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Using the Critical Path Method to Find Time of Constriction for Helicopters Airport Project in the Oil Fields
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This research is considered one of the important researches in Maysan Governorate, as it focuses on the construction of helicopter airport project in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, where the oil general companies in Maysan Governorate suffer from the cost of transporting the foreign engineering experts and the governing equipment of sustaining oil industry from Iraq's international airports to oil fields and vice versa. Private international transport companies transport foreign engineering from the oil fields to Iraqi airports and vice versa, and other international security companies take action to provide protection for foreign engineering experts during transportation. Hence, this process is very costly.

     The objective of this research is to construct helicopters airport in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, which can be reduced the required time for the arrival of foreign engineering experts and required equipment to the oil fields of the company by using the Critical Path Method (CPM). This may assist finding the time and cost of completing the project and drawing charts the project in light of the existence of non-traditional relationships between some activities in the project network, depending on the computer engineering software such as Primavera V6. 478 days were required to complete the project. Finally, a number of conclusions and recommendations are drawn up, and a number of future studies are suggested.

Paper type: Research Paper

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Gulf Economist
The Bayesian Estimation in Competing Risks Analysis for Discrete Survival Data under Dynamic Methodology with Application to Dialysis Patients in Basra/ Iraq
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Survival analysis is one of the types of data analysis that describes the time period until the occurrence of an event of interest such as death or other events of importance in determining what will happen to the phenomenon studied. There may be more than one endpoint for the event, in which case it is called Competing risks. The purpose of this research is to apply the dynamic approach in the analysis of discrete survival time in order to estimate the effect of covariates over time, as well as modeling the nonlinear relationship between the covariates and the discrete hazard function through the use of the multinomial logistic model and the multivariate Cox model. For the purpose of conducting the estimation process for both the discrete

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition in the Seed and flower oil of Syrian Ligustrun Lucidum and olive oil
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The fatty acid composition in the seed and flower of Ligustrun lucidum and olive oil was studied by Gas Chromatography. Results showed that the main components of seed oil were Palmitic (C16:0) 5,893% ,Palmitolic acid (C16:1)0,398%, Steaeic (C18:0)2,911% ,Oleic (C18:1)74,984%,Linoleic (C18:2) 12,959%,and Linolenic (C18:3) 0,997%. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acid was above 89,338%, so the seed oil of L. lucidum ait belonged to unsaturated oil which possessed promising application. The components of flower oil were Palmitic (C16:0) 65,674% ,Palmitolic acid (C16:1)6,516%, Steaeic (C18:0)2,641% ,Oleic (C18:1)14,707%,Linoleic (C18:2) 3,113%,and Linolenic (C18:3) 2,70%. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acid and saturated fatty acid wa

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Lawyers’ Use of the Website of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Gratifications Obtained from It Drawn Research Submitted for the Study of the Higher Professional Diploma
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The field study of this paper focused on the motives for lawyers to use the website
of the Supreme Judicial Council, and the gratifications achieved as a result of its use.
This study sought to achieve a number of goals, including:
1. Monitoring the patterns of lawyers’ use of the website of the Supreme Judicial Council.
2. Determining the forms that lawyers use to interact on the website of the Supreme
Judicial Council.
This study is a descriptive in kind as the researcher relied on the ‘survey method’ in
its study of the external audience (lawyers) using the questionnaire and scale toolThe questionnaire was distributed among a deliberately chosen sample, consisting of
(160) lawyers who used the website of

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application of “LIML_LVR” method practically according to the general formula K-CLASS on suggestion simultaneous equation
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في هذا البحث نحاول تسليط الضوء على إحدى طرائق تقدير المعلمات الهيكلية لنماذج المعادلات الآنية الخطية والتي تزودنا بتقديرات متسقة تختلف أحيانا عن تلك التي نحصل عليها من أساليب الطرائق التقليدية الأخرى وفق الصيغة العامة لمقدرات K-CLASS. وهذه الطريقة تعرف بطريقة الإمكان الأعظم محدودة المعلومات "LIML" أو طريقة نسبة التباين الصغرى"LVR

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
An Experimental Study to Demonstrate the Effect of Alumina Nanoparticles and Synthetic Fibers on Oil Well Cement Class G
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    In the drilling and production operations, the effectiveness of cementing jobs is crucial for efficient progress. The compressive strength of oil well cement is a key characteristic that reflects its ability to withstand forceful conditions over time. This study evaluates and improves the compressive strength and thickening time of Iraqi oil well cement class G from Babylon cement factory using two types of additives (Nano Alumina and Synthetic Fiber) to comply with the American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. The additives were used in different proportions, and a set of samples was prepared under different conditions. Compressive strength and thickening time measurements were taken under different conditions. The amoun

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of two indicators of market value-added and return on capital invested in measuring the performance of the Iraqi banking sector
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For a long time, the intensification of profit represented a major goal for the company management ,but this goal confirmed a series of restrictions such the constriction on short period, the time rather than on long and medium strategic goal, the relationships with customers ,the supplies, employees , This goal is replaced by another one (intensification of the company's value) ,and the fortune of the share holders itself ,for the purpose  of creating value, the company must generate  great outcomes to cover the operating expense and to insure the a suitable compensation to the invested capital (the market value added) is  the indication used to estimate the company ability to create value –added the development

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Optimizing Water Injection Performance by Using Sector Modeling of the Mishrif Formation in West Qurna-1 Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The regular job of a reservoir engineer is to put a development plan to increase hydrocarbon production as possible and within economic and technical considerations. The development strategy for the giant reservoir is a complex and challenging task through the decision-making analysis process. Due to the limited surface water treatment facility, the reservoir management team focuses on minimizing water cut as low as possible by check the flow of formation and injected water movement through the Mishrif reservoir. In this research, a representative sector was used to make the review of water injection configuration, which is considered an efficient tool to make study in a particular area of the entire field when compared with the ful

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Evaluation water quality of Diyala River in Iraq using Bhargava method
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Diyala River is a tributary of Tigris River, it is one of the important rivers in Iraq. It covers a total distance of 445 km (275 miles). 32600 km2is the area that drains by Diyala River between Iraqi-Iranian borders. This research aims to evaluate the water quality index WQI of Diyala River, where three stations were chosen along the river. These stations are D12 at Jalawlaa City at the beginning of Diyala River, the second station is D15 at Baaquba City at the mid distance of the river, and the third station is D17 which is the last station before the confluence of Diyala River with Tigris River at Baghdad city. Bhargava method was used in order to evaluate the water quality index for both irrigation and drink

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Scopus (8)
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between Nelson-Olson Method and Two-Stage Limited Dependent Variables (2SLDV ) Method for the Estimation of a Simultaneous Equations System (Tobit Model)
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This study relates to  the estimation of  a simultaneous equations system for the Tobit model where the dependent variables  ( )  are limited, and this will affect the method to choose the good estimator. So, we will use new estimations methods  different from the classical methods, which if used in such a case, will produce biased and inconsistent estimators which is (Nelson-Olson) method  and  Two- Stage limited dependent variables(2SLDV) method  to get of estimators that hold characteristics the good estimator .

That is , parameters will be estim

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