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المواطنة وعلاقتها بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Represents the individual's sense of responsibility in various forms, important for personal normal traits, whether the responsibility towards the family, or the institution in which it operates, or about colleagues and friends and neighbors and other people who mingle with them, or about society in general, or about humanity as a whole, though the hair everyone in the community of responsibility towards other people who are assigned to care for them and take care of them, and some noticeable work that people anywhere if Have the social responsibility, and stressed in their actions to the general principles of such cooperation, sacrifice and altruism and love and helping others, and if it prevailed in such behaviors, it will be reflected on the nature of society and the degree of stability, but if there was the contrary, this society, will suffer from the sharp deterioration of the divisions in the community structure, and that it was up as well as to what is going through this community of force majeure, both politically and economically and which affects the social offender where and Kdaany Iraqi society from multiple problems, led to the lack of political and social stability, and therefore, the loss of a sense of belonging to the homeland and social integration with the community leads to the direction of the individual to the narrow tribal loyalties, tribal, sectarian and nationalist  ( al-Jubouri, 2009:55 )

Thus, the verification of the above case is a problem that tries to look her studies by identifying the relationship between citizenship and social responsibility among university students

Research Goals aims to identify research:

1- citizenship among university students

2- social responsibility among university students

3- relationship between citizenship and social responsibility among university students

In order to achieve the goals of current research, the researcher building Standart citizenship and social responsibility in accordance with the view adopted in this research has citizenship measure be 30 paragraph Lama social responsibility scale may be a 35-paragraph has been checked reliability and validity of scales and then it has been applied to a sample search (400) students have reached the current search:

1-The research sample have a sense of belonging and ensuring the country succumbed to the circumstances faced by the country.

2- that Aebenh current research have high sense of social responsibility.

3-azart results that there is a link between citizenship and social responsibility as it can be explained by a sense of belonging, which is a key indication for citizenship as well as the sense of duty towards society

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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This research sought to detect the level of organizational culture prevailing in the Integrity Commission as well as the level of the organizational citizenship behavior of staff of the Commission and the impact of organizational culture in these behaviors. To achieve the objectives of the research and test the validity of hypotheses have been used questionnaire derived from measurements ready modern researchers foreigners have been adapted to suit the Iraqi environment, have been distributed  (189) questionnaire on the number of employees from the Integrity Commission, which represented the research sample where the research community has a number is (1365) employees in the Baghdad was the use of a number of statistical met

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Corporate Social Responsibility
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The social corporate responsibility give guidance principles to any Corporation in the world to take an effective rule in community by running their adhering in their business the principles of Transparency and fairness to the society and by Protecting the environment. Thus we can say that the Scope of the Social Corporate responsibility is: First deliver its services and sell its products in responsible manner, second: taking positive rule in enhancing the economic condition of its local community, i.e. where it operate its own businesses, Third: Taking effective rule in protecting the environment by not operating its own business in manner that might has negative implications on the environment.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
المجلة العربية للعلوم التربوية والنفسية
الصحة النفسية وعلاقتها بتقدير الذات لدى عينة من أطفال الشوارع في مدينة بغداد
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هدف البحث إلى الکشف عن العلاقة بين الصحة النفسية وتقدير الذات لدى أطفال الشوارع، تألفت عينة البحث من (50) طفلاَ وطفلة، وتم تطبيق مقياسا البحث - مقياس الصحة النفسية ومقياس تقدير الذات وهما (من إعداد الباحثة)، وقد اسفرت نتائج البحث عن إن أطفال الشوارع اظهروا مستوى منخفض في الصحة النفسية وکذلک الحال بالنسبة لتقدير الذات، فضلاً عن وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة دالة إحصائيا بين الصحة النفسية وتقدير الذات. وفي ضوء نتائج

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Self-confidence among the children of Riyadh (Before-during-after) Play and its relation to parental treatment methods
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The basis of the personality of each individual lies in the early years of his or her life. If the personality of the child has been well organized and if the motives have been fully expressed and effectively directed, the child will have a strong will, happy self-confidence and a strong personality. If there is a failure In the early years, the individual will be unable to meet his responsibilities in life and may be the victim of many psychological disorders. The family is a learning process through which children acquire the customs, traditions, attitudes and values ​​prevailing in their social environment. (Pre-and-after) play and its relationship to parenting methods of (democratic-bullying-overprotection- and neglect), which wi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ethical Behavior and its Relationship to Social Media Uses among Female Students at Preparatory Schools in Baghdad
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The current study aims to assess the ethical behavior among female students who are using a social media network in addition to describe the variables of interest (social media use and ethical behavior) among participants, in which to find out the effects of social media on the ethical behavior of high school female students. A quantitative approach was adopted to collect the relevant data for the study, six schools included in this study from the six directorates of education in Baghdad city. Subsequently, SPSS software was applied to analyze the relevant data of the study. To achieve the research objectives, a questionnaire was composed of three sections: Part I: deals with the student's demographic information. Part II: deals with inf

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Arab countries: "Kuwait as a Model"
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The principle of citizenship has international dimensions that affect the application of the principle, such as the structure of the international system, and the control of the concepts of globalization, international organizations which played an important role in the consolidation of this principle.

The problem of the study revolves around the effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Kuwait during the period 1991-2018.

The study used several indicators, such as: the rule of law, achieving the principle of separation of powers, the right to form parties, the application of the law of nationality, and racial discrimination, women's rights, and freedom of expression.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Effectiveness of Modern Media Techniques in Developing Good Citizenship Values among Students
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This research aims to identify the effectiveness of modern media technologies represented by satellite TV in the development of good citizenship values when students. To achieve this purpose were selected a sample of 44 students in the Department of Electrical technologies in Technical Institute in Nasiriyah in southern Technical University during the school year (2015-2016).
Was determined the general objectives of the use of modern media techniques represented satellite TV is to promote the values of good citizenship among the sample of students in order to make them good citizens in the community could contribute to the development and upgrading it. And put the general plan of research. Promising researchers measure of good citizen

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التكيف للحياة الجامعية وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية
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يواجه الكثير من الافراد مشكلات في التكيف، خاصة الطلبة الذين ينتقلون من المرحلة الدراسية الثانوية الى المرحلة الجامعية، حيث يرافق هذه البيئة الثقافية الاجتماعية العديد من الضغوط والمواقف التي تحتم على الطالب الوصول الى تكيف مثالي.

ان التعليم الجامعي يوفر مجالات عديدة للتخصص تعمل على تحقيق طموحات الشباب التي تناسب قدراتهم وميولهم واهتماماتهم، وهو بذلك يمثل نوعية من التعليم تختلف عن النم

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الرعاية الاجتماعية لمجهولي النسب دراسة ميدانية في احدى مؤسسات الرعاية الاجتماعية
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Considers births illegal for children (illegitimate) phenomenon of negative social phenomena in our society where it's dangerous and the superiority of gravity on other social phenomena Calanhrav, homelessness and other due to poor drainage energies and sexual dysfunction in the value system among its actors and is characterized by the absence of social conscience and a lack of morality and the weakness of the system human-reliance among others.

The morality is the obvious difference between humans and animals. Wade this to say social scientists, while human social animal they said no that he has morals and values ​​do not exist in other organisms so well that births

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2011
Journal Name
التربية نبض حي وفعل إنساني متجدد / المؤتمرالعلمي الثالث عشركلية التربية الأساسية / الجامعة المستنصرية
قلق الرياضيات لدى طلبة مرحلة التعليم الأساسي وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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