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Exploitation decision and impact factors in improvement in stock exchange markets proportion investment small
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The purpose of the search definition on factors superior this whoever  impact on the improvement the exploitation  decision this  detect on stock exchange markets  assumption , and using  questioners to data accumulate  and the Iraq market of financial papers  battleground to search annoy chose the eyeball extension (47) peoples from peoples employees on the market , and using the bought statistic program (SPSS) on input and analysis search  data , and machinate the search outputs to their group of factors internal and external which impact on exploitation  decision on financial papers markets , and the search commend on necessary rise  the incumbency direction  in the stock exchange Iraq  markets the give information total that are contingent to help investment on the  exploitation  decision this  detect.



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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effectiveness of the financial analysis in the statement of the ability of financial ratios in the detection of fraud in the financial reports of industrial companies
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This research after financial ratios in the detection of fraud to the financial statements published which enables specialists from the work of their studies and their conclusions to obtain the information they seek on the activities of the entity. Has provided researchers what these relics They then field study to test the validity and sincerity of the findings of the suggestions that have been upheld the need to study all financial ratios extracted in general, organized and used in decision-making processes necessary administrative.And that the financial management attention more financial analysis and extraction of financial ratios and compare them with industry standards taken from historical norms

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
The role of accounting information in reducing the funding constraints of small and medium enterprises in Iraq
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The aim of the study is to examine the challenges of financing small and medium enterprises in Iraq and subsequently to proffer solutions to mitigate problems. These solutions are achieved by focusing on the role of accounting information on the financial projects in for example, hotel construction, and by providing the necessary accounting information for the concerned parties to finance these projects. In order to highlight the challenges associated with the funding of small and medium enterprises and the role of accounting information in reducing those challenges, a questionnaire was prepared. As the government authorities are the ones responsible for the accomplishment of these projects, a questionnaire form was distributed in the proje

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Scopus (16)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis The Consistency Between The Tariff And The Exchange Rate And Their Reflection On The Trade Balance In Iraq
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       The trade balance is considered as a way to join the national economy with the world, So it is the mirror that reflect the economic center of the country and it is point to competitive ability of it, The tariff and the exchange rate perform a great role to motivate the domestic production and improve the trade balance if we direct them to achieve the same purpose. The Iraqi economic has trade balance which achieve overabundant during the years of studying because of the oil exports, while the other exports represent a small percentage it is hardly remember, and expansion in imports from other side causes exhaustion in oil revenues, and this make the trade balance in permanent

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Alternative Perspectives in Explaining the Conduct of US Foreign Policy: A Historical-Critical View of Decision-Making Models
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Receipt date:2/17/2021 acceptance date:3/16/2021 Publishing date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Objective: This paper investigates the contradictions in the decision-making process of the United States, which historically proven to be successful policies in the short term, but in the long term proven to be wanting and failure. Methodology: The paper uses descriptive, historical, comparative method. A

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Analysis of Heavy Metals in Some Food Additives Available in Baghdad Markets, Iraq
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Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) was used in this study to determine the concentrations of heavy metals such as Ca, Fe, Mn, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn in some food additives of Iraq. The order of metal contents in food additives was found to be Ca ˃ Mn ˃ Fe ˃ Cu ˃ Zn ˃ Pb ˃ Cr ˃ Ni ˃ Co ˃ Cd. The concentration level of each metal was compared with that recommended by food agriculture organisation (FAO) and world health organisation (WHO). Calibration curves were linear for all standard solutions of heavy metals in the range starting from 0.02-0.4 mg/kg for Cd to 11-100 mg/kg for Ca. The correlation coefficients values (R2) of calibrations were investigated and ranged from 0.9971 for Cr to 0.9999 for Ca. Th

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
ضمانات الاستثمار في حقول الغاز
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ضمانات الاستثمار في حقول الغاز

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al-kufa University Journal For Biology
natomical and Histological study of prosencephalon (Cerebrum) in Stock Dove Columba oenas Linnaeus, 1758
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Morphological and histological study was conducted to examine the structure of prosencephalon (Cerebrum) in Columba oenas (Linnaeus, 1758). Thirteen animals of C. oenas were used in the present study. The brains were excised, fixed and recessed for the preparation of microscope slides and used hematoxylin-eosin stain, methylene blue and Bielschowsky’s stain. The result of morphological study showed that the cerebrum is apportion of the prosencephalon and the largest part of the brain and the dorsal surface was smooth and convex and composed of two cerebral hemispheres. The cerebral hemisphere contains the cavity which called lateral ventricle. The hemispheres were connected by the anterior commissure. Histologyically the cerebral hemisphe

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A specimen of the internal control system on the stock in light of the application JIT system In construction companies
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Suffer most of the facilities of the high cost of inventory , which affects the high cost of the product and thus affects many administrative decisions , as well as suffer the facilities of the systems developed by the provisions of inventory control , and this problem is exacerbated in the construction sector where the inventory in the form of Construction spin of the Year for another it becomes difficult to control the cost effectively , and is the research problem in question follows: What are the implications of the use of the system in time inventory accounting system for the contracting company does kills Alrkaah to the provisions of the cost of inventory and what is the optimal approach to inventory control ? Find assumed

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The supervisory role of the central bank in the protection of commercial banks: An applied research in the Economy Bank for Investment and Finance
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Represents a supervisory and oversight role of the Central Bank  towards finding a sober banking sector, as the procedures , regulations and laws that the Central Bank insists on its implementation with the utmost precision, and that was to protect depositors and shareholders' class basis rights, but it is in the interest of the bank in the end, as it seeks to improve the performance of commercial banks and vaccinated against falling into the blunders, they also contribute to building a sober and stable banking sector and security contributes to the welfare and employment optimization of economic resources, and treatment of research (and the presence of banks decline in financial performance, according to financial performance indic

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of creative accounting practices that are reflected on the sincerity and fairness of financial statements on tax evasion
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The research aims to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which is to educate the management of companies operating in the private sector about the advantages and risks of using creative accounting practices, as on the one hand they serve the interests of the company and improve its image, and on the other hand it exposes it to the risks of non-compliance with tax laws and legislation or the risks of default and bankruptcy as a result of exploiting gaps and flexibility in the application Accounting standards, and in line with the objectives and through the research problem that was formulated in the form of a question (Are their creative accounting practices that are reflected in the honesty and fairness of financia

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