Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and M be unital (left) R-module. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of small semiprime submodules as a generalization of semiprime submodules. We investigate some basis properties of small semiprime submodules and give some characterizations of them, especially for (finitely generated faithful) multiplication modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity and let M be a unitary R-module. In this paper we study fully semiprime submodules and fully semiprime modules, where a proper fully invariant R-submodule W of M is called fully semiprime in M if whenever XXïƒW for all fully invariant R-submodule X of M, implies XïƒW. M is called fully semiprime if (0) is a fully semiprime submodule of M. We give basic properties of these concepts. Also we study the relationships between fully semiprime submodules (modules) and other related submodules (modules) respectively.
Suppose R has been an identity-preserving commutative ring, and suppose V has been a legitimate submodule of R-module W. A submodule V has been J-Prime Occasionally as well as occasionally based on what’s needed, it has been acceptable: x ∈ V + J(W) according to some of that r ∈ R, x ∈ W and J(W) an interpretation of the Jacobson radical of W, which x ∈ V or r ∈ [V: W] = {s ∈ R; sW ⊆ V}. To that end, we investigate the notion of J-Prime submodules and characterize some of the attributes of has been classification of submodules.
Let M be an R-module, where R is a commutative ring with unity. A submodule N of M is called e-small (denoted by N e  M) if N + K = M, where K e  M implies K = M. We give many properties related with this type of submodules.
The goal of this discussion is to study the twigged of pure-small (pr-small) sub- moduleof a module W as recirculation of a small sub-module, and we give some basic idiosyncrasy and instances of this kind of sub-module. Also, we give the acquaint of pure radical of a module W (pr-radical) with peculiarities.
In this paper we introduce the notion of semiprime fuzzy module as a generalization of semiprime module. We investigate several characterizations and properties of this concept.
Suppose that A be an abelain ring with identity, B be a unitary (left) A-module, in this paper ,we introduce a type of modules ,namely Quasi-semiprime A-module, whenever is a Prime Ideal For proper submodule N of B,then B is called Quasi-semiprime module ,which is a Generalization of Quasi-Prime A-module,whenever annAN is a prime ideal for proper submodule N of B,then B is Quasi-prime module .A comprchensive study of these modules is given,and we study the Relationship between quasi-semiprime module and quasi-prime .We put the codition coprime over cosemiprime ring for the two cocept quasi-prime module and quasi-semiprime module are equavelant.and the cocept of prime module and quasi
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