic primary teeth. For better treatment protocol, advancing technology brought the rotary system to reduce the manual dexterity and improve the quality of treatment for pulpectomy. This study aimed to compare and assess the efficacy of cleaning and the time required for the instrumentation during the preparation of root canals of the primary molars using the rotary and the manual (conventional) systems. Thirty root canals of primary teeth were selected. These teeth submitted to a

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