This research deals with the responsibility of the President of the House of Representatives in the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 and comparative constitutions as it considered the leader of the legislative authority. Therefore we research the types of this responsibility, explain the boundaries in exercised it, so in relation to the dismissal or impeachment or disciplinary responsibility, whether to identify the reasons of responsibility or its competence authority to impose, and procedures should be followed.
It guarantees the political rights of individuals to participate in public affairs and political life, but these rights require their protection by the existence of guarantees that guarantee the protection of these rights and ensure that they are actually exercised by individuals. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 We dealt with the type of protection granted to these rights, as well as the statement of the types of political rights and the position of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 towards them.
Our research (applications of the popular referendum in the Constitution of Iraq 2005) speaks of the popular referendum, which is one of the most important means of expressing the will of the people directly, so as to ensure the participation of the act in the political decision-making in the state. Among us the most important referees working referendum in terms of definition and types and what A popular method is useful in direct political action and also dealt with the provisions of the referendum in the iraqi Constitution of the year2005.
The Topics of Granting Confidence to the Ministry is a Renewed Issue in the Constitutional and Practical Reality. This is important if we know that although the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq does not address this issue, the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq has established new provisions regarding the granting of partial confidence to the Government despite the clarity and openness of the text of the article (76) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, and therefore this study attempts to answer the following questions: Does the Federal Supreme Court have the amendment of the constitutional text? Is it possible to consider the decision of the Federal Court a customary constitutional custom of deletion if we know
... Show MoreDespite the differences of corruption from one place to another in the forms and the size of its spread and its impact on various aspects of life, is one of the most important causes of internal and external vulnerability of countries. Corruption in the jewel case Taatari disintegration of society as a result of loss of sovereignty core values, and the lack of respect for the law, and not to consecrate the concept of citizenship, and the absence of human rights and respect for the culture of the natural and spontaneous.  
... Show MoreThe Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 dealt with the policy of national security as an exclusive competence of the federal authorities, and the policy of national security as one of the forms of general policies that the constitution enclosed in privacy when it was stipulated in particular, and this policy also attracted the attention of comparative constitutional examples, as it stipulated the formation of specialized constitutional councils to undertake The process of developing and implementing this policy, or forming specialized institutions for this matter, and according to the national security policy, the unity of policies in the state is ensured and directed towards achieving the requirements of Iraqi nationa
... Show Moreأصدرت المحكمة الاتحادية العليا قرارها المرقم 54/اتحادية/2017 الصادر في 21/5/2017 الذي جاء فيه (تجد المحكمة الاتحادية العليا أنَّ تطبيق احكام المادة (126) من الدستور عند تقديم مقترح بتعديل مادة أو أكثر من مواد الدستور لا يكون إلا بعد البت في التعديلات التي اوصت بها اللجنة المنصوص عليها في الفقرة (اولاً) من المادة (142) ووفق الإجراءات المرسومة بهذه المادة)[i].
ولقد استندت المحكمة الاتحادية
... Show Moreأصدرت المحكمة الاتحادية العليا قرارها المرقم 90/اتحادية/2019 الصادر في 28/4/2021 الذي جاء فيه (لابد للمحكمة الاتحادية العليا من العدول عن قراراتها السابقة بخصوص استحصال موافقة مجلس النواب بشكل مطلق عن أي جريمة يتهم بها أياً من أعضاء مجلس النواب واقتصار ذلك بحالة واحدة فقط وهي (عدم جواز تنفيذ مذكرة القبض الصادرة عن جريمة جناية غير مشهودة متهم بها عضو مجلس النواب خلال مدة الفصل التشريعي او خارجه الا بعد استحصال الاذن
... Show MoreOne of the constituents of the autonomy of constituent units of the federal State is the existence of an independent legal existence and the right to self-organization, ie, the ability to organize itself freely and at its own volition, without being imposed by the federal authorities. It is the federal states or regions that establish their own constitutions as well as their domestic laws, political system and government regulations, in a manner not inconsistent with the federal constitution. Such an idea and its application in Iraq was the subject of our study entitled "Organic Independence of the Federal Regions in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005".
Constitutions, no matter how divided and separated in the constitutional rules, the perception that there is a constitutional deficiency here or there in constitutional matters is inevitable, so the constituent authority cannot claim infallibility or negligence and is fortified in the circle of legislative deficiency. Treated by modification and judicial interpretation.
تعتبر ظاهرة الفساد بصورة عامة ظاهرة عالمية واسعة الانتشار، توجد فى
كافة المجتمعات النامية منها والمتقدمة بدرجات متفاوتة، ذلك أن الفساد قد أضحى
ظاهرة لا يكاد يخلو منها مجتمع. وظاهرة الفساد بالإضافة إلى كونها ظاهرة
عابرة للحدود، فهى ظاهرة ذات جذور عميقة وتأخذ أبعاداً واسعة تتداخل معها
وترتبط بها عدة مفاهيم وعوامل يصعب التمييز بينها، وتختلف كذلك درجة
توافرها وشموليتها من مجتمع إلى آخر.
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