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Estimate Gas Initially in Place of Tight Gas Reservoirs Based on Developed Methodology of Dynamic Material Balance Technique
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With growing global demand for hydrocarbons and decreasing conventional reserves, the gas industry is shifting its focus in the direction of unconventional reservoirs. Tight gas reservoirs have typically been deemed uneconomical due to their low permeability which is understood to be below 0.1mD, requiring advanced drilling techniques and stimulation to enhance hydrocarbons. However, the first step in determining the economic viability of the reservoir is to see how much gas is initially in place. Numerical simulation has been regarded across the industry as the most accurate form of gas estimation, however, is extremely costly and time consuming. The aim of this study is to provide a framework for a simple analytical method to estimate gas. Usually during production three variables are readily accessible: production rate, production time, and pressure-volume-temperature properties. This paper develops an analytical approach derived from the dynamic material balance proposing a new methodology to calculate pseudo time, with an interactive technique. This model encompasses pseudo functions accounting for pressure dependent fluid and rock variables. With the dynamic material balance yielding weak results in the linear flow regimes, an additional methodology derived from the volumetric tank model has been taken into consideration whereby equivalent drainage area is linked to total reservoir area. It has been shown even with short production data this volumetric approach yields accurate results. This proposed methodology has been validated against previous literature and additional cases considered to determine the sensitivity of each of it to reservoir parameters. Finally, it is shown that this method works for both fractured and unfractured wells in tight gas reservoirs, however, it is sensitive to the quantity of data based within the pseudo steady state flow period.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 07 2016
Journal Name
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Developed Material Balance Approach for Estimating Gas Initially in Place and Ultimate Recovery for Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>The gas material balance equation (MBE) has been widely used as a practical as well as a simple tool to estimate gas initially in place (GIIP), and the ultimate recovery (UR) factor of a gas reservoir. The classical form of the gas material balance equation is developed by considering the reservoir as a simple tank model, in which the relationship between the pressure/gas compressibility factor (p/z) and cumulative gas production (Gp) is generally appeared to be linear. This linear plot is usually extrapolated to estimate GIIP at zero pressure, and UR factor for a given abandonment pressure. While this assumption is reasonable to some extent for conventional reservoirs, this may incur</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Effect of well scheduling and pattern on project development management in unconventional tight gas reservoirs
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The advancements in horizontal drilling combined with hydraulic fracturing have been historically proven as the most viable technologies in the exploitation of unconventional resources (e.g., shale and tight gas reservoirs). However, the number of fractures, well timing, and arrangement pattern can have a significant impact on the project economy. Therefore, such design and operating parameters need to be efficiently optimized for obtaining the best production performance from unconventional gas reservoirs. In this study, the process of selecting the optimal number of fractures was conducted on a section of a tight gas reservoir model (based on data from the Whicher Range (WR) tight gas field in Western Australia). Then, the optimal number

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2017
Journal Name
Day 3 Wed, June 14, 2017
A New Practical Method for Predicting Equivalent Drainage Area of Well in Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>The tight gas is one of the main types of the unconventional gas. Typically the tight gas reservoirs consist of highly heterogeneous low permeability reservoir. The economic evaluation for the production from tight gas production is very challenging task because of prevailing uncertainties associated with key reservoir properties, such as porosity, permeability as well as drainage boundary. However one of the important parameters requiring in this economic evaluation is the equivalent drainage area of the well, which relates the actual volume of fluids (e.g gas) produced or withdrawn from the reservoir at a certain moment that changes with time. It is difficult to predict this equival</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Incremental and acceleration production estimation and their effect on optimization of well infill locations in tight gas reservoirs
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Abstract<p>The main role of infill drilling is either adding incremental reserves to the already existing one by intersecting newly undrained (virgin) regions or accelerating the production from currently depleted areas. Accelerating reserves from increasing drainage in tight formations can be beneficial considering the time value of money and the cost of additional wells. However, the maximum benefit can be realized when infill wells produce mostly incremental recoveries (recoveries from virgin formations). Therefore, the prediction of incremental and accelerated recovery is crucial in field development planning as it helps in the optimization of infill wells with the assurance of long-term economic sustainabi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Determination of best possible correlation for gas compressibility factor to accurately predict the initial gas reserves in gas-hydrocarbon reservoirs
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Gas compressibility factor or z-factor plays an important role in many engineering applications related to oil and gas exploration and production, such as gas production, gas metering, pipeline design, estimation of gas initially in place (GIIP), and ultimate recovery (UR) of gas from a reservoir. There are many z-factor correlations which are either derived from Equation of State or empirically based on certain observation through regression analysis. However, the results of the z-factor obtained from different correlations have high level of variance for the same gas sample under the same pressure and temperature. It is quite challenging to determine the most accurate correlation which provides accurate estimate for a range of pressures,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Day 2 Wed, March 21, 2018
Numerical Approach for the Prediction of Formation and Hydraulic Fracture Properties Considering Elliptical Flow Regime in Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>As tight gas reservoirs (TGRs) become more significant to the future of the gas industry, investigation into the best methods for the evaluation of field performance is critical. While hydraulic fractured well in TRGs are proven to be most viable options for economic recovery of gas, the interpretation of pressure transient or well test data from hydraulic fractured well in TGRs for the accurate estimation of important reservoirs and fracture properties (e.g. fracture length, fracture conductivity, skin and reservoir permeability) is rather very complex and difficult because of the existence of multiple flow profiles/regimes. The flow regimes are complex in TGRs due to the large hydraulic fractures n</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 17th Laccei International Multi-conference For Engineering, Education, And Technology: “industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure For Sustainable Cities And Communities”
Type Curve Techniques for Hydraulically Fractured Wells in Tight Gas Reservoir
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Re-assessment and tune-up gas condensate reservoir potential in Northern Iraq using material balance and reservoir simulation result techniques
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Abstract<p>The main parameter that drives oil industry contract investment and set up economic feasibility study for approving field development plan is hydrocarbon reservoir potential. So a qualified experience should be deeply afforded to correctly evaluate hydrocarbons reserve by applying different techniques at each phase of field management, through collecting and using valid and representative data sources, starting from exploration phase and tune-up by development phase. Commonly, volumetric calculation is the main technique for estimate reservoir potential using available information at exploration stage which is quite few data; in most cases, this technique estimate big figure of reserve. In this study</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Information Hiding using LSB Technique based on Developed PSO Algorithm
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<p>Generally, The sending process of secret information via the transmission channel or any carrier medium is not secured. For this reason, the techniques of information hiding are needed. Therefore, steganography must take place before transmission. To embed a secret message at optimal positions of the cover image under spatial domain, using the developed particle swarm optimization algorithm (Dev.-PSO) to do that purpose in this paper based on Least Significant Bits (LSB) using LSB substitution. The main aim of (Dev. -PSO) algorithm is determining an optimal paths to reach a required goals in the specified search space based on disposal of them, using (Dev.-PSO) algorithm produces the paths of a required goals with most effi

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 13 2022
Journal Name
Petroleum & Coal
Laboratory-Based Correlations to Estimate Geomechanical Properties for Carbonate Tight Reservoir.
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Rock mechanical properties are critical parameters for many development techniques related to tight reservoirs, such as hydraulic fracturing design and detecting failure criteria in wellbore instability assessment. When direct measurements of mechanical properties are not available, it is helpful to find sufficient correlations to estimate these parameters. This study summarized experimentally derived correlations for estimating the shear velocity, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and compressive strength. Also, a useful correlation is introduced to convert dynamic elastic properties from log data to static elastic properties. Most of the derived equations in this paper show good fitting to measured data, while some equations show scatters

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