The aim of the present research is to measure the degree of strategic effectiveness (fahs) in the development of grammar skills of high school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to achieve the goal of the researcher the researcher used the semi-experimental approach; On ten arbitrators specializing in grammar, morphology, curricula and methods of teaching the Arabic language. After confirming the validity of the guideline, the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (22) paragraphs of the type of short answer and multiple choice. The researcher trained a teacher to apply the strategy to the experimental research sample using the (screening) component of (30) students, and the same parameter taught the control sample of (30) students using the units method prescribed in the textbook. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at (0α0.05) level between the mean scores of the experimental and control group in the post application of the achievement test in favor of the experimental group. The effect size of the reading skill was (0.398) and (0.264) for the analysis skill. Therefore, the researcher recommends the training of Arabic language teachers in using the strategy (fahs) when teaching grammar rules and experimenting with them in teaching the rules of rhetoric and spelling as well as experimenting with teaching the laws of mathematics and physics courses in all stages of education.
تعد الصهيونية المسيحية الداعم الابرز للسيادة الصهيونية اليهودية على القدس، ويستند هذا الموقف الذي تتخذه الصهيونية المسيحية الى مجموعة من المعتقدات التي يشكل الاعتقاد بالعودة الثانية للمسيح وتأسيسه لمملكة سعيدة تدوم لالف عام محورها، ليصبح الاهتمام بمستقبل الشعب اليهودي احد الاركان الاساسية لمعتقدات الاصوليون المسيحيون لاسيما الصهيونية المسحية، فالتفسير الحرفي للكتاب المقدس قادهم الى اعتقاد مفاده: ان عو
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investigation was carried out on twenty one slab specimens made of self compacting concrete, eighteen of them are retrofitted with CFRP sheets after burning and loading till failure while three of them (which represent control specimens) are retrofitted with CFRP sheet after loading till failure without burning. All slabs had been tested in a
The aim of this book is to present a method for solving high order ordinary differential equations with two point boundary condition of the different kind, we propose semi-analytic technique using two-point osculatory interpolation to construct polynomial solution. The original problem is concerned using two-points osculatory interpolation with the fit equal numbers of derivatives at the end points of an interval [0 , 1] . Also, we discussion the existence and uniqueness of solutions and many examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability, accuracy and efficiency of the methods by compared with conventional method .i.e. VIDM , Septic B-Spline , , NIM , HPM, Haar wavelets on one hand and to confirm the order convergence on the other
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The poetic necessity in evidence to explain Ibn Aqeel were not alike, came a statement from him as a necessity in some verses and the other came as abnormal, differentiating it from the language, but he never mentioned in some verses in which the need as a necessity,