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Analytical Study Compared Between Poisson and Poisson Hierarchical Model and Applied in Healthy Field
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Through this research, We have tried to evaluate the health programs and their effectiveness in improving the health situation through a study of the health institutions reality in Baghdad to identify the main reasons that affect the increase in maternal mortality by using two regression models, "Poisson's Regression Model" and "Hierarchical Poisson's Regression Model". And the study of that indicator (deaths) was through a comparison between the estimation methods of the used models. The "Maximum Likelihood" method was used to estimate the "Poisson's Regression Model"; whereas the "Full Maximum Likelihood" method were used for the "Hierarchical Poisson's Regression Model".  

 The comparison was made through the use of simulation technique, various sample sizes (n= 30, 60, 120) and various frequencies (r= 1000, 5000) for the experiments, The comparison between the estimation methods was built on "Mean Square Errors" method and then to choose the model which most represents the data best. A conclusion was reached, that the "Hierarchical Poissons's Regression Model" - which was estimated by "Full Maximum Likelihood" method with a sample size of (30) – is the most excellent model for representing maternal mortalities data.

  Then this was applied on the real data were obtained from Ministry Of Health. Maternal mortalities were recorded over five years quarterly, Three health institutes in Baghdad were chosen. 


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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
tourism planning and its impact in reducing the unemployment rate in Iraq for the period (1985 – 2015) An analytical study
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     The problem of the study is the main question (Can tourism planning address the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq ?) , And the importance of the study in the fact that the tourism sector can become an effective development alternative in many countries, especially Iraq, as tourism contributes to diversify sources of income and stimulate other economic sectors , We know how important Iraq's qualifications are in the field of tourism and what it can generate on the public treasury, To confirm the current study on the need to pay attention to tourism planning for its role in providing employment opportunities that reduce the unemployment rate in the future.


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compared Methods of Generating Both Gamma Distribution and Beta Distribution
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Beta Distribution


             Gamma and Beta Distributions has very important in practice in various areas of statistical and applications reliability and quality control of production. and There are a number of methods to generate data behave on according to these distribution. and These methods bassic primarily on the shape parameters of each distribution and the relationship between these distributions and their relationship with some other probability distributions.    &nb

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Contemporary Challenges for Cloud Computing Data Governance in Information Centers: An analytical study
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Purpose – The Cloud computing (CC) and its services have enabled the information centers of organizations to adapt their informatic and technological infrastructure and making it more appropriate to develop flexible information systems in the light of responding to the informational and knowledge needs of their users. In this context, cloud-data governance has become more complex and dynamic, requiring an in-depth understanding of the data management strategy at these centers in terms of: organizational structure and regulations, people, technology, process, roles and responsibilities. Therefore, our paper discusses these dimensions as challenges that facing information centers in according to their data governance and the impa

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
Characteristics Of The Place In Contemporary Iraqi Television Drama Serial Iraqi love And Peace Model ( Analytical Study )
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Filled the place thought philosophers and ancient is the identity that you know The value of belonging to a World Geography existential - the spiritual , and Which is characterized by the structure humanity from one another and the Rest of the organisms they interact with him alone by environmental Conditions - surrounding has to achieve time through continuous movement Localized or comprehensive . The place is exemplified by making special Natural Great Creator, I believe making structure humanity combined - Individual interactive because of its influential role in all daily consumer Productions and creative arts, specifically drama's TV , because the place in Aesthetic discourse - TV drama directly affect the creating and building the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings
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The current rasearch which is entitled " The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings – A Comparative Analytic study-" deals with the nature of change concept, its mechanisms and its constructive disciplines. The research has four chapters: The first chapter deals with the methodological Framework represented by the problem of the research which is concerned with the stylistic change and its role in activating formative disciplines.                                   The research aims at, finding out the stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian Paintings.&

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
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حوليات اداب عين شمس
Names of Day of Resurrection in the Hebrew translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran An analytical study Uri Rubin translation as a model
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The present study discusses the names of the Day of Resurrection in Uri Rubin’s translations of the Holy Qur’an. To identify the translation difficulties and complications and to find out the Hebrew equivalence, the study, through the application of a comparative analytical approach, aims at analyzing the linguistic structures of Day of Resurrection names cited in the Holy Qur’an. Heavenly religions are rich with distinct and unique terms that distinguish and reflect their specificity of other religions; something requires a great accuracy in the translation of such terminology. By investigating selected examples of the names of the Day of Resurrection in Arabic and Hebrew, the present study sheds light on the morphological and semant

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Crisis: Forms- Indicators- Models- and Financial Contagion Theoretical - Analytical Study of Asian Crisis
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اسهم تطور ادوات الاسواق المالية والتغيرات العالمية كالعولمة المالية وتحرير الاسواق المالية العالمية في احداث العديد من الازمات ومنها الازمة المالية الدولية التي تعد من اكثر الظواهر ملازمة للاسواق المالية على الرغم من التطورات التي تشهدها تلك الاسواق نتيجة تطور ادواتها المالية وانفتاحها على بعضها البعض. وتتعرض الاسواق المالية الدولية والناشئة  (Emerging Market) منها بشكل خاص ا

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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In this paper, some commonly used hierarchical cluster techniques have been compared. A comparison was made between the agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique and the k-means technique, which includes the k-mean technique, the variant K-means technique, and the bisecting K-means, although the hierarchical cluster technique is considered to be one of the best clustering methods. It has a limited usage due to the time complexity. The results, which are calculated based on the analysis of the characteristics of the cluster algorithms and the nature of the data, showed that the bisecting K-means technique is the best compared to the rest of the other methods used.

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Structural Imbalances and their impact on Sectoral Growth and Employment in Iraqi Economy for the period 2003-2015: Analytical study.
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     The objective of this study, is to attempt to explain the reality of the Structural Imbalances in the Iraqi Economy during the period of research, by providing a quantitative analysis of the most important types of Imbalances, Which are represented by the disruption in the Productive Structure, the imbalance of the structure of Public Budget, and the imbalance of the Structure of Trade. The problem of the research, is the fact that the economy structure in Iraq has long suffered from an Imbalances in its economic structure, which are represented in the unequal relations between its constituent elements, according to the proportions levels defined by the economic theory.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Catalysts for money laundering and control by the banks / analytical study in the province of Arbil measures
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Receive money laundering phenomenon of interest to researchers and scholars on different intellectual orientation of economic or political or other, as this process is gaining paramount importance in light of business and increase the number of banks in the province of Kurdistan of Iraq and Erbil in particular and in the presence of openness developments chaotic economic and there are no factors encourage money laundering operation because of the presence of the hidden economy and the weakness of the banking and legal measures to combat them, and on this basis there is a need to examine money laundering operation in the province of Arbil, to indicate the presence or absence of a money laundering operation in working in the provin

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