The research aims to evaluate the current book chemistry fourth grade scientific questions on the classification according to Gallagher And Aschner levels of its four reflexion A cognitive thinking, thinking Convergent , Divergent thinking and osteopathic thinking and evaluating those questions in terms of standards of honesty, inclusiveness and objectivity . The research sample included a book of chemistry for fourth grade scientific for the academic year (2016 - 2017), the same research community and the number of sub - prime questions amounted to (354) Question distributed to the chapters of the book adult (6) chapters, the researchers ends of chapters by classification questions by finding the relative weight of the areas of content The book and determine the relative weight of the classification Gallagher And Aschner And find The proportion of objective questions and essay for each chapter of the comic book in August and determine the inclusion of questions goals And content Find content and extent of sincerity through Compared to the expected schedule specifications questions schedule specifications observed, and in the light of Nita c researchers concluded that the rate of cognitive thinking (78,25%) and the proportion of Convergent thinking (21,75%) While we did not find any proportion of higher - level thinking (divergent and Osteopathic) , The percentage of essay questions (81,36%) and objective questions (18,64%) and the percentage of coverage Good as it was (95,67%) The value of the content sincerity coefficient was very weak, amounting to (0,411), and in light of the findings , the researchers recommended several research recommendations , including: the need to prepare questions from the ends of the chapters in the book according to the levels of classification Gallagher And Aschner Which digs higher levels of thinking in students taking into account the criteria of objectivity, comprehensiveness and honesty And researchers suggested several proposals , including: conducting studies of similar questions to the ends of the chapters of scientific books and other materials.
In this research we discussed the parameter estimation and variable selection in Tobit quantile regression model in present of multicollinearity problem. We used elastic net technique as an important technique for dealing with both multicollinearity and variable selection. Depending on the data we proposed Bayesian Tobit hierarchical model with four level prior distributions . We assumed both tuning parameter are random variable and estimated them with the other unknown parameter in the model .Simulation study was used for explain the efficiency of the proposed method and then we compared our approach with (Alhamzwi 2014 & standard QR) .The result illustrated that our approach
... Show MoreThe importance of teaching methods and procedures comes from the nature and significance of the questions raised inside the classroom. That is, because questions, in fact, are the means of communication and interaction in the class situation. Therefore they are considered as indispensible elements in any teaching approach. Furthermore, it is noticeable that the majority of teachers fail in using them, for questions are often casted spontaneously and without pre-planning. Hence, a delay may occur in realizing the pre-set objectives, and let alone the dominance of stereotyped questions, especially when the teachers focus on a type of question which can be directly answered from the text-book.
... Show MoreThe problem of slow learning in primary schools’ pupils is not a local or private one. It is also not related to a certain society other than others or has any relation to a particular culture, it is rather an international problem of global nature. It is one of the well-recognized issues in education field. Additionally, it is regarded as one of the old difficulties to which ancient people gave attention. It is discovered through the process of observing human behaviour and attempting to explain and predict it.
Through the work of the two researchers via frequent visits to primary schools that include special classes for slow learning pupils, in addition to the fact that one of the researcher has a child with slow learning issue, t
Aims current research to identify the mistakes coding contained in the reading first grade. Encoding knew that he had failed in Retrieval or identifying information, the researcher diagnosis of mistakes and presented to a group of teachers first grade and they have an appropriate adjustment and using the percentage shows that the agreement on the mistakes ratio and adjusted researcher recommended a set of proposals and recommendations can work out the future for the advancement of scientific level
Indexing manuscripts is one of the important technical operations carried out by the indexer because of the descriptive or bibliographic data it provides
عاش البيروني في القرن الرابع الهجري الذي كان يمثل مثاراً للصراعات السياسية والفكرية، ومن خلال هذه الأوضاع المتأزمة برز البيروني كعلم من اعلام هذا القرن، ومن أبرز مفكري الحضارة العربية الاسلامية فنجده كتب في الرياضيات
Indexing manuscripts is one of the important technical operations carried out by the indexer because of the descriptive or bibliographic data it provides.
مشكلة البحث والحاجة إليه.
من المشاكل الشائعة والمألوفة بين طلبتنا هي قلق الامتحان، ذلك القلق الذي يبقى طبيعيا مادام في مستواه الطبيعي وهو يختلف من طالب الى آخر في صور ظهوره المختلفة فقد يبدو واضح الأعراض لدى بعض الطلبة؛ فقد يؤثر على تذكرهم للمادة العلمية أو الإجابة على بعض الأسئلة أو يؤثر على تركيزهم وتشتت انتباههم وتفكيرهم والتوتر وسرعة الانفعال. (11: بلا)
... Show Moreريل لسادة الكيسياء َ جؼ البحث الى التعخؼ عمى أثخ استخاتيجية فجػة السعمػمات في التح َى جؼ البحث فقج صيغت الفخضية التي َ تػسط , والتحقق مغ ى ُ جى شلاب الرف الثاني الس َ ل جؼ البحث أعتسج الباحث َ تتعمق بالتحريل ولتحقيق ى ػعتيغ متداويتيغ ُ بي لسجس ِ ي السشيج التجخ ريل الجراسي , تكػنت عيشة البحث مغ َ ) شالب مغ شلاب ٗٛ( ذواتي اختبار بعجي لمتح -ٕٕٕٓالرف الثاني الستػسط في ( متػسصة الذييج خزيخ جاسع العارضي ) لمعاـ الجارسي (
... Show Moreيهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على اسناتيجية هرم الافضلية في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتةسط لمادة الكيمياء ولتحقيق هدف البحث تم اتباع الننهج شبه التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وتم تحديد مجتمع البحث بطلاب الصف الثاني في جميع المدارس المتوسطة والثانوية التابعة لمديرية تربية بابل قسم تربية المسيب