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‬: COVID- القيادة الخدمية ورضا الزبون في ظل ازمة جائحة 19 تجريبي لقيادات المنظمات العامة في العراق بحث
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يهدف البحث الحالي الى التعرف إلى درجة تقدير عينة من المديرين في المنظمات العامة لمستوى تطبيق ولتحقيق ، (Covid- نمط القيادة الخدمية من وجهة نظرهم ، وعلاقتها بمؤشر رضا الزبائن في ظل جائحة ( 19 ذلك اتبعت الباحثة المنهج التجريبي بتطبيق استبانة ضمت محورين، الأول: لقياس مستوى القيادة االخدمية وفقا الذي يشمل ( 8) أبعاد هي ( التمكين , الدعم , ( D. Van Dierendonck and I. Nuijten , لمقياس ( 2011 المساءلة, الشجاعة, التسامح , الموثوقية , التواضع , الرعاية). )والمحور الثاني: لقياس مستوى رضا الزبون الذي يضم أربعة أبعاد هي (خدمة الزبون- رضا الزبون- أعداد وتنفيذ ( Askim , وفقاً إلى ( 2004:417 مخطط الخدمة – تجهيز الخدمة الفعلية) ويشمل على ( 12 ) فقرة, تم توزيع الاستبانة على ( 92 ) مستجيب من المديرين في المنظمات العامة تم اختيارهم عشوائياً ، وقد أظهرت النتائج أن درجة تقدير عينة البحث لمستوى تطبيقهم القيادة االخدمية كانت متوسطة عند وزن نسبي 73.05 %، وأن مستوى رضا الزبائن كان دون المتوسط عند وزن نسبي 61.33 %، أيضاً إن نمط القيادة الخدمية كان له تأثير كبير على مؤشر رضا الزبون. ووجود علاقة طردية بين درجة تقدير أفراد العينة لمستوى القيادة الخدمية ، ودرجة تقديرهم لمستوى رضا الزبائن ، أذ بلغ معامل الارتباط 0.468 ، وأنه توجد فروق بين متوسطي درجات تقدير أفراد العينة لمستوى القيادة الخادمة تعزى إلى متغير (النوع) بينما لاتوجد فروق دالة في مستوى رضا الزبائن بين الإناث والذكور، وأوصت الدراسة بضرورة أن تتضمن اولويات أجندة الأعمال العامة التركيز على متطلبات التوعية باهمية التزام مدراء المنظمات العامة بخصائص القيادة الخادمة لضمان تحقيق مؤشر ( رضا الزبون ) عالي .

Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
المجلة العربية للبحوث الادبية والانسانية
Service Leadership and Customer Satisfaction Under COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis : An Empirical Research for Leaders of Public Organizations in Iraq
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The current research aims to identify the degree to which a sample of managers in public organizations appreciated the level of application of the service leadership style from their point of view, and its relationship to the customer satisfaction index in light of the (Covid-19) pandemic, to achieve this, the researcher followed the experimental approach by applying a questionnaire that included two axes, The first: to measure the level of service leadership according to the scale (D. Van Dierendonck and I. Nuijten, 2011), which includes (8) dimensions (empowerment, stand back, accountability, courage, forgiveness, Authenticity, humility, stewardship). The second axis: to measure the level of customer satisfaction according to (Askim, 2004

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Assessment of People with Intellectual Disabilities Practicing of Physical Activities and Its Challenges under Corona Pandemic (Covid-19) from Their Families' Point of View
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This research aims to assess the practice of physical activities by people with intellectual disabilities and its challenges during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from their families' point of view. The research sample consisted of (87) individuals from families with intellectual disabilities in the Makkah region. The sample was selected by the simple random method where the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. A questionnaire of (32) items was used as the research tool to collect data. The findings of the study showed that the assessment level of practicing physical activities by people with intellectual disabilities was low. The public facilities dimension ranked first with a moder

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
المصادر التنظيمية للاحتراق ومحددات أداء العمل في ظل جائحة COVID -19 دراسة ميدانية لعينة من العاملين في هيئات الحماية الإجتماعية
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The problem of job burnout has become one of the main problems for researchers in social welfare organizations (social protection bodies) - one of the formations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Its negative effects increased in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in light of the Corona pandemic, the pressures and burdens of workers varied, which resulted in high rates of anxiety, tension, and intellectual and physical exhaustion, and then negatively affected their efficiency in performing work at the individual and organizational level, especially after the increasing tasks of these Bodies in carrying out their role in achieving the general goals and objectives as being The general goals are that they are responsible for provid

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
Organizational Sources of Burnout and determinants of work Performance in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic: a field study of a Sample of Workers in Social Protection Agencies in Iraq)
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The problem of job burnout has become one of the main problems for researchers in social welfare organizations (social protection bodies) - one of the formations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Its negative effects increased in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in light of the Corona pandemic, the pressures and burdens of workers varied, which resulted in high rates of anxiety, tension, and intellectual and physical exhaustion, and then negatively affected their efficiency in performing work at the individual and organizational level, especially after the increasing tasks of these Bodies in carrying out their role in achieving the general goals and objectives as beingThe general goals are that they are responsible for providi

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance Auditing Of Hotels Sector Under (Covid-19) And It’s Reflection On The Outcome Of Activity
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              The hotel sector is one of the most vital sectors exposed to risks, and the authorities concerned with control must take their active and influential role in putting the hotel sector on the right track and compatible with the internationally approved approaches, and the importance of auditing the performance of the hotel sector in light of the (Covid-19) pandemic is embodied in the fact that it gives a clear and realistic picture to the management and regulatory bodies about the performance and activities of this sector and the shortcomings and deviations that must be addressed, and also helps government decision makers to ob

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of the Corona Pandemic (covid-19) on the Quality of the Auditor’s Reporting by Application to Iraqi Economic Units
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     The research aims to shed light on the Corona pandemic and its repercussions on the global economy in general, and on the activities of Iraqi economic units in particular. It also aims to show the impact of the auditor’s reporting on the effects of the Corona pandemic on economic units and its reflection on the quality of his reporting. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire according to the five-point Likert scale and took into account in its preparation compatibility with the characteristics of the study community, and that the target community for this questionnaire are the economic units listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange that have complet

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Imam Jaafar Al-sadiq University Journal Of Human And Social Sciences
قياس فجوة تطبيق ابعاد القيادة الملهمة في المنظمات العامة بحث تحليلي في المديريات العامة لمقـــــــــــــــــــــــــــر وزارة التربية العراقية
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يهدف البحث الى قياس مدى التطبيق والتبني للقيادة الملهمة في المنظمات العامة، وقد اشتقت مشكلة البحث النظرية من وجود فجوة معرفية وذلك لقلة الدراسات والبحوث التي تناولت متغير البحث بأبعاده (الرؤية المستقبلية، الثقة بالنفس، تمكين العاملين، ادارة التغيير)، واعتمد البحث المنهج التحليلي عن طريق استعمال الاستبانة في المنظمة التي تم اختيارها وذلك لكونها تعد من المنظمات الاساسية في تقديم الخدمات التعليمية المهمة في

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the performance of the stock market in light of inflation : empirical research in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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                The aim of this research to try to determine the type of expected relationship between inflation as the explanatory variable and market performance as a dependent variable, for that used data issued and published by the Central Bank of Iraq and the Iraqi Stock Exchange for a sample consisting of (159) observations using the intentional or intentional sampling method for the period extending between the months (January 2010 to March 2023), in the light of each of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Iraqi Stock Exchange Index, the number of traded shares and the number of market capital shares to ex

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of the E-Leadership Practice at Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University of the Corona Pandemic
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The study aimed to identify the E-leadership practice at Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University and to explore the obstacles that are facing the leaders in the implementation of E-leadership, in addition to find mechanisms to improve the practice of electronic driving at the university in light of the Corona pandemic. A descriptive analytical approach was used by depending on a questionnaire to collect the needed data. The study sample consisted of (139) heads of departments, attorneys' colleges and support Deanships universities. The study results showed that E-leadership employment recorded a medium to high degree. Especially at university, that publishing decisions electronically and uses technical means in providing its services.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Panic Attacks Over COVID 19 : A Survey Study on An Iraqi University Sample
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The present paper attempts to detect the level of (COVID-19) pandemic panic attacks among university students, according to gender and stage variables.

To achieve this objective, the present paper adopts the scale set up by (Fathallah et al., 2021), which has been applied electronically to a previous cross-cultural sample consisting of (2285) participants from Arab countries, including Iraq. The scale includes, in its final form, (69) optional items distributed on (6) dimensions:  physical symptoms (13) items, psychological and emotional symptoms (12) items, cognitive and mental symptoms (11) items, social symptoms (8) items, general symptoms (13) items and daily living practices (12) items

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