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Determination of best possible correlation for gas compressibility factor to accurately predict the initial gas reserves in gas-hydrocarbon reservoirs
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Gas compressibility factor or z-factor plays an important role in many engineering applications related to oil and gas exploration and production, such as gas production, gas metering, pipeline design, estimation of gas initially in place (GIIP), and ultimate recovery (UR) of gas from a reservoir. There are many z-factor correlations which are either derived from Equation of State or empirically based on certain observation through regression analysis. However, the results of the z-factor obtained from different correlations have high level of variance for the same gas sample under the same pressure and temperature. It is quite challenging to determine the most accurate correlation which provides accurate estimate for a range of pressures, temperatures, and gas compositions. This paper presents a novel method to accurately estimate GIIP of an Australian tight gas field through identification of the most appropriate z-factor correlations, which can accurately determine the z-factor and other PVT properties for a wide range of gas compositions, temperatures, and pressures. The sensitivity study results demonstrated that a single correlation cannot work across the range of pressures and temperatures for a certain gas sample necessary to calculate z-factor during simulation process and/or other analysis, such as material balance and volumetric estimate.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 07 2016
Journal Name
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Developed Material Balance Approach for Estimating Gas Initially in Place and Ultimate Recovery for Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>The gas material balance equation (MBE) has been widely used as a practical as well as a simple tool to estimate gas initially in place (GIIP), and the ultimate recovery (UR) factor of a gas reservoir. The classical form of the gas material balance equation is developed by considering the reservoir as a simple tank model, in which the relationship between the pressure/gas compressibility factor (p/z) and cumulative gas production (Gp) is generally appeared to be linear. This linear plot is usually extrapolated to estimate GIIP at zero pressure, and UR factor for a given abandonment pressure. While this assumption is reasonable to some extent for conventional reservoirs, this may incur</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2021
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Correlation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for Hydrocarbon Gas Injection In Southern Iraqi Oil Fields
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One of the most important enhanced oil recoveries methods is miscible displacement. During this method preferably access to the conditions of miscibility to improve the extraction process and the most important factor in these conditions is miscibility pressure. This study focused on establishing a suitable correlation to calculate the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) required for injecting hydrocarbon gases into southern Iraq oil reservoir.  MMPs were estimated for thirty oil samples from southern Iraqi oil fields by using modified Peng and Robinson equation of state. The obtained PVT reports properties were used for tunning the equation of state parameters by making a match between the equation of state results with experimenta

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimate Gas Initially in Place of Tight Gas Reservoirs Based on Developed Methodology of Dynamic Material Balance Technique
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With growing global demand for hydrocarbons and decreasing conventional reserves, the gas industry is shifting its focus in the direction of unconventional reservoirs. Tight gas reservoirs have typically been deemed uneconomical due to their low permeability which is understood to be below 0.1mD, requiring advanced drilling techniques and stimulation to enhance hydrocarbons. However, the first step in determining the economic viability of the reservoir is to see how much gas is initially in place. Numerical simulation has been regarded across the industry as the most accurate form of gas estimation, however, is extremely costly and time consuming. The aim of this study is to provide a framework for a simple analytical method to esti

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
New Correlation To Calculate Absolute Permeability From Gas Permeameter
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In this study, two correlations are developed to calculate absolute rocks permeability from core samples tested by Gas Permeameter Apparatus. The first correlation can be applied if K g≤100, the second correlation can be applied if Kg>100. Sixty core samples having different permeabilities to give a wide range of values that necessary to achieve a correlation.


The developed correlation is easily applied and a quick method to avoid repeating the test at different pressure values. Only one pressure test is required to reach absolu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Estimation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for Hydrocarbon Gas Injection Based on EOS
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The important parameter used for determining the probable application of miscible displacement is the MMP (minimum miscibility pressure). In enhanced oil recovery, the injection of hydrocarbon gases can be a highly efficient method to improve the productivity of the well especially if miscibility developed through the displacement process. There are a lot of experiments for measuring the value of the miscibility pressure, but they are expensive and take a lot of time, so it's better to use the mathematical equations because of it inexpensive and fast. This study focused on calculating MMP required to inject hydrocarbon gases into two reservoirs namely Sadi and Tanomaa/ East Baghdad field. Modified Peng Robenson Equation of State was

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhancement of gas response of annealed ZnO film for hydrogen gas detection
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  The mechanism of hydrogen (H2) gas sensor in the range of 50-200 ppm of RF-sputtered annealed zinc oxide (ZnO) and without annealing was studied. The X-ray Diffraction( XRD) results showed that the Zn metal was completely converted to ZnO with a polycrystalline structure. The I–V characteristics of the device (PT/ZnO/Pt) measured at room temperature before and after annealing at 450 oC for4h, from which a linear relationship has been observed. The sensors had a maximum response to H2 at 350 oC for annealing ZnO and showed stable behavior for detecting H2 gases in the range of 50 to 200 ppm. The annealed film exhibited hig

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Gas Flow Formation in the Inertial Filtering (IF) Gas Separators Curvilinear Channels
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This paper deals with an up to date problem for oil and gas industry- separation of the gas -fluid fogs. Here is described the worked out physical model of the gas movement process in the sections of the inertial filtering (IF) gas separators. One can find the mathematical model for research of the fields of velocities and pressures in the inertial curvilinear channel. The main simplifications and assumptions are explained. This mathematical model has been made using mathematical program Maple and it is received the 3-d graphic of the distribution componential speed parts in the channel and also 2-d graphics at the channel sectional view when the flow is flat. The new method for gas - fluid systems separation is suggested.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2017
Journal Name
Day 3 Wed, June 14, 2017
A New Practical Method for Predicting Equivalent Drainage Area of Well in Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>The tight gas is one of the main types of the unconventional gas. Typically the tight gas reservoirs consist of highly heterogeneous low permeability reservoir. The economic evaluation for the production from tight gas production is very challenging task because of prevailing uncertainties associated with key reservoir properties, such as porosity, permeability as well as drainage boundary. However one of the important parameters requiring in this economic evaluation is the equivalent drainage area of the well, which relates the actual volume of fluids (e.g gas) produced or withdrawn from the reservoir at a certain moment that changes with time. It is difficult to predict this equival</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Effect of well scheduling and pattern on project development management in unconventional tight gas reservoirs
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The advancements in horizontal drilling combined with hydraulic fracturing have been historically proven as the most viable technologies in the exploitation of unconventional resources (e.g., shale and tight gas reservoirs). However, the number of fractures, well timing, and arrangement pattern can have a significant impact on the project economy. Therefore, such design and operating parameters need to be efficiently optimized for obtaining the best production performance from unconventional gas reservoirs. In this study, the process of selecting the optimal number of fractures was conducted on a section of a tight gas reservoir model (based on data from the Whicher Range (WR) tight gas field in Western Australia). Then, the optimal number

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Petrophysical Analysis of an Iraqi Gas Field (Mansuriya Gas Field)
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Mansuriya Gas field is an elongated anticlinal structure aligned from NW to SE, about 25 km long and 5-6 km wide. Jeribe formation is considered the main reservoir where it contains condensate fluid and has a uniform thickness of about 60 m. The reservoir is significantly over-pressured, (TPOC, 2014).

This research is about well logs analysis, which involves the determination of Archie petrophysical parameters, water saturation, porosity, permeability and lithology. The interpretations and cross plots are done using Interactive Petrophysics (IP) V3.5 software.

The rock parameters (a, m and n) values are important in determining the water saturation where (m) can be calcul

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